Holy fuck... GHOSTS ARE REAL

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"I'm sorry, but you're Sapnap's dad?" Wilbur spoke up, being the first to break the shocked silence.

Bad immediately turned to face Wilbur, taking a step forward in desperation, but stopped when Techno took his own protective step in front of his brother.

Bad paused, biting his lip before asking, "you know him? You know my son?"

Wilbur paused, unsure of what to say.

Of course he knew Sapnap! He was one of his dearest friends! One of the only people who stuck around with him when he started to obsess over ghosts! But that all made sense now didn't it? Sapnap stuck around not because he simply believed, but because he himself knew everything there was to know about the afterlife! If Sapnap was a demon... did Karl and Quackity already know this? Was everyone aside from Wilbur tuned in on this little secret?

"Wilbur... please." Bad begged quietly, his voice just barely above a whisper as he clasped his hands together in front of his mouth, almost like a prayer. "I just want to see him again. To make sure that he's okay."

Wilbur furrowed his brow, silently making up his mind as he fought through his own series of questions. "Only if you answer one thing first."

Bad nodded silently, a desperate kind of hope in his eyes as the room stayed completely silent (and maybe Wilbur let that silence build for a moment, allowing the tension to rise to the perfect point before breaking it).

"Did you do something, anything, that would make him want to... for the lack of a better word, run away?"

Bad's eyes widened, "Oh heavens below, no! At least I don't think so."

"If I may cut in here," Ant spoke up, "he was summoned, it's not like he chose to come here on his own. He's still young, he wouldn't be able to leave our realm without a summoning circle anyway."

"But that doesn't make sense." Techno spoke up, "if he's so young, how would he even have a summoning circle all the way out here? If there's so many different planets and universes like Bad has lead me to believe, how would a demon even get to one? Especially if they can't even leave your realm without having some sort of summoning circle?"

Ant sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "normally, angels and demons have a very lengthy process to start... we'll call it traveling for now. When you're made into a being like Bad and myself, you're born with a certain set of symbols on your wrists, ankles, and forehead. These make up for each point of the star required for your summons." Ant pulled back his sleeve, revealing a tattooed dark symbol that almost looked like a cat if you squinted at it.

Wilbur gasped, "that's why he's always wearing long sleeves! And socks! And that fucking headband!"

Ant nodded, "usually the process to allow a being to travel is basically giving you free roaming in and out of our realm. But if you've been denied from the process for whatever reason; though the main reason is being a shitty person; you can only ever leave our realm if a human happens to put each of your correct symbols within a summoning circle."

"So how is it possible for anyone to guess his symbols exactly?" Techno asked next. "There are millions of combinations and probably millions of symbols, the chances for getting it exactly right are miniscule! Probably almost impossible!"

Ant looked to Bad, who seemed just as lost as Techno. Ant sighed, "well, there is another way to get your summoning requirements out there. Though I've never thought Sapnap would be one to..." Ant stopped midsentence, shaking his head and waving the rest of the thought away. "The only other way I know of is to have another demon leave your summons in another world for you. A summons can be left in the form of a book page, fog on a mirror, blood splatterings, basically anything. Knowing Sapnap, if he took this path of leaving his summons somewhere, he probably would've had someone slip it into a book."

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