chapter 5

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Jet's pov

It was in the morning I got up early before everyone went to cook some power pup for breakfast. As Ghoul came shirtless with Chery Miles Lilly in his arms asleep still as he put the three onto the booths and going to hug me I guess you could call Ghoul a five-year-old when he first gets up. It's adorable when he chooses the first one to snatch up. I set the coffee on the counter and he grabs it while drinking some while helping make the eggs and other stuff. As I was walking into Bandit's room to wake her for breakfast since it was 9:00 am, as I took Little B into the kitchen she jumped off onto Ghoul's back asking for eggs and bacon. I was sitting in a booth with Miles Chary Lilly on the back messing with my princess for hair.

Party pov

I was setting the plates with everyone's food on it, calling everybody to come to the table. One was grumpy being woken up like Ussal. She's staying up past midnight. Jade: What do you want on your plate oh wait never mind you can't eat the food the others can go head back to bed then and I'll call you when we have to leave to restock on stuff later. I watched as she went back to bed as I sat down to eat with the others when out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw mikey but when I looked in that direction there was nothing. That was weird I guess just my imagination playing mind games on me oh well,

Hey, Ray hows are your little gremlins cooping Mikey's death? Ray said they miss him but their fine poor Rowen Kennedy keeps asking me when he's coming home but he's not you have to tell them the truth at some point. But there too young to understand he died Ray told me just say he's in heaven they will understand it like that to Dagree they will be sad for a while but learn to cope with it. I looked over at Kennedy Rorwen going to tell them I take them with me to the little grave that was made for Mikey and said Kennedy Rowen look there your daddy is there with your mommy in heaven. They both looked at me with confused eyes saying Mommy died but weres Daddy I just said he was under that gravestone let's just say he will be sleeping forever. Both looked at me starting to tear up so I held my arms out for the two to hug me.

Jade Pov

I stay in my room my face inside my pillow I felt a tap on my shoulder looked over and saw a ghost form of Mikey I hid my face back in the pillow saying Kennedy Rowen wants you bad but Dad broke the news the best way he could so they could understand. I saw him write on my whiteboard saying I had no intention of doing this early in their life nor seeing Party suffer that bad either but if I weren't asleep I would have been alive killing that Draculoid that killed me plus I'm stuck on earth till my unfinished business is done tell Party I said hi to him. I saw him fade away as the dad came in saying it's time to go Jay Jay. I sat up looked at him and said Mikey came by say hi to you he just left when you came in, Dad told me, Mikey, not here it's just your imagination.

My dad went into the car he drove the battery city we raided a shop and I saw mikey near as Dad was getting attacked by Drac tried to shoot Dad to kill him but the arm of the Drac was bent to face the Ray gun at its self-shooting its head off, Dad was shocked at what happened to look at me with my cheesy grin said great job mikey as all the other dracs shot their heads off dad said what the hell. Then writing was put on the sand saying hi party and you are welcome for saving me back xoxo mikey, Dad looked at me shocked and said so you were right about mikey being there all along.

Let us just go before more get her- WHAT THE. Dad saw a Drac take jade as another took him both chloroforming us. . .

Ghoul pov

Hey, jet should Jade Party be back by now wait the music box thing says.

Bad news from the zones, tumbleweeds

It looks like Party Poison and his daughter had a clap

With an Exterminator that went all Costa Rica and uh

Got themselves captured by Korse So it's time to hit the red line and up-thrust the volume out there Keep your boots tight, keep your gun close

And die with your mask on if you've got to

Here is the traffic.

I looked at Jet saying we have to get them back can't be having our leader dying on us no Jade either we need all the killjoys to back up with us from Dr. D's place. KIDS WERE GOING TO UNCLE DEAFDEFI LILLY CHERRY WATCH THE KIDS FOR ME JET, I heard Lilly yell ok. Let's go Jet we went out to drive to Dr.D's place and tell them we need all hands on deck.

Party pov

I woke up tied to a pole on the ceiling hanging by my arms facing Jade upside-down hanging by her legs still unconscious from being chloroformed. I just felt helpless not being able to get it when I saw a Draculoid come in with several things to torcher with to I assume get the answer from me or Jade where the diner is but nearly us give up the answer to where it is. A few days passed waiting for the other killjoys to get us free, Jade never woke up after they started beating on us for the answer Jade was covered in bruises cuts burns stuff like that. They did worse to me since I had been awake the whole time are clothes were all ripped up to this point I saw car lights out the window show through I just thought it was a Draculoid's van but as the Draculoids wrapped something around my throat choking me.

A fade raygun was in the background shooting before I blacked out from lack of oxygen. All I heard was a voice seeing in the black void a figure looking at me saying fight don't die on us it sounded like Mikey I said but how there choking me to death? Mikey said the guys are close just fight till they can get to you Jade hold on for me please make Lindsey proud. I did as Mikey said I felt someone untying the rope around my neck freeing me from the rope and tying me to the pole. I heard Jet says to get him back to breathing. I felt someone push on my chest and felt like I got kissed but as the person did the cpr on me I opened my eyes seeing Ghoul up close to my face he pushed on my chest doing it again when he saw me awake I got attacked by hugs I said wheres Jade is she ok.

Ghoul reassured me that she was ok but they used a coma-type gas on her not chloroform gas. She was all patched up same with me ghoul helped me out of the place as Jet held Jade's bridal style back to the van. He laid her in my lap when we got in it hurt me seeing her patched up and stuff plus trying to explain to Little B the situation, It was midnight I think when we were on the way back to the diner I was asleep when I felt something stir in my lap waking me see Jade's awake I smiled seeing her look up at me as I moved her hair out of her face. Looking over my legs and seeing a ghoul bundled up in his jacket on my legs it was adorable but why did it feel like when he was saving my life it felt like a kiss. I was thinking out loud as I heard Jade says well Dad it seems you like Ghoul and are glad you moved on but still think of Mom from time to time, also I ship Ghoison (Party poison x Fun Ghoul).

She had a cheeky smile on her face I started to blush madly because the ghoul heard it and had a sly smirk on his face hearing it all. He said oh little party likes me and that kiss to save your life, I hid my face in my mask from the blushing mess I am.

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