not an update

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This is not an update but it's  a random one shot I thought of

So when Rhea changed after the court hearing, she changed for the better. Khushi is 3 years old.  Prachi and Rhea are currently looking for their mother's background and  are happy to have learnt that they have two aunts and currently they're standing in front of Luthra Mansion. It's Shaurya's roka and their are aware of the incidents. Ranbir and Prachi never separated  and Alia never escaped from jail

Rhea: I'll talk to Shaurya and you go to Rajveer

Prachi: I'm getting a serious case of de ja vu

Soon after the power cut.

Rhea: she's pretty isn't she

Shaurya: yeah....

Rhea: But I'm afraid she isn't in love with you

Shaurya: mind your own business

Rhea: I would but I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did

Shaurya: you don't know what you're talking about

Rhea: actually  I do, out of everyone here  I'm the only one who understands you

Shaurya: no you don't,  you don't even know me, no one understands me

Rhea: can I tell  you a  story

Shaurya: no

Rhea: I'll keep nagging you until you say yes

Shaurya rolls his eyes and tries to walk away but Rhea follows me


Rhea: Nope
She says offering a sweet smile and he just sighs

Shaurya: what do you even want me, money

Rhea: please, I make more money than your allowance in day, you just have to hear what I have to say

Shaurya: if I listen will you leave me alone

Rhea: yes

He sighs again and motions her to start talking

Rhea: once upon a time, two twin sisters were separated at birth because their parents had a huge fight. The oldest stayed with her mom while the youngest with her dad. The youngest grew up to be a spoiled brat while the oldest was a sweet loving girl everyone loved. 20 year later  the twins met but obviously didn't know they were twins.  The youngest twin sister me, and my older twin Prachi

Shaurya: I don't see how any of this is relevant

Rhea: I hated Prachi with all my heart. Before she entered my life, everything seemed perfect  but as soon as she entered,  everyone loved and adored her especially my dad. I never had my mom, so I was jealous. And when I met Prachi's mom my envy grew larger. I always had one wish,  why couldn't Prachi's mom be my mom.  Her mom was sweet, nice and I felt like she was the only person who understood me. Then the guy I 'fell in love' with didn't love me back, Ranbir. He loved Prachi.  I did everything to make my family and his hate Prachi, I blamed her for things she didn't do, I planted a drug case on her  and almost killed her a lot of times.

Shaurya: go on

Rhea: most of my ideas where under the influence of my aunt. I hated Prachi. The guy I loved, loved her  she had the mom everyone would dream of.  You want to why I'm telling you this, because you're in the same situation which  I was in, the mother figure in your life isn't the one you want. You want Rajveer's mom to be your mom am I right, you hate Rajveer as you think that he ruined your perfect life , a few days ago you tried to get him arrested because of  drugs  and lastly the girl you love, loves him

Shaurya: h-how do you know

Rhea: like I said,  if there's someone who could understand you it's me. Why do you think Rajveer gets emotional when Uncle Karan does something nice for him, why do you think you feel a connection with Aunt Preeta that you never felt with Nidhi,

Shaurya: I don't know

Rhea: connect the dots  Rajveer never wants Aunt Preeta and Uncle Karan to come face to face, I told you that I've been in your situation before

Shaurya : that would only mean that Aunt Preeta is m-my mom and he is my twin

Rhea: I knew you were smart

Shaurya: but how

Rhea: that's a question only your  family can answer

Shaurya: soo what happened with you and Ranbir

Rhea:  after knowing Prachi was twin at first I was happy, I wanted to bring her  and mom home, I was ready to even let Ranbir go but after being manipulated by my aunt, I hated her even more,  I wanted Ranbir, mom, dad all to myself.  On my wedding day with Ranbir, he ran away and got married to Prachi, even after successfully separating them. When they were married,  I plotted, schemed to have Ranbir  even married his cousin just so I could have him. I made Ranbir believe that Prachi had cheated on him with Sid and finally after much needed emotional blackmail from his mom, he agreed to marry me and we did get married despite that Prachi  came back. He was willing to forgive her just so he could have her back. He loved her that much. I loved him. I was willing to change myself just for him but no he and Prachi were able to get married again for the second time , it was not until my aunt killed our parents and that was like a break through for me. I had lost both my parents. I was never able to fully experience my mom's all because of my foolishness. I was too stupid that I let myself be easily influenced and  manipulated . I realised that I didn't love Ranbir but It was only an obsession.  I only wanted to see Prachi suffer. My parents would still be alive,  if only I had realised this soon. I would have the life I always wanted. But no, I gave it all away due to stupidity and I don't want you to do that Shaurya

Shaurya just hugged her because he felt the need to. Opening up made Rhea extremely emotional.

Rhea: it was all my fault   if it wasn't for me, she would still be alive

After a while they pulled away

Rhea: thanks baby cousin

Shaurya: baby what now

Rhea: oh sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Rhea Mehra and I'm your older cousin, our mothers are sisters or were


Prachi: don't you think you should stop interfering now

Rajveer: who are you

Prachi: names Prachi, you know what Rajveer you may try so hard to keep your parents away from each other but one day they're just going to get back together

Rajveer: you don't know what you're talking about

Prachi: just like you   I grew up without a father.  I hated him, I blamed him for all the suffering my mom went through but deep down I also yearned for him.,then there was this man, I wanted him to be my father. His daughter Rhea hated me and honestly I didn't know why. I tried making peace with her,  because I always felt a connection with her but she always somehow got to my nerves,  she tried to kill me  she blamed and got me arrested for things I didn't know.  She was a brat but somehow my mom loved her and I didn't know why. You know that Uncle Karan is your dad and Shaurya is your twin, why is that you don't want them to reunite

Rajveer: because he hurt her okay, and he forgot about her, and now he has a new family

Prachi: have you ever seen uncle Karan look at Nidhi the way you look at Palki

Rajveer: no...

Prachi: and whenever he sees aunt Preeta why is that he becomes restless and searches for her

Rajveer: because 

Prachi: he loves her, look I advice you to let them solve their own problems together before you regret and it's too late.

Rajveer: but-

Prachi:  my parents are DEAD Rajveer because it was too late do you really want that to happen to know, and one piece of advice  if you truly love Palki never misunderstand he trust her with all your heart and she misunderstands you, fight for her until she understands you,  our family has this thing of separation

Rajveer: thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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