Chapter 6

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Kano used two rather large hunting knives to slash at me.

While Sonya had gloves with laser claws attached to them.

I dodged some of their hits, blocked a few and let a bunch of them hit my armour.

I gave them a dirty smile after seeing my suit take no damage from their attacks, before quickly activating my face mask again.

Sundowner: Should have brought a bigger knife!

I shouted mockingly before kicking Kano into the crowd and focusing on throwing hits at Sonya.

I forgot how agile and fast she was, she dodged all of my hits, but was still pushed back by me.

I slashed at her head, but she ducked which caused me to hit three soldiers, cutting through their heads.

This action earned me a lot of surprised yelps from the crowd.

Sonya used my missed hit to try to tackle me to the ground.

Obviously, she wasn't strong enough to bring me down, even with her own suit, so I just grabbed her at the back of her neck and spun her around before throwing her into the crowd, knocking a few soldiers down.

Kano stabbed his knives into my back from behind, I responded by slashing behind me, hitting nothing as he dodged.

We were now facing off, his knives still in my back, no way for him to reach them.

Sundowner: Let's see how you'll fight without your little toothpicks.

He used his laser eye to shoot straight at my face, damaging my visor.

My vision was flickering, he got me good, but I was still able to see enough to attack him.

One of my blows hit him, slashing him across his chest, cutting his suit open.

Kano: Fuck!

He cussed as he fell down to the ground.

I heard Sonya running up to me from behind  I knew what she'll try to do, take the knives out of my back and stab me with them.

To prevent that from happening, I activated my shields, all six of them.

The shields knocked her back to the ground, making her groan in frustration.

Sonya: Fight like a fucking man, you coward!

I turned around to face her and shook my head.

Sundowner: Nah, sorry Sonya. Fight time is over. You had your chance.

I hit one blade against the other, heating them up and making every one in the crowd uncomfortable with the sound.

They knew what this sound meant, they knew it meant their general is going to die.

And some of them did not agree with that and jumped at me.

No need to say that they were an absolute joke and got cut into pieces by me.

Sonya: No! You fucking monster!

She began kicking me, while still lying on the ground.

Sonya: I'll fucking-

Sundowner: Die!

I brought my blades down onto her legs, cutting them off immediately.

She let out a deafening scream of pain which made me smile.

As usual, the heat of my blades burned her wounds shut, preventing her from bleeding out, thus prolonging her suffering.

She leaned back down against the ground, not fighting back anymore. Completely giving up.

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