Chapter 4

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Prachi was walking in the corridor when she bumped into Ranbir.
Ranbir: why aren't watching where you are going
Prachi: excuse me!
Ranbir: you are excused
Prachi: you bumped into me
Ranbir: no you bumped into me
Prachi: no you did
Ranbir: you were the one who was walking looking sideways
Prachi: well since you seem like you were so aware of your surroundings while didn't you move away when you saw that I was lost somewhere
Ranbir: well.....I- I
Prachi: exactly you saw me coming and decided to just walk along and made me bump into you while you could have moved away
Ranbir: what nonsense is this, you bumped into me and instead of twisting the story to make it seem as it is my fault you should be apologizing
Prachi: well I don't apologize, something I got from my father and in this situation you could have moved away but you didn't making it your fault
Prachi: YOU COULD HAVE MOVED AWAY dumbass ( she whispered the last part but he heard it  and she knew that he heard it)
Ranbir: what did you say
Prachi: you heard what I said then why bother asking
Then she walked away
Ranbir: so much arrogance
The rest of the day went by smooth with Ranbir complaining to Aryan about the arrogant girl who bumped into him but didn't apologize.
4 months went by pretty quick and Prachi was able to get a job as Vikram Kohli's secretary, Shahana and Twinkle at an event planning company while Rajveer a waiter at the same event planning company where Shahana and Twinkle work. Not the type of job he wanted but hey, he earns about a thousand rupees per hour, it's better than anything and he is soo close to buying an iphone 14, only 1 event to go and the phone is his while Aditya was a local musician. He was earning enough money for himself. Everything was just peaceful while Rhea, Shaurya were planning to destroy their lives and the relationship between Prachi and Ranbir is of enemies. Since Prachi works for Ranbir's father they have to see each other almost all the time at school and at work and Prachi has developed a good bond with the M. K°. L family even Kareena and Sherlyn like her. (Shocker I know). Disha feels a certain connection with Prachi along with Purab Abhi and the Mehra family.

Aurora House
The siblings/cousins were cooking together and let's say that the kitchen was a mess.
Prachi:this is all your fault Rajveer
Rajveer:my fault why are you people always blaming my innocent soul. All I have ever done to you guys is love you, support you and respect you but what do I get in return, being blamed for every wrong thing that happens in your life
Shahana: oh shut up, the only thing you've done is annoy the living shit out of us
Prachi: okay jokes aside, I just hope everything is smooth sailing but I do have one fear, Rhea and Shaurya. They have been awfully quiet
Aditya: I think they are planning something
Shahana: well let them, my life has been quite boring and I need a bit of drama, everything has just been smooth, too smooth
Prachi: anyways let's clean up
Aditya: how about we make it a challenge, boys Vs girls, whoever cleans up their side first will not do their duty for 3 good weeks
Rajveer: but it's not fair the girls are more
Prachi: I will be the judge, okay everyone get ready, one two three

It was a tough challenge but in the end the girls won
Twinkle: yay we Won as always
Aditya: I still think you girls cheated
Shahana: how
Rajveer: I don't know
Prachi: no one cheated everyone to sleep we have school and work tomorrow
Aditya: do you have to go to work, I mean tomorrow is your birthday
Prachi: fine I'll take a day off and tomorrow we won't go to school or work. We will spoil ourselves a bit tomorrow

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