Chapter 8

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Rishab: Rhea may you please explain what the heck happened when we were gone
Rhea told them what happened but in her own way. She twisted the story around and made it seem like Rajveer is the one who said something offensive and Shaurya hit in him in defense, the only true thing she said was the words Prachi told Shaurya in a fit of rage. Angering the entire family
Abhi: Prachi is this true
Prachi: it depends what part of the story  you're asking if it's true
Rishab: Prachi did you or did you not say to Shaurya that his mother left him
Prachi: I did
Kareena: you middle class girls are all the same, I almost thought you were different
Prachi: oh please your obsession with rich daughter in laws has cost you a lot in the past and you know and it has caused a strain on your relationships especially with your nephew Rishab who is too much of a coward to get out his unwanted marriage and actually be with the one he loves
Sherlyn: YOU!
Prachi: what? Am I lying, my dearest uncle am I lying
Sameer: who are you
Prachi: who I am is non of your concern but what I know is actually important to you guys, oh and Shaurya don't take my words too serious, it was all in a fit of rage, she does love you but .........if you want the rest of details, you know where I stay that is if you're willing to accept her and the truth, bye
Then Prachi, Rajveer, Aditya, Twinkle and Shahana left leaving the three families shocked. Ranbir had a look of admiration. This girl had guts. Who knew someday a middle class girl would talk back to India's richest families without fear, most people would just be scared to voice out their opinions afraid of what would happen to them , Kareena, Sherlyn, Nidhi and  Rhea were cursing Prachi while Shaurya looked on with hope, Prachi was going to give him the answers he so badly needed.
Abhi: Purab get a private investigator to investigate on Prachi.... Vikram what's Prachi's last name
Vikram: oh it''s
Ranbir: Aurora, Prachi Aurora.
Then it was like a bombshell on the Mehras and Luthras
Purab: Aurora, are you sure
Ranbir: yes why
Kareena: these Aurora's are just the same always trying to cause unnecessary drama in our lives
Disha: Abhi do you think that
Abhi: Prachi might be my older daughter after Kiara that is
Rhea: wait what do you mean by that, Prachi is my twin, the one mom chose over me
Dasi: what do you mean chose over you
Rhea: my mom didn't love me and so she took the twin she loved and left me behind
Disha: that's not true, Pragya di loved you a lot, she wanted to take both of you with her but Abhi stopped her so she ended up taking one twin against her will otherwise she loves you both equally
Rhea: so dad you lied to me
Rhea said tearing up. Abhi looked down in shame. The only reason why he told Rhea that her mother didn't love her was so that if Pragya comes back in future to retrieve her younger daughter, Rhea would refuse and stay with him
Abhi: princess....I- ...I
Rhea: you what dad! You told me mom didn't love me, that she wanted nothing to do with me, that never wanted to see me
Abhi: yes I lied, but I lied because you see Pragya is a deceiving selfish woman. All she wanted was to keep all three daughters away from me, she had Kiara and now my older twin daughter, I couldn't afford to loose you too Rhea. You're my life
Rhea: I can't believe you
Then Rhea stormed off
Disha and Purab threw Abhi a disappointed look before going to console Rhea. The Luthra and Kohli families excuse themselves to their rooms as shock due to the sudden turn of events. 

Meanwhile after Prachi and the others got home, Prachi was made to sit down and the other four stood in front of her with their arms crossed with a look that said spill
Prachi: don't look at me with that eye
Twinkle: explain
Prachi: explain what
Shahana: don't pretend you don't know Prachi, you're maybe a lot of things  but an idiot is not one of them
Prachi: thank you, I'll take that as a compliment
Rajveer: Prachi Raisinghania, we deserve an explanation of what occurred in that mansion so may you please enlighten us
Prachi: just promise you won't get mad a freak out
Shahana: depends
Prachi: so you know, you know that family yah that one that ousted aunt Preeta out of their lives when your dad was in a comma yah, that one
Rajveer: yeah
Prachi: yeah they might be sorta called the um, the um I feel hot, do any of you guys feel hot
Aditya: Prachi it's raining, there is wind and the doors and windows are opened, Prachi: right, so like theluthrafamilyistheonethatoustedauntfromtheirlivesKaranluthraisRajveer'sdadandShauryaiayourtwin
Aditya: may you please repeat that like a normal person
Prachi: I said the luthra family is the one that ousted aunt from their lives,Karan Luthra is Rajveer's dad and Shaurya is your twin plus , Shahana Sameer Luthra is your father and Mr Abhishek Mehra is my real father and Rhea is my twin
Rajveer: wow that's a lot to take in
Shahana: yeah
Prachi: are you guys going to be okay
Rajveer: I don't know
Then Shahana and Raj left
Aditya: since you found your other family does that mean you're gonna leave us
Twinkle: and now that you found your real younger sister there is no more room for me right?
The two said teary
Prachi: hell no, firstly you guys are my real family, Mr Abhishek Mehra is just a sperm donor that's it, my real father is Vansh Raisinghania and I will never ever leave you guys not even in my wildest dreams and Twinkle, Rhea is just my younger sister the same way you are. I love you both equally and nothing will ever change that,
Twinkle and Aditya: really
Prachi: yes, you guys will always be in my heart and I will never leave nor forget you, Twinkle you filled in the void of being my younger sister, though you are younger than me by 2 days, from the day I saw you, I swore to protect you, you too Adi, from that moment I had you in my arms when you just a baby and you held my finger tight, you melted my heart, I love you both so so much
Then they hugged
Rhea: but why would you love me
Rhea said standing by the door, she had left home as the atmosphere was suffocating her and the only place she could go to was Prachi's home
Prachi: I agree we had a rocky start but in the end you're still my twin, we were in the same womb together for 9 months, of course I would love you
Rhea just got emotional and ran to hug Prachi.
Rhea: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything
Prachi: it's okay
Rhea: and Twinkle, I'm also sorry the main reason I bullied you was because I was jealous. I was jealous of the bond between you and Prachi. I also wanted something like that. Then three girls hugged
Shahana: a hug without me, I feel so unloved and un needed
Rhea: stop being dramatic and and come join us.
The four girls hugged
Rajveer: you know your birthday is not over yet right?
Rhea: Rajveer, I'm extremely sorry for what I did to you
Rajveer: it's okay besides you are my little sister right?
Prachi: don't try act smart, Rhea you are older than him
Rajveer: by a week
Prachi: it still matters, you're complaining about a week, do you hear Rhea complaining about the fact that I'm only older than her by 5 minutes
Rajveer: no
Rhea: I like being younger than Prachi, it's easier for me to get things 😉
Aditya: might I remind you guys that I'm the youngest here
Rhea: Prachi may you please introduce our siblings
Prachi smiled at the our
Prachi: Okay as you know this is Shahana, she is aunt Shriti 's daughter and Rajveer is aunt Preeta 's son but she doesn't know. Aunt Shriti and aunt Preeta are our mother's sister. Aditya is our younger brother and Twinkle is our sister
Rhea: you mean
Prachi: yes Rhea, mom remarried and before you judge her
Prachi narrated the entire story from the beginning of Abhigya's relationship to the end, and after that Rhea didn't view Abhi the same way as she used to, she still loved her dad but after tonight, she lost respect for him

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