Chapter Five: idk

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"What the hell is happening" Pike repeated, his jaw clenching and unclenching.
For some reason I felt that I had been caught doing something I shouldn't have been which was rediculous.

I opened my mouth to speak but Jason beat me to it.
"Doesn't really matter since it's none of your business Foster" he said, crossing his toned arms.
Pike's face contorted with anger and he took a step forward.
Jason stepped in front of me in what seemed like a protective manner.
Pike's eyes followed his movement and scoffed.
"Like id hurt her" he spit out.
You've done it once before, I thought in my head.
I put my hand on Jason's shoulder and pulled him back a little. He looked down at me in shock.
"Okay, while I'm all for you two waving your sticks around to see who's the biggest and baddest I have a life and I have things to do"
Both of them were watching me which for some reason made me feel weird.
"So. Jason go, Ill find you tomorrow and we'll figure out a plan okay?"
I said looking at him and giving an encouraging smile. He looked between me and Pike then nodded and started back the way he came.
As he walked away I took a deep breath and turned to the other odd boy who was confusing me today.

He was just standing there watching me with his arms crossed which pissed me off.
Why does he always just stand there like he's some greek god.
"I don't know what the hell is going on with you Pike but go away and leave me alone"
I bit out as I made my way up the walkway to my front door. I heard footsteps following me up the stairs and onto the porch.
"Nothings going on with me but I just find is fucking odd that Jason Presby was in your driveway. Why was he"
He had to kidding. I hoped he was kidding.
"You, Pike Arturo Foster have absolutely no reason to ask me that and there's no reason I'd need to tell you"
"Laney" he snapped, reaching and grabbing my arm as I reached for the door which right at that moment opened to reveal my mom.

My mother was what you'd call gracefully beautiful.
She was willowy and tall with shoulder length blonde hair and dark blue eyes. All of her features were soft, but her personality was anything but.
My mom was the strongest(and kindest) woman I knew.

"Ah I thought I heard something out here" my mom said crossing her arms and leaning against the door frame. I felt Pike's hand disappear from my arm.
"Pike Foster, been a while since I've seen you handsome."
She said tilting her head to look at Pike who's entire personality seemed to had changed. He stood there looking like a scorned child, nervously tapping his leg and messing with the edge of his black tee shirt.
"Hi Mrs.Warner"
I was watching this interaction with a smile on my face. It was fun to see Pike's bad boy persona dissipate in front of my mom.
"I'm going to go now" he muttered, stepping backwards down the stairs.
"See you later Pike" my mom said cheerfully, giving him a wave.
When he was out of earshot my mom and I looked at each other and laughed.
We walked inside, and I closed the door behind us.

"So what was that about? That boy hasn't stepped foot on our property in three years"
She asked, walking into our living room and plopping down on the couch.
I let out a small chuckle and shrugged my book bag off my shoulder and onto the dinning room table before going to snuggle up beside her. She wrapped her arms around me as I leaned on her shoulder.
"I don't really know, my whole day has been so weird." I replied.
"Tell me when you figure it out?" She asked, looking at me with a small smile.
"Yeah, I'll tell you when I figure it out"
If I ever did.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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