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ON THE SAME NIGHT Billy and Stu are sitting in a car right outside Adeline's house. She doesn't seem to notice a thing. She is too distracted by Randy on the phone. He was sent to hospital immediately and is now being watched for a few days. He barely survived. It was a real miracle that the bullet only went through his shoulder and not his heart. If only she saw the two creeps spying on her right now.

"Let's get her, Billy!" But he is being stopped by Billy, who pulls him by his arm. "No. We will wait till she's asleep, Stu. She'll be too weak to try to run away then."

"Fine. And then, what?"

But Billy says nothing back. He just smirks right at her window. Stu knows exactly what he means. It's time that they finally get they're hands on her.

After a good two hours passing by, Stu had fallen asleep. He's being woken up, when Billy punched him in the stomach.

"Wake up, Dipshit! It's time!" Stu let's out a big yawn. Billy reached into his jacket and takes out a tiny bottle. "What is that?" Stu asks him. "Chloroform" His eyes widen. "What? Calm down Stu. Do you want her to kick you in the nuts or something? Stu doesn't get to answer, when Billy leaves the vehicle.

He takes a look at Billy's face. "No masks?" He scoffs. "What would be the point? She knows it's us, Stu. Now come on! And be quiet!" Billy can't help but let out a laugh, when he realizes that Adeline forgot to close her door properly again. Just like last time. "She really needs to be more careful." He opens the door as quiet as he can. Both Boys walk inside and make their way up the stairs to her room.

Adeline's bedroom door is wide open and Billy and Stu get inside, as quiet as possible. Stu's eyes travel her body up and down. A smirk escaped his lips. "Just look at her. So peaceful."

Billy moves closer to her right side of the bed,
he can't help but admire her beauty. a few strands of her silky hair covers her face. Stu, as Stupid as he is tries to sit down next to her and of course it happens. Her eyes flutter open and she is about to scream when she sees who's inside her room. But Billy is fast enough and slams his hand over her mouth. He grins right into her pretty little eyes.

"Hello, Sweetheart" Her eyes are full of terror and angst. She moves her eyes to Stu's for a second, who grins at her, as he waves.

"we've missed our little doll." She struggles to get out words and it's even more scared when she sees that Billy has a little Bottle with liquid in his other hand now. "Stu, grab her arms!" Stu comes over and holds her arms very tight now and Billy pours a little bit of the liquid onto a cloth. He moves his hand off her mouth and slams the cloth onto it instead. She tries to move up and kick him off but after a few seconds, she feels herself loosing sight and starts getting weak.

She stops trying to get out of Stu's grip but manages to mumble a few words out before she loses her vision completely. Stu let's go of her arms and starts stroking her cheek softly. "Shhh" he whispers into her ear and after a few more seconds her head falls to the left side of the bed. completely unconscious. Billy removes the cloth, puts it in his jacket and turns to Stu. "Go wait in the car. I'll be right there with her." Stu nods and leaves the room. Billy takes one more look at Adeline, before he picks her up and throws her over his shoulders. "You won't get away now"

He puts her in the backseat and sits down next to her. Stu starts the car and then they drive off. Nobody noticed or heard anything.

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