Shooting Star/Stevie

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- He hypes up the Glamrocks before every show, and they often joke that he's their cheerleader. Steve actually loved this idea, and got Pat to get them PomPoms that they break out before every show. The others always start laughing immediately because Stevie oftentimes has no idea what they're doing, but he's just haooy they're going on stage in good spirits.

- Pat once asked him to guess how old she was. Steve is terrible at guessing age though, and just made Pat very sad though because Steve guessed way far off.

- Stevie is actually quite strong and very heavy due to being made of titanium. Any time Pat needed to do repairs on them last minute, two of the other animatronics will need to help carry him to the repair room.

- They actually ran away once around the time Bryan snapped at him. He ended up visiting Dylan and hid at Candy's for a few days until Bryan found him and forced him to come back.

- When Stevie apologized to Chica, he almost broke down mid-way through the apology because he saw that he even dented around Chica's neck, and he realized how badly they could have actually hurt her.

- He tried everything to be like Bryan and to make Bryan to the point they started mimicking Bryan's mannerisms that they hadn't already picked up like small stims and hand movements and even his tone at times.

- They watch Steven Universe and Star vs The Forces of Evil on Pat's Hulu account on her laptop.

- Right before Stevie ran away to the park to save Bryan in S3, Stevie and Bryan had a talk when Stevie was charging at one point. Bryan ended up telling Stevie that it was okay for Stevie let him stay dead because Bryan was scared of how he'd even come back and whether he even wanted to. Stevie ended up telling them they needed to keep trying but Bryan again just told them it's okay, and he'd finally come to terms with what happened to him. Stevie couldn't let the permanent death of Bryan be on his mind though, which was what pushed him to keep trying again.

- He has big imposter syndrome.

- As punishment in S3 for accidentally scratching Pat in breach mode, Pat had Stevie help her clean up after one of the bigger parties that day after. This wasn't an actual punishment, and Pat and the Glamrocks tried to treat it as light-hearted as possible as this was mainly only given to Stevie as a way to help show them that Pat wasn't actually upset at him and to help Steve stop feeling like he owed Pat anything after he apologized. 

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