Chapter One: two boys crawl through my window

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I blame Emily Wilkes. If Emily hadn't gotten shit faced and threw a party while her parents were in Norway then none of this would have happened.
I wouldn't have been awake at 3am binging twilight because Lila bailed to go to the party, which means the Foster boys wouldn't have seen a light on in my room(Lila insist lights burn her eyes so if she were there they would've been off)and they wouldn't have climbed up my house and through my window to hide from the cops.
Granted after ten years of knowing them I should have been used to them climbing through my window, they used to do it all the time, but alas all I did was scream in a very non flattering way as they tumbled through my window one after another.

"Fuck Laney, jesus shut up!"
Theo whisper yelled at me as I hiked my blanket up over my shoulders and he fell flat to the floor. His brother Pike stood against the wall next to my window periodically peeking out.
After a few seconds to process what I was seeing I lowered my blanket and began throwing anything I could reach at the two boys.
"What the actual fuck, get out of my room!" I said.
Theo batted his hand at me and rolled to dodge the stuffed elephant I had launched at his head.
Right then I heard voices outside my window. In a state of confusion I quickly got out of my bed, hopped over Theo and walked up to my window.
"Laney, Lanes no no no don't!" Theo hissed, frantically trying to grab at my ankles.
What I saw outside my house were three officers with flashlights, looking aimlessly around my front yard.
I peeked my head back inside my room, gave the boys a grin and then yelled down, "well hello officers, whatcha doing?"
I heard Pike inhale right next to me and curse under his breath, the first thing I heard him say this whole time.
One of the officers shined his light up towards me and I smiled as I recognized him. David Park had been a long time friend of my mothers and was basically an uncle to me, he was also the Sheriff.
"Hey Laney, you wouldn't have happened to see the Foster boys run through here would you?" He asked.
Now,in my head there were two options.
One: Rat Theo and Pike out to David for being assholes, or Two: save their asses and hold it over them for eternity.
I chose number two.
"Hmmm, those two jackasses? Yeah no I haven't seen them but if I do I'll call you!" I said as innocently as possible.
I could see Davids face from the second story and knew he wanted to call bullshit, I mean the man had known me since I was in diapers. But David just sighed, turned off his light and pointed to the cop cars.
"Alright boys lets pack it up, ill just call their mom tomorrow" he said.
He looked up towards where I leaned out my window one more time and shook his head before walking to his car and driving away.
I heard two loud exhales behind me and leaned back in before closing my window and turning to face them.
Theo was still on the floor, laid out like a star fish, his blonde hair all over his face, his arm draped dramatically over his forehead.
Pike had moved from beside the window and onto the edge of my bed. He looked...angry, but what was new.
I crossed my arms as I looked at them.
"Care to fucking explain?" I asked, feeling a bit like my mom, all I needed to do now was tap my foot.
Theo rolled onto his stomach and propped his head on his hands to look up at me.
"Well hello to you too Laney bear" he said with a big smile. I kicked my foot towards him and he dodged it. I looked over to Pike and raised my eyebrows.
He was already looking right at me as he took the elastic off his wrist and tied back his long dark hair.
"We were at a party that got a little rowdy"
"Only because Jason Presby is a dick" Theo cut in to say.
Pike rolled his eyes "it got rowdy, cops were called and they went after us"
"Because you punched Presby" Theo muttered as he sat up finally.
I leaned against the wall.
"Jason Presby is kind of a dick" I said, smiling at Pike. All I got in return was a blank stare.
A blank stare that reminded me that while he may have felt safe enough to climb through my window for a quick hideaway there was a reason Pike and I didn't talk or hangout anymore. And with that reminder the smile dropped off my face.
"You know your room looks the same" Theo said, he was up and looking around now.
" yeah, well, at least something stayed the same" I bit out, looking towards Pike who was staring at his hands.
Theo was looking at the two of us in the awkward silence, confusion clear on his face.
"Is there something I should-"
"You can get out now please" I cut in before he could finish his question.
Theo looked at me a little hurt and then made his way to my door, nodding at Pike to follow.
The tall jackass rose from my bed to follow his brother.
My body tensed up as he passed close by me, his cologne hit me hard. It smelled like trees and champagne.
Right before they walked through the door Pike turned back to look at me.
I stared at him, my arms crossed.
"We owe you, thanks" he said before shutting my door and leaving me in my room standing there.

After about a minute of just standing and going over what had just happened I flopped back onto my bed and tried to sleep while replaying every little thing Pike had said.

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