First we Laughed, Then we Serioused, Then we Laughed Again

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 AN- (Parts of this chapter are inspired by three separate people, I'm sorry if it's not exactly what you were looking for, but I had a lot of fun messing with the idea! Full credits at the end to prevent spoilers!!!!)


If you asked Wilbur how he thought his night would go, he would tell you that creeping through his own house, alone and in the dark, was not on the agenda.

His hand shook slightly as he clutched his flashlight with a vice grip, he was currently in the darkened hallway, each doorway pitch black and uninviting as he slowly crept down the hall.

They all decided to split up in order to, 'amplify the spooks', as Karl put it.

Wilbur couldn't help but glance over his shoulder every other step, there were still boxes against the wall in the halls, the items inside them not yet put away in their rightful places. Which meant that the boxes would cast ominous shadows that seemed to stretch for fucking miles.

Why was he given the hallway and bedrooms? Why couldn't they pair up? Why did Wilbur ever ask Quackity to come over in the first place?!

Wilbur asked these questions to the primes above, hoping that maybe he would just fall to the floor and fall asleep for the rest of this experience and never have to do this again. He wasn't the biggest believer in ghosts anyway, at least not anymore. He just liked to join Quackity on his little ghost hunts and see what all the hype was about.

Look, he believed in having fun with his friends and he's done so much ghost shit now that he might as well continue being a semi-believer. But he was honestly there for moral support, he didn't like ghost talk as much as he used to.

Splitting up was bullshit though, and Wilbur wanted an out.

Sapnap was asked to investigate upstairs, where a few offices would soon be, one for Wilbur, Techno, and Phil; as well as an upstairs living area and an extra bathroom. Karl took the kitchen, dining room, and main room spaces, leaving Wilbur to investigate the hallway and the three bedrooms it connected to, as well as the downstairs bathroom. Quackity happily offered to take the basement, which was more of a nice family space since it'd obviously been redone a couple of times.

They were efficiently split up, and Wilbur absolutely despised it.

He could hear Karl's fucking spirit box so well he might as well have been pressing his ear to the damn thing. Every creak from upstairs had his hair on end, and Wilbur could've sworn that there was something moving within the shadows, but whenever he flashed his light over, nothing showed up.

"Alright, Sapnap told me to try... talking to you." Wilbur asked nothing, his voice coming out slightly shaky to his displeasure. He scoffed, "This is ridiculous. As if a fucking dead thing is gonna speak back."

Karl's spirit box shut off from deeper within the house, and Wilbur was suddenly plunged into an eerie silence, nothing to drag him from his wandering thoughts except the soft mumblings of his friends in the other rooms.

Wilbur froze in the middle of the hallway, directly in front of Phil's bedroom door. Phil's room was the master bedroom, making it the biggest bedroom within the house. He stared inside, the moonlight that creeped in through the windows barely lighting up the room at all.

Within the deepest shadows, right next to the windows, was a figure.

The shadowed figure was definitely humanoid, and they were as still as death.

Wilbur didn't dare to breathe; slowly, he started to bring his flashlight up, trying to douse the shadow in light, but his beam suddenly flickered off, leaving him in darkness.

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