Chapter Three: Staring Contest

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I made it through three classes before Theo found me at my locker.
"Okay Laney, spill. What happened between you and Pike"
He wasted no time in asking.
I was nervous as I switched out my books.
I didn't know what to tell him. So I lied.
"I don't what you mean"
I started walking towards the cafeteria hoping that he'd stay back and leave me alone but of course he didn't.
"I mean that for ten years all three of us were as close as could be and then one day you just started drifting away and ignoring us" he said in a sad tone. I looked straight ahead and kept walking.
"Laney you owe me at least some sort of explanation. I just thought you got bored of us or went through puberty or some shit but after the other night I know it has to be more than that"
He was right, it had been more than that.
I turned around to tell him just that but right as I did I slammed into someone, loosing all my books in the process.
" oh fuck, oh shit I'm sorry!" I yelped not looking to see who it was and bending quickly to get my things off the floor.
"Got a dirty mouth don't you" a deep gravely voice said from above me.
I froze for a millisecond before straightening back up. I knew that voice and I knew that when I looked at who I had slammed into id be met with dark brown eyes and a little smirk.
Fuck me this day was going great.
We stood there staring at each other, his smirk growing each second and the butterflies in my stomach growing bigger.
"Oh good, big brother just who we were talking about"
Theo said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and officially snapping me out of whatever little staring contest Pike and I were in.
"Oh really" Pike said, tilting his head at me
"And what exactly were you talking about me for" he asked, leaning a little closer.
Too much. This was too much.
" I don't waste my time talking about you Pike" I spat out, shrugging Theo's shoulder off.
"If you wanna talk text me or come to my house but leave your asshat brother at home"
I said and then hurried quickly away. I looked back once for a second just to see Theo gone and Pike...standing where I left him, watching me.

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