Big Boss Man

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Elijah and Teddy filed up the staircase off the boardwalk and back onto the deserted streets of Belford. Thoroughly chilled as Teddy was and hungry as Elijah was they decided to stop by the cafe for a quick meal. Teddy only had to pop into the Historical Society and let Ms. O'Hara know that he was going off the clock, not that he was meant to work later anyway. 

The interior of the cafe was as empty as the street had been and Teddy ushered Elijah over to an open table. It was the type of place where you just sat yourself, and Elijah sat in the blue booth with a satisfied sigh. He was fatigued from the day of walking and starving, though he wasn't sure how he was going to be able to afford the meal. 

"Welcome to the Cammomile...." The waitress trailed off. She was the same one Elijah had spoken to earlier about a job and her face turned to a horrified kind of annoyance at having to see him again. 

Teddy noticed this, and frowned in confusion. 

"Mrs. Goodwin?" Teddy asked after a moment longer. He looked between her and Elijah noticing that they appeared to be locked in a staring contest. "Are you alright?" 

Elijah didn't care, only looked calmly and dared her to look away. 

"...Yes dear," Mrs. Goodwin asked, snapping back into action and breaking the contact. "Here... the menus." She handed both boys a yellow and blue menu with a tea cup logo at the top of the first page. "How are you Teddy?"

"Very good, how's Julie? I didn't see her at school today," 

"She's a little sick right now, you know how it gets..." Mrs. Goodwin trailed off again as she looked back to Elijah to see him already looking at him. Her face was now drawn in confusion, but Elijah's deadpanned gaze clearly said to go away. "You've got a new friend?"

"I guess you could say that," Teddy chuckled. 

"That's... nice." Her words hung in the air like an insult and Elijah fought the urge to scream at her. This woman seemed intent on ruining Teddy's view of Elijah, and even if Elijah thought that was inevitable, he wanted to be the one to do it, not somebody else. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"Could I have peppermint tea?" Teddy asked. 

"Of course you can," Mrs. Goodwin replied, then turned her attention to Elijah. "And you?"

"Water." Elijah grunted.

"Coming right up." 

Mrs. Goodwin disappeared behind the counter and back into the kitchen. Once she'd left, Elijah let out a huge sigh of relief and slumped back over the table. He had a new problem to worry about though as he read the menu; he couldn't afford anything. 

"Ms. O'Hara gave me some money for the dinner... said it was a company dinner since it's part of the tour, so you don't have to worry about it." Teddy said without looking up from his own menu, as if he could read Elijah's mind. 

"Do you come here often?" 

"Not really," Teddy smiled sheepishly. "Usually I eat at home, but it's occasionally a nice change of pace."

As Elijah sat with Teddy he looked at Mrs. Goodwin through the window above the counter into the kitchen. She was getting their drinks ready and had seemingly yet to notice his less than flattering gaze. 

"Geez, she looked at you kind of funny," Teddy mused. 

"She did." 

If Elijah couldn't tell Teddy the whole truth, the least he could do was be sure to be sure to drop as many hints as possible. 

"You don't seem surprised," Teddy commented. 

"No." Elijah said bluntly. "That sort of thing happens a lot."

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