chapter 14 going to Phuket

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Barcode's POV.

I watched the birds out the window as p'jeff drove us to the airport. It was dead silence. It felt like every move felt so loud. Every breathe felt loud , and every swallow felt loud.

Maybe it was a bit awkward between us because we'd be spending the weekend together , with gameplay. It was weird.

I look over to p'jeff , he looks lost in his thoughts. I wonder if he's nervous about this weekend to? I hope everything will be ok this weekend and it'll go by fast. And hopefully me and p'jeff can get some alone time. I mean we'll me sharing a hotel room , so we should get time together.

Barcode: p'jeff. I say in a low tone but loud enough for him to hear me.

Jeff: hm? P'jeff hums in response while focusing on the road.

Barcode: what are your thinking?

Jeff: nothing much. Just thinking we can go to the beach when we get there if your up for it.

Barcode: that sounds fun! We can have a big water fight. Hehehe.

I look to see p'jeff's smiling. I smile knowing I got him to smile , that's all I wanted. Is to see him happy. I take my phone and secretly snap a photo of me and p'jeff. P'jeff then catches me and laughs and smiles at the camera. I snap another photo. This time p'jeff looking at the camera.

Jeff: your so sneaky! P'jeff says laughing with me.

Barcode: yep! I've got a bunch of photos you don't know about! I say laughing sneakily.

Jeff: oh is that so? Then I guess I'll just have to start taking pictures of you when to aren't looking. I can be sneaky to.

Barcode: nope! I'll always be catch you!

Me and p'jeff continue talking and laughing the whole way there. We had a blast just talking. It was so much fun. But we eventually arrived at the airport. I was honestly not happy to arrive. We were in having a good time , but now I don't know what's going to happen. This weekend could go good , or it could go bad.

I'm hoping everything goes good , but just because I want it to , it'll go bad. I don't see what bad could possibly happen , but I guess we'll see.

Me and p'jeff both walk inside the airport surrounded by bodyguards. The screams of fans could be heard all over the airport. The airport was engolved by fans. As we're walking I get separated from p'jeff. I jump up a little trying to see p'jeff. Hehe I'm a bit short.

My eyes finally land on the back of his head and the back of his black sweatshirt. But I also see P'Game with him. I bend down trying to squeeze through everyone. Luckily I'm small , hehe.

I finally make it beside p'jeff , I grab his hand holding it afraid of getting separated again. I feel safe when holding p'jeff's hand.

Jeff: oh there you are. I lost you for a minute. P'jeff says wrapping his other arm around me waist.

Barcode: I'm here! I won't loose p'jeff again. I say smiling at p'jeff.

P'jeff smiles rubbing my head. The bodyguards walk us over to a non crowded area. We all three stand there waiting for are plane.

Game: Jeff , are you hungry? I brought some snacks for us.

Jeff: oaw sure. Thanks.

Game: barcode you hungry?

Barcode: a little. Thanks P'Game.

We all three much on some snacks P'Game brought. Yummy , I haven't eaten all morning. I stand beside p'jeff and P'Game while eating my snack. P'jeff and P'Game start talking about stuff. I kinda feel like air.

P'Game: they also have a beautiful beach there , it's going to be the best week ever. We can do all kinds of things.

Jeff: yeah , that all sounds fun. I'm excited.

P'Game: oh yeah and the hotel we are staying at , has a bar downstairs. We can go for a drink later to.

Those two getting drunk together? It doesn't sound good. Whenever your drunk , people always kiss other people. No , I won't allow it! Of course I trust p'jeff , it's P'Game I don't trust. He might still have feelings for p'jeff.

P'jeff doesn't vene like to drink that much , so he'll surely turn it down.

Jeff: sure , sounds good. Looking forward to it then.

What?! P'jeff no?! No no no! You can't! Why did he agree to it? He doesn't like alcohol that much. So why does he agree to drink with P'Game?

Jeff: barcode?

Barcode: hm?

Jeff: you ready? Are flight was just called.

Barcode: oh , yeah. Let's go. I say smiling weakly at p'jeff.

We all three get exported on to the plane , away from all the wild fans. It's really cool to have all the fans here though.

I sit down in a seat , beside p'jeff. P'Game set the other end of p'jeff. Can't me and p'jeff be alone , just for now please?! Hehe , am I to mean?

Jeff: are you tired? P'jeff says offering his shoulder as a pillow for me.

Barcode: mhm , thanks p'jeff. I say laying my head on his shoulder.

Jeff: goodnight angel.

Barcode: goodnight p'jeff.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. Uhg , I hate trying to sleep on planes. It's so hard. Oaw , I should have brought my neck pillow. P'jeff got me one for when we have to go on planes. He's so sweet.

I open my other eye as I hear p'jeff talking to P'Game. What are they talking about?

Game: once barcode asleep at the hotel , we can go for drinks. Sound good?

Jeff: sure. He's usually always tired after being ins plane for a while anyways. Plus , I don't want him in a bar area.

Game: mm yeah , true. He's to innocent to be in a bar anyways.

Excuse me?! Their talking about going without me , when I'm asleep?! Like a date?! And I'm not to innocent?! If only he knew what me and p'jeff did ina. Janitor's closet. He wouldn't be saying that now would he!

I can't believe this. Why isn't p'jeff taking me with him? Why doesn't he want me to go? Oii I'm already hating this! Forget it , I'm just going to sleep now. I'll figure this out once we arrive.

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