I Wear Boys Underwear Synopsis and Warning

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  • Dedicated to My Best Friend in the Entire World, Kali Sprofera

          [WARNING: This story contains some slightly strong language, so yes there will be cussing. There will also be immature people, mainly the male counterparts, and mature content (no sex or anything of that nature) that is limited to sexual innuendos and innappropriate stuff that if you are under the age of thirteen you probably should not be readying this (however I know you are going to read it anyways). But seriously there is nothing too extremely innapropriate about this story... sometimes... it just depends on the time and day, you know? Don't be scared to comment or critique (seriously its welcomed!), however if you do not like my story, I would rather you put something more constructive than "I hate this" or "this is stupid", then again it is a free country so do as you please (within the rules and regulations of Wattpad), it would just help more if you told me why you dislike it so much. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]


          Loosely based off and inspired by the 2006 DreamWorks film ‘She's the Man’ (that’s where the main characters get their idea) starring Amanda Bynes, Channing Tatum (cue swooning), Laura Ramsey, Vinnie jones, David Cross, Robert Hoffman (cue swooning), and Allexandra Breckinridge and Directed by Andy Fickman. Also loosely based off and inspired by Shakespeare’s 1601­­-1602 Comedy Play Write, Twelfth Night (What You Will).




          Austin loves football, there really is no going around that fact. So when her Powder-puff team is disbanned due to athletic budget cuts, she disguises herself as a boy named Skye and spends the summer at the rival teams football camp. There she meets Blaine, the sex god of all sex gods', who is, not so secretly, in love with Reagan; the MacArthur cheer captain and resident goody-two shoes (or so people think). But Reagan doesn't like Blaine. Instead she has a slightly obbsessive crush on Skye, who is really Austin in disguise...

Talk about awkward...

Austin is slowly falling in love with the one man she probably shouldn't be, Blaine.

Blaine is so completely confused he doesn't know what to do.

Reagan wants to desperately be the "type" for Skye.

Eli needs to get a life and stop being a man whore.

Jared can't stop listening to Lady Gaga nor getting the salt and sugar shakers mixed up.

Piper is out for Skye's bloodied body in a garbage bag.

Carter, the jerk with a conscience, who is also, not so secretly, in love with Reagan.

Drew wants to go shopping or better yet man hunting.

Nikki really wants to punch something, or more specifically someone.

Spencer just wants his girlfriend back.

And Austin doesn't think she can handle this secret much longer.

Get your big kid panties on, cause this game just got serious.


The sequel to this story has been DELETED due to personal reasons... okay I just thought of another story line that may be better than the previous... So I will start writing it soon and then you will have SEQUEL!

Also check out my other stories

Taming the Pipeline

The Slater Rebellion

Under the Corpus Sun

 I Wear Boys Underwear: Extra Scenes

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