Chapter 3

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Ghoul pov

I watched in horror with the other killjoys as gas filled the tube with Jade waking up as she's banging on the glass freaking out. It looks like she's screaming for our help but we can't hear her through the glass. Watching as she slides down the glass looking lifeless Party told us to help break the glass we all but Mini Party stayed out of the way not getting hurt by the glass as it breaks me grabbing her body as it limps in my arms, Party was going hysterical trying to murder Korse but he got dragged back to the car with us all.

I decided to drive us back as Party was in the backseat with Jade in his lap, her lying on the others but Mini Party up front with me. As we drove in the different zones Jade started to steer awake while Kobra was driving with me Ruby Party Jet Blunt was asleep in the back as Jade snuggled into Party's lap playing with his jacket sleeve when we stopped at the dinner gas pump Dr.D came out just in time to help get Jade in along with Party Ruby Blunt Jet into their room knowing Jade wants to be with the party. We lay her next to him as she falls back asleep. It truly was so adorable to witness as I took his mask jacket off shaking the two a little so they could change to their pj's as I left with Jade being carried by her father to le room she owns closing the door and waiting outside as she came out in what looks a very oversized Black parade Hoodie when I mean oversized it's as long as her.

She clings to me of all people as Party went to change coming back with blankets so she would not be left alone I turned one of the dinner booths into a bed lying all the blankets in Jade's party rooms laying pillows on the booth and letting Jade plop on the bed/booth first as party laid there as she snuggled into his side along with Bandit running in crying from a nightmare she jumps up snuggling into parties another side.

Party pov

As Ghoul set the bed/booth up Jade jumped on it as I was fixing the pillows getting stuck by her abnormal strength she held me snuggling into my side, and Bandit came in crying from a nightmare clutching to my other side as both fell asleep. I got Ghoul to put the blankets over me and my two cuddle bugs stuck to me. I had to admit it was so adorable to have these two munchkins back together with me. I heard I think and saw a jet coming in as I was trying to sit up but was kept down by Jade's strength. Both were giving me large grins as they both left me stuck for the night I started to fall into the black void of sleep.

Ze Next Morning

Kobra pov

I was the first up as I walked into the kitchen part seeing my brother still dead on this earth with his kids. As I start up the fire under the stove making breakfast for everyone Jade kicks Party off the booth cuddling with Bandit rudely waking Party up on the floor as I try my best not to laugh at him. He told me to shut up while getting up pulling Jade by her legs onto the floor with him as he woke the sleeping bear. When I mean she was mad it was visible as she looked to the side seeing the Draculoid trucks as she told us to get the kids in hiding and boys up Draculoids are coming our way. I did as she demanded. We all went out of the house as Draculoids started surrounding the house Jade party at the back Ghoul me in front Ruby Blunt at one side Dr.D Jet on the other side defending the dinner.

Jade pov

My dad was on the roof snipping Draculoids from the back as Dad fell off getting attacked by the enemies while I was shooting them away from him but I got dragged from behind one the other pinned me down when I felt wings pears through my back as a bloody healing scratch came out from me as I flew up diving down attacking all the Draculoids out of the scratch shocking them all as dad others watched me kill all of them after falling on the roof of the dinner the sand burning the wounds on my back from the wings. Dad came up holding me up being gently taking me down as the boys huddled around me dad but I extended my wings out covering my Dad as he told me its ok. So I moved my wings back as we went in he sat me on the dinner table asking me to hide my wings plus he knew I was trans female he turned me so my back faced him cutting the shirt open as he gently cleaned the wounds on my back as he did Kobra brought a new shirt more like my black parade hoodie.

After Dad cleaned the bandage of the wounds on my back as he gave the hoodie to me put it on yawning while my stomach growled. I got up going to heat a Power pup can to eat when I tasted it was disgusting but as Dad cooked he accidentally cut himself as Kobra said party um you might want to see this. Dad looked over to me my eyes were turning red from hazle as he said oh while I was looking at the dripping blood on his arm he gave me the knife I licked it from the blood still not enough I smelled more blood from Jet room running into his room finding him laying on the bed as the Draculoid shot him I backed up out the room falling onto the floor calling for dad as I got up strangling the Draculoid killing it.

Then I jumped on the jet bed hugging him as Dad came in seeing the dead Draculoid on the floor and a dead jet in my arms I hid in my wings with the jet while silently crying as the tears fell on his face causing them to glow a little. Then while I was still crying I felt a hand on my face looking down to see Jet looking up at me my wings opened for Dad to see Jet alive me squeezing the life out of Jet, Dad told me to stop squeezing Jet so I don't kill him. After my stomach growled again as I took the dead Draculoid body outside as more came me just feasting on them all watching the bodies disintegrate after I went to clean up my face crashing on the couch stuffed as Ghoul questioned me as I said no more Dracs trying to attack us great lunch *yawns* I crash after a while snuggling into a blanket.

Jet's pov

Party helped me out of my room to the main room seeing Jede crash on the couch, seeing Ghoul pale as a ghost he said she ate the Dracs trying to get her back. Both of us looked at Jade in surprise and all the kids came running inside from more dracs as Jade got up devouring the dracs in front of us all. I said umm Jade what the hell why the hell? She looked at me and said they are da prey, she just walked off to her room to crash for a while as we all in shock still saw her eat humans.

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