Chapter 4

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Party pov

(time skip month cuz I ze lazy)

Hours passed I think it was 6 in the afternoon everyone was dead to earth when we heard a crash in Kobra's room I went in to find him being choked by a Drac dying in front of Me as I pulled the Drac my brother killing it after I killed it going over to Kobra I held him as he was trying to regain his breathing but something was off he wasn't breathing steady going pale as I saw blood on my hand seeing the gunshot wound in his heart I was freaking out as I applied pressure to it. Calling Ruby to help the scene she was a doctor before she was a killjoy. She did all the doctor check stuff pulled me out of the room and said the easiest way to put it is he's not going to last long spending the time you can with Kobra. I went back to laying Kobra in my lap talking and stuff as I fell asleep. We both took a nap for several hours. When I woke up Kobra was asleep so I shook him but nothing seeing his chest not rise and fall. I was tearing up hugging his cold body till Ruby had to pull me off Kobra or more like Mikey now as I left the room with his jacket pushing past Jet Ghoul trying to talk to me as I went out and sat on the roof feeling the guilt of not getting to Mikey in time.

I heard someone sitting next to me. I looked over to see Bandit but I just looked away as she left. I felt bad I just pushed her away but it was the reason I did. Just then I put his helmet on to hide from the world for a bit looking at the sky. It was around dusk when I got down going in slowly walking to my room as Ghoul stopped me pushing him out of the way, and grabbing onto my jacket. When I snapped saying MY GOD GHOUL LEAVE ME ALONE, he flinched when I yelled letting my jacket go while going into my room Jet walked in asking what was wrong with me saying leave my room he would not stop asking like a worried parent me snapping at him saying OK FINE WELL I CAN'T HELP MY ONLY ACTUAL SIBLING MIKEY DIED IN MY LAP FROM FREAKING KORSE TELLING THOSE DRACULOIDS TO GO AFTER MY FAMILY OTHER THAN MY KIDS now leave my room NOW!

Jet pov

I went into the party room asking if he was okay when he just snapped at me asking why. I left his room as everyone in the diner was shocked. Bandit crying in Jade's grasp as she was just not showing emotion at this point losing Mikey, her favorite person she looked up to for most of her life, I felt bad. No poor Rowen Kennedy was in Party's room snuggling up next to him asking where Kobra was he said well your daddy's on a very very long mission in the sky Rowen Kennedy. He let the two sleep in his lap as he was holding a picture frame I'm guessing of his whole family on it.

Jade pov

I was comforting Little B in my room as she wanted to go to Dad so I took her there sitting next to Dad with Little B in my lap sleeping. Hey Dad Uncle Mikey right there, I point at the dresser near the bed Dad looked over saying he's not there Jay Jay. But I can see him there looking at us Dad said hey Jay Jay come here I laid my head on his shoulder as he said Mikey, not there just your tired little blue Jay. I yawned as I drifted off to sleep after Dad laid on his bed laying Rowen Kennedy's little B on his chest and stomach as I laid beside him my head on his chest while he played with my hair.

A few days later, Uncle Mikey died buried in a nice patch of grass with a tree under it where he is six feet under. Dad was just not the same like he lost a piece of his heart when Mom my aunt now Uncle mikey died everyone noticed the funny joyful loud Party Poison was quite depressed all the time not wanting anything to do with his kids till I walked in on him with a blade bottle of beer cutting his arms. I pinned him to the wall calling for Jet Ghoul to come into dads room seeing his arms covered in cuts he made as Jet took the bottle out of his hand along with the blade Ghoul went off getting the bandages and stuff. I said WHAT THE HELL DAD I thought I told you not to cut after mom died I'm not letting you slip that rabbit hole back into your life again what would Uncle mikey think you being suicidal drinking all the time he wants YOU to be happy, not depressed all the time.

Party pov

I was in my room cutting my arms up drinking my depression away as Jade came in next thing I know she pinned me to the wall calling for Jet Ghoul. Jet took the stuff plus got scolded by Jade hearing her snap for the first time in a long time all I could say was I don't know. I've only seen this side once when Lindsey died she let me go setting me on the bed cleaning the blood off my arms wrapping the bandages on them tying them pulling my sleeves down. She told me next time you have the urge to cut come to me so I could help with that problem please I'm not going to just sit here like the last time me calling 911 just because you passed out nearly dying of your depression so please just do it for little B she needs you more than I have ever, I nodded as she held her arms out to hug me I accepted it as she helped me up going out my room to eat something getting water so he hangover is not that bad.

I go outside with little B and the other guy's kids to play outside till they wear themselves out. As Jade was making dinner she said everyone dinner ready we went in to eat after Little B went to shower as I helped Kennedy Rowen gets bathed first then the Jets kids get bathed then Chery and Lily were next last was Miles. Getting all clothed we all went to bed Little B Jay Jay slept with me scenes they felt I needed two munchkins company for bed as I faded into the void of sleep.

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