Chapter 9

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The siblings spent the entire night narrating their lives to each other and Prachi told Rhea all about Pragya and even showed her a picture. Rhea was elated to know about her mom and wished if she could see her and Prachi promised her that very soon. This was the beginning of a very beautiful relationship between the siblings/cousins, now all that's left is Shaurya entering the circle.😏

It was at college when another fight broke between Shaurya and Rajveer. Shaurya was punching Rajveer because he thought that it was Rajveer who revealed the fact that Nidhi is not his real mom and that his actual mother left him. Rajveer who was too emotional didn't hit back, I mean come on, he just recently found out that Shaurya was his twin brother the police was called and the two boys got arrested. Rhea was only able to arrange bail papers for Shaurya. Luckily for the both of them, Kiara was in India , Mumbai for that matter. Rhea was excited to meet her older sister and also nervous at the same time. Kiara came the bail papers and Rajveer got out of jail.

While Shaurya was about to leave the police station,
Prachi: Shaurya, wait!
Shaurya: what
Prachi: don't you want to know
Shaurya: I wasn't sure if you still wanted to tell me after what I did to your darling brother.
Prachi: you're also my brother you know, the same way Raj is
Shaurya: What? how
Prachi: have you bothered to ask how I know about your mom, let's go to the park where the environment is more refreshing and with that Prachi and Shaurya left leaving a nervous Rhea with Kiara and Rajveer.
Kiara: so you must be the twin my excuse of a father took
Rhea: h....-hi
Kiara: sweetie there's no need  to be nervous around me, I'm your older sister, and I love you just as much as I love Prachi, now won't you give your sister a hug
That's all it took for Rhea to run into Kiara's arms, they had this emotional moment and Rajveer just stood there
Kiara: does the great Rajveer Aurora need a special invitation to join the hug, I haven't seen you in 4 months, 3 weeks now
Rajveer just chuckled and joined the hug.

Meanwhile with Prachi and Shaurya
Shaurya: why did she leave me
Prachi: because she was forced to
Shaurya: by who
Prachi: your loving family
Then Prachi narrated the exact incidents that happened
Shaurya: why why, didn't she try to contact me
Prachi: because she doesn't remember you
Shaurya: what do you mean
Prachi: she lost her memory while saving your twin brother, Rudraksh who you know as Rajveer
All Shaurya felt was regret.
Shaurya: so is that where dad went
Prachi: as a matter of fact yes and don't worry you'll see her soon
Shaurya just broke down and Prachi hugged him consoling him after all he was her little brother
Prachi: let me drop you at your house cause it seems like you're not in the mood to drive
Shaurya: can I crush in at your place
Prachi just smiled
Prachi: You don't have to ask
So along the way Prachi told Shaurya how exactly they were related and all their siblings/cousins. After they got home, they saw that Kiara was still there and the others were having a good fight with Kiara being the main leader
Prachi just sighed
Prachi: you do realize that we're on a tight budget and the person who is your leader is not stuck having to leave a middle class life for a year right
Shaurya just threw some flour at Prachi's face
Prachi: OH, IT'S ON
And that's how they literally spent an hour throwing food at each other and they ended up cleaning everything.
When they were cleaning up, Shaurya was avoiding Rajveer because of his guilt and everyone knew. After they were done, he made an excuse to go up to the roof top and Prachi nudged Rajveer to go after him
At the rooftop
Rajveer: avoiding me won't help you know
Shaurya: I wasn't sure if you still wanted to talk to me after all, I have been an ass ever since we met
Rajveer: well at least you know
Shaurya: do you want to know why I hated you so much
Rajveer: yeah?
Shaurya: it wasn't hate, it was envy, remember that day 2 months ago on Mother's day and you gave a lovely speech about how you had Like 4 mother figures and in your life and how you loved your birth mom sooo much
Rajveer: yeah?
Shaurya: I was jealous, I always thought that my mother didn't love me and there was you with four mother figures, who lived you to bits and pieces. Nidhi tried to be a good mother to me
Rajveer: as in tried you mean spoiling you and letting you get away with anything
Shaurya chuckled
Rajveer: I was also jealous of you
Shaurya: What? Why
Rajveer: just like you never had your mom, I never had my dad you know, always seeing how Mr Luthra showed you love along with his brothers made me a bit jealous, and now the fact that we share the same parents, it feels so weird
Shaurya: and amazing at the same time...........
There was a moment of silence
Shaurya: I'm sorry, I'm sorry for making your life hell these past months
Rajveer: hey, it's okay no hard feelings right
Shaurya: shall we start afresh
Rajveer: like you read my mind
Then they shared a bro hug and went downstairs
Rhea: I take it you two resolved your differences
Kiara: anyways guys, It was nice spending time with you but I have to go
Prachi: but it's so late at night
Kiara: another reason why I should go, the roads will be empty and I can drive as fast as I want you don't want mom to be worried about where I am do you
Twinkle: fine bye
Kiara gave everyone a short hug and left
Aditya: so what do we do now
Prachi: now we enjoy our lives and wait for uncle Karan to woo aunt Preeta😃 and for uncle Rishab to finally set things right
Shaurya: what do you mean
Prachi: Shaurya how long has your uncle been married
Shaurya: I don't know, like 20 years now
Prachi: now if he loved his wife why don't they have any children
Rhea: because he's not happy with aunt Sherlyn, even a blind person can see that
Prachi: and who do you think he's in love with
Aryan: aunt Alia obviously
Shahana: what are You doing here
Aryan: um the atmosphere at home wasn't very
Kunj: enjoyable
Ranbir: it was......YAH
Sunny: suffocating is the word and we looked for Rhea and Shaurya but they weren't there, then I knew she could only be one place
Prachi ran into Sunny's arms
Prachi: bhai
Sunny: PIKA!
Rhea: PIKA?
Rajveer: Prachi's nickname is Pikachu because of the way she is short and cute plus yellow was her favorite color when she was a child
Prachi: I still find the nickname ridiculous
Rhea: Sunny, bhai , care to explain how you know my twin sister
Sunny: well you see, remember that day aunt Alia was going on a business trip and I insisted on going with her and she eventually agreed
Aryan: yeah?
Sunny: yeah, her so called business trip was a get together with aunt Pragya, your mom
Rhea: aunt has been in contact with my mom and she never bothered to tell me
Sunny: chucks had made it clear to everyone that if someone made you meet Pragya then he would disown that person and aunt Alia afraid to loose the person who raised here whom she lived so dearly did nothing and thought it was best if chucks and aunt Pragya resolved their own problems together without any interference. And after that she made me swear not to tell anyone except my parents and ever since then we have been in contact
Aryan: how come I wasn't told
Sunny: those days you were too young to understand and you were..... Yeah a child, anyone could get any source of information out of you
Shahana: aww he was an idiot
Aryan: YOU
Shahana: don't you me, if you weren't an idiot then weren't you informed idiot
Aryan: you what Shahana I'm not not in the mood to argue with you
Ranbir and Prachi: may you guys please stop it
Then they stared at each other and everyone burst into laughter😂

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