Chapter 10

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The day he left off for Australia
Karan's POV
I always waited for you to come back to me but how could you return when you don't even remember you. Now all so have to do is make you remember me without hurting you but firstly I   have to convince your family to let me.
End of POV
After he landed in Australia, he set to go to Pragya's main office where he knew she would be there thanks to Prachi.
After he got there, he went to receptionist whose name was Alexa
Alexa: um sir can I help you
Karan: I would like meet Mrs Pragya Raisinghania, please
Alexa: do you have an appointment
Karan: no
Alexa: then I'm sorry sir, can't see Mrs Raisinghania
Karan: please just tell her that Mr Karan Luthra is here to see her, it's an emergency
Alexa: ok
Alexa called Pragya and told her that a man named Karan Luthra was here to see her and Pragya asked her to send Karan in and Karan was directed to the main office
As soon as he entered the office he saw everyone in except Preeta and he was even shocked to see Alia there
Alia: don't look at me like that we all have our secrets
Karan: you have some serious explaining to do missy
Alia: but bhai
Karan: don't but bhai me
Pragya: anyways why are you here
Karan: to reunite with what's MINE
Shriti: why now, why didn't you come for her all these years ago
Karan: I was told she was DEAD after she left me in rage blaming me for our son's supposed death, they told me that she was involved in accident and her body was burnt to pieces and the ashes were blown away by the wind
Sid: damn
Karan: they even showed me her fucking death certificate,
Vansh: well......
Karan: tell me Shriti how was I supposed to come back, though they made her seem bad, I also wanted to see her and clarify things with her so that we could be happy and for Shaurya to have his mother along his side
Roshni: so how did you find out she was alive
Karan: Prachi
The adults just sighed
Alia: that's my niece
Vansh: that's my daughter
Pragya: don't you dare say that's my niece, that's my daughter, you two spoiled her more than anyone, then Pragya started chasing Vansh and Alia
Alia: bhai save me from your hitler wife or she surely won't spare my life today
Vansh: Pragya, baby, sweetie my love instead of shouting at  us you should be thanking us for the woman Diamond is today
Alia: I mean can you imagine if you had raised her alone and if you hadn't met my lovely sweet brother, Prachi would have been just like you
Pragya: and what is wrong with that
Vansh: nothing is wrong but Prachi would have been too innocent, forgiving, and a bit too emotional
Pragya: so you mean to say I'm too emotional
Alia: no, the old you was
Vansh: yes
Pragya: you two are impossible
Over the years Alia developed a strong bond with Vansh. She found a second brother in him, Alia accepted the fact that Abhi and Pragya were never going to go back together and respected Pragya's choice. Even if she loved her brother, the way he treated Pragya wasn't fair. Anyways back to the office
Karan: Pragya di! This is not the time to be be chasing your husband and our sister, We should be rather discussing about how I can get my lover, my wife back
Shriti: I thought you were married to Nidhi
Karan: well it's not marriage when everything was fake and the vermilion was actually red chilli powder and the nuptial chain was actually a toy from those Indian  dolls now is it and the priest was Sameer
Shriti: now that's just cruelty, you made me the poor girl believe that she was married to you for for 20 years
Karan: desperate times called for desperate measures, I wasn't ready to marry anyone else yet
Just then Preeta walked into the room and Karan was at loss of words. After all  he last saw her 20 years ago and she looked better in modern clothing. It was an emotional moment and Preeta just looked at Karan. She felt as if she knew him but from where
Preeta: do I know you
Karan: as a matter of fact no but you will soon, my name is Karan Luthra
He extended his hand for a handshake and Preeta put her hand in his and Karan gently kissed it
Karan: nice to meet you Miss Preeta Aurora
Preeta felt as if she had heard his name name before. it felt too familiar and she also felt as if missing part in her life had returned. So while absent minded, she walked towards Karan and held his cheeks and started stroking his hair
Preeta: I know you from somewhere,I'm sure of that, I don't know why but I feel like you are an important piece in my life, I feel attracted to you but I just met you, I know you're from my past  so tell me the truth, who are you and how are you related to me
Karan just let the few tears from flowing in his eyes, he look at everyone who have him a nod of approval
Karan: I was or am your...........
Preeta: my what?
Karan: husband
Preeta: why did you come for me now
Karan: they told me you were dead
Preeta: they?
Karan: the people who are the reason behind your condition, the reason why you were never there for me and our .........
Shriti nodded NO, one bit if information at a time
Preeta: our.....
Karan: family, look I understand if you don't want to be with me, after all in these 20 years you could have found someone else after all you didn't know I existed
Preeta: well, lucky for you, I didn't and I'm willing to get  know my long lost husband once again on a new fresh page and hopefully get my memory back and who knows maybe fall in love again
Karan was happy things turned out to be easier than he imagined. So without thinking he hugged Preeta who awkwardly hugged back and Karan immediately pulled out of the hug thinking that she was a bit uncomfortable
Karan: I'm so sorry I didn't mean to rush things
Preeta just pulled him into another hug and said: it's okay, I actually liked the hug, something about it felt right and she snuggled more into him
Shriti and Alia: eww love, YUCK!
The two immediately pulled out of the hug
Karan: oh shut up Alia, you and I both know how madly you are in love with Rishab
Shriti: in love with who?
Pragya: and you didn't even tell us
Roshni: I feel so betrayed
Vansh, Rohit and Sid: you guys weren't told
Sonakshi: so wait let me get this straight you would rather tell your good for nothing brothers but not tell us
Sid, Vansh and Rohit dramatically gasped feeling offended
Rohit: well it's not our fault that we're her favourites
Sonakshi: surrre
Alia: anyways it's important, he's married to Sherlyn and I'm not willing to go after a married man again
Pragya: Alu Rishab and Purab are two different people, Purab is happy with his relationship
Karan: while Rishab on the other hand is miserable
Roshni: Purab wasn't in love you
Karan: Rishab however is deeply, madly in love with you
Preeta: Alu I don't know about this Rishab person but from what I've heard is that both of you love each other, yes his married but people divorce right? and that won't be a problem because he seems to love you too
Then she burst into tears
Alia: tell me why should I fight for someone who isn't willing to fight for me. I know I've made questionable decisions in the past but am I really not worth fighting for. Don't I really deserve some bits of love and care. Don't I really deserve someone to love, someone to care for me.
Pragya and the girls just pulled her into a tight hug
Pragya: cry let it all out
(Personally when it comes to my point of view, if a person is in a state, I want them to cry and let it all out. I mean like when you tell a person to stop crying right? they're holding in their pain at least when you're crying you're letting all the pain out)
After moments, Karan excused himself and he called Rishab
Rishab: Karan where the heck have you been. You don't just leave like that and tell us you'll be back soon. The elders are worried about you
Karan: let them be worried unlike you I actually want to die happy with the people I love
Rishab: what do you mean
Karan: for how long are you going to stay unhappy Rishab
Rishab: Karan we will not go through again
Karan: for fuck 's sake you two have a bloody-
Rishab: KARAN!
Karan: don't Karan me, Rishab by choosing to stay in your unwanted marriage you're only making aunt Kareena and Sherlyn happy. The rest of the family just want to see you happy  with the one you love. I mean by choosing to stay with Sherlyn, you are not only ruining your life but also along with two lives, Alia and Al-
Rishab: you promised not talk about her
Karan: do you even care for her
Karan: so finally do something and be happy with your life because if you don't then I will
Then Karan cuts the call





Who is the Al-
What Karan mean by 'her'. Does he mean Alia or another person

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