Chapter 1

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KJN/Jade pov

I Ghoul was out in the afternoon scene Kobra; Party; Jet was taking care of Bandit scene Lindsey died before the battery city took over. So Ghoul tried to get back as soon as possible because it was raining and we were not prepared for it. Well I was so I gave Ghoul my jacket I got from Jet-star room to cover up from the rain Ghoul was stubborn but he is refusing my offer though I jumped on his back so I could cover him up from the rain. Ghoul I will not let you get sick from this storm, He put me back down giving me his jacket he said he didn't care if he would get sick scene party and told me to keep you not sick. Well forget the order it's pouring down and you need to bundle up, I gave his jacket back for him to wear to the degree both of us were drenched fighting dracs off.

Narrator pov

KJN/Jade got Ghoul in the car while she put the stuff in the trunk. Then she got in driving back to the dinner but Ghoul was passed out in the passenger's seat because he didn't get that much sleep. He had to deal with Bandit having a nightmare. They got back to the dinner and KJN/Jade carried Ghoul back in with the stuff in her hands till Jet-star took the stuff to put in the kitchen she put Ghoul on the couch shaking him knowing he was a heavy sleeper but she felt his head burning. So she got Kobra to get a wet cloth to put over Ghoul's head and a blanket to keep Ghoul warm.

Party pov

I came out with my little princess in my arms asleep till I saw Ghoul laying on the couch. KJN/Jade told me Ghoul came down with a cold from the cold and heavy rain. I put Bandit in her room then helped Ghoul get in his room into fresh clothes bundling him up in bed, I went out of his room to tell KJN/Jade that Ghoul's in bed as well with Bandit both the two act like your mother Lindsey. But your little sister wanted you all day speaks of the devil here she comes.

Bandit pov

SISSY your back, I jump on sissy hugging her tight because I missed her all day. *yawns* I hear sissy say ooh looks like someone is still sleepy from her nap and wants some snacks before dinner. I jumped up in joy when I heard snacks before dinner. Daddy was laughing at my reaction to snacks like I've not eaten in weeks but I have been eating a lot of his pancakes Or sissy made some of her best-fried chicken wings. I saw sissy go into the kitchen to make something but it smelled divine after a bit she came in, gave a bowl of chips, and shook uncle ghoul to wake him up and eat the soup she made.

Party pov

I watched as my eldest gave a bowl to the bandit and shook the ghoul to wake up. The soup smelled so good just like Lindsey's soup she would make. Then she came up to me asking if she should make her chicken wings for the others or if I had an idea. I had said maybe Kentucky-style curry but not too spicy for the others and me. She went on and made the curry. Dr.D told me Kobra Jet needed to go out to zone 4 near battery city to find a lost little kid around 5 so the other two left Ghoul Bandit KJN/Jade behind.

It was around the break of dawn when Kobra Jet left we got to the city around noon it was hard to tell if it was going to turn dusk because of how the skies are so cloudy the after-effect of the storm.


After Dad left I was stuck with Ghoul eating off and on. My little sister eating her dinner it was till I helped Ghoul up to get his medication to help the cold go away, after I ran him a warm bath setting his clothes and stuff out I go back to the kitchen to help him up to the bathroom but even though he was my uncle I told him to call for me if he needs any help after he would get dressed. I walked into the kitchen to tell Bandit it was time for a bath lucky me I had a bathroom In my room so I could bath her but that was lost hope till I caught her running taking Bandit to the bathroom and running the bathe with her stuff there she was mad at me after but I put her to bed before dad got back.

I heard Ghoul call for me so I asked to come into the bathroom to get him to his room. He sat on the bed as I moved the blankets off of it so he could lay in bed, Then I put the blankets over him to check his temperature if the cold went down a little but it went back up to 103 so I told him to rest for some time as I said. I went to check on Bandit in her room. She was fast asleep. I went out to watch the stars waiting for Dad, Kobra, and Jet to get back I watched the car drive towards me stopping at the gas pump and getting out so I jumped off as Kobra caught me. I asked where the little girl is I saw her in Jets arms bleeding from her head so I swooped her up took the poor thing into the bathroom and set her on the counter I saw Dad watch from the door frame as I asked her if I could pull her hair back she nodded letting me use a hair tie taking the bandage off her head seeing it's quite deep so I get some stuff out to clean it then use numbing medicine on the would-be said in a childish voice to close your eyes it might hurt a little bit ok.

I started the process As I asked if it was fine to start she nods to me so I stared at first she flinched as I sewed the stitching to the wound closing it up after I cut the string clinging up the numbing med left over on her head I put a special bandage on her head then I let her hug me seeing her shake a little I said You did a good job being brave for my pumpkin. Dad said great job darling I believe you did a good job comforting the kid as well asking to do the stitch I was happy when I got praised for doing the right thing what mom showed me to do if I had cut myself pretty deep.

I told Dad it was what momma showed me when I started learning to cook if I cut myself pretty bad but that's when you and uncle mikey ray frank were on tour for quite some time aww look.

Party pov

I Looked over in KJN/Jade's lap and saw the kid playing with her jacket. I picked the kid up and went to the kitchen to get the poor thing something to eat before bed. Later on, after I got her to bed Ghoul came out looking a bit better but looked dead still to my surprise he was being held up by my daughter so he could get to the couch, she said dad we need to go out at the but crack of dawn because I now battery city is abandoned at that time of morning so we could get medication and stuff for Ghoul. I agreed to be able to go out that early and I see that you were helping him out the whole day to get some sleep so we could pull it off.

I was the first to be up. I let KJN/Jade sleep for 30 minutes more than woke her taking her out to the battery city to get what Ghoul needs but by the time we got there, my daughter was on the roof of the car shooting dracs head by head. She would wait outside killing dracs off as I was raiding a store to get medication. She yelled that she needed a backup dad. I came as fast as I could. She was being cornered by dracs beating her alive. I killed all the dracs off Jade. I picked her up and left the car. It was when I saw her breathing was hitched and slow I drove as fast as to get back to get Mikey to take care of Jade.

Kobra pov

Poor Jade, she was so hurt It broke my heart. But she was all patched up. I bundled her up in bed to then leave, my brother was worrying so bad I told him Jade would be fine. It's just that she's recovering from the wounds and she will be fine. Party was still not convinced she was ok so I took him to his daughter's room to confirm she was not going to die. I let him stay there for a bit while I was helping the ghoul get up for a walk. It was sad seeing the ghoul go paler each day. The thing I don't understand is he's getting better but slowly becoming weaker.

KJn/Jade pov

I woke up in a dark room with warmth around me seeing my dad holding me in his sleep. I decided to let him sleep so I played with the patch on his jacket till I heard Kobra Ghoul come back in to fix up some lunch for us. Ghoul came to wake Dad and then saw me away playing with a patch on dads jacket he smiled and shook Dad lightly waking him, I got engulfed into a hug from him causing me to ache a little from moving but I smiled. Saying hey Dad you're squishing me. He let go. I sat up and got onto my feet out of my room till I fell on Ghoul who was not sick but I was sick now from him. . .

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