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The shadow reached across the floor like a clawed hand. Neo smiled. The shadow hand crept up the transparent glass. The glass shattered into a million pieces. A man appeared from the shadows. His skin was pale white and he had dark bags under his eyes. His hair was midnight black but his eyes were grayish-blue."Hello Neo." He smirked, "Weren't as careful as you said you were."

Neo rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah, Shade. Let's find Nycta and get out of here."

Neo followed Shade out of the abilitor cell. They quickly found the woman in her glass box. Her orange jumpsuit matched much of Neo's aside from the number differences over their hearts. Shade placed his hand on the glass and it shattered. "Nycta. My most evil niece. Did you change your hair? You look different."

She smiled with a white eye she had in her right socket. She went blind in her eye from the brain damage from her least two favorite abilitors. A lightning-shaped scar ran up her neck and over her right eye. She promised she would get her revenge on the abilitor of ice and lightning for how hideous they made her look. "Just have some new enemies." She said.

Alarms sounded throughout the prison. "Great catch up. Now let's get out of here, fam." Shade smirked.

"On the ground!" A guard shouted.

"How does through the floor sound?" Shade asked. He snapped his fingers and the shadows below them opened and they went through the floor. They landed on the level below. "Follow me." Shade said. They ran through a wall with the help of Shade's shadow ability and into the night air. They ran down a steep hill to the shore line of the island. There sat a small, black, speed boat. Shade took the controls. The boat whirred to life and Shade headed away from the island.

"So what now?" Shade asked as the sirens of the prison faded in the distance.

"I have some abilitors I want." Neo seethed.

"Ugh. You're still into that collecting stuff?" Shade asked.

"Not collecting. Getting rid of." Neo corrected.

"I agree. I wanna destroy those bastards." Nycta hissed, "They will pay for what they did to me."

"Well, those abilitors are a part of the A.P.S. now. They bust other abilitors out and stop people like you two from collecting." Shade explained.

"Of course they joined Sparrow. She would love to have that much power on her side." Nycta rolled her eyes.

"That's what your island is for." Neo smirked at Shade.

Shade chuckled, "Who said I still had it?"

Neo deadpanned, "I know for a fact you'd never sell that island."

Shade chuckled, "So you wanna put thirteen of the most powerful abilitors in the world and have my pets pick them off?"

"If that's not too difficult for you to handle." Neo crossed his arms.

"I don't need or want that kind of attention, Neo. Especially from the government." Shade said more seriously.

"Who says the government has to find out. Accidents can always happen." Neo grinned, "Com'on, Shade. I know you missed this and I'm sure your monsters are hungry for some abilitors."

Shade chuckled, "You've always had a way with words, big brother."

"There is one of the thirteen I do want, though." Neo mentioned.

"Oh god. Please don't tell me you still want the ice abilitor." Nycta sighted.

"The ice abilitor should be the one that is hunted down first. Get him off the radar." Shade agreed.

"No! I need him under my grasp." Neo demanded.

Nycta rolled her eyes, "He has a point to prove."

"Whatever, Neo. You can have the ice maker but if he gets in the way of my pets, I won't hesitate to kill him." Shade warned.

"Then I will personally see to it myself that I catch him." Neo smiled, "I want to pick his brain apart slowly and painfully until he's nothing more than an ice cube maker. I've learned many things about my ability that I've never known before."

"He still hasn't gotten over monologuing." Shade smirked at Nycta.

Nycta shook her head, "Not in the slightest." Neo just glared at them.

"Then let's have some fun with thirteen overabilitors." Neo said.

Word Count: 713

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