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Meerab was feeling frustrated with the restrictions placed on her due to her noble family background. She felt like she was trapped in a gilded cage, unable to go out alone and do the things she wanted to do. She expressed her frustration to her best friend Saba. Saba, in turn, explained to her that her brother had hired guards for her safety so that she could live her life without fear of harm from any potential threats. Though Meerab appreciated the concern for her safety, she couldn't help but feel suffocated by the constant surveillance and lack of privacy.

Meerab had a streak of adventure in her and was always coming up with unconventional ideas. She had a crazy plan in her head and shared it with her best friend Saba. Meerab said to her friend Saba, "I have an idea. Promise me you won't say this to anyone." Saba replied, "I promise, what is it?" Meerab replied, "At 4:30 pm all the guards go for a tea break, and we have 25minutes before they come back. Let's escape from here, roam around for a bit, eat some golgappe and chaat, and come back. What do you say?".Saba was initially hesitant, but Meerab's enthusiasm was infectious, and she eventually agreed to the plan.

Saba said, " Bro if we get caught by your brother, and I die in his hands, on my grave you should have it written-Best Friend who died so that her best friend could eat golgappes. Meerab laughed and replied, "Don't worry, we won't get caught. It's just for 25 minutes, we'll be back before anyone even notices we're gone."

Meerab and Saba escaped the haveli as soon as it turned 4:30. For Meerab, it was a moment of relief. She felt suffocated being confined to the safety of her brother's guards. Her brother's love was such that if she asked for anything, she could get it in a snap, but she wanted to experience the joy of doing little things like any normal girl would. And that meant breaking some rules.

Murtasim and Bakhtu were stuck in traffic near the Malik's house when they noticed two girls running out of the haveli in a hurry. Murtasim was taken aback by this and commented, "It seems that the Maliks cannot even control the women of their house, yet they aspire to control lands and people. Murtasim ordered the guards to bring those girls to  him so that he could teach them a lesson.

Murtasim looked at the two girls with a smirk as they were brought before him by the guards. He was dressed in a stylish black kurta and a cashmere shawl, and had his Ray-Ban sunglasses removed, revealing his shining brown eyes.. Despite being scared at first, Meerab put on a brave face in front of him, trying not to show her fear. As Murtasim took a closer look at Meerab, he saw a beautiful girl with long, dark hair, perfect curves, and stunning eyes. She was wearing a black chikankari kurti that covered her body and highlighted her curves,with a heavy embroidered dupatta draped over it. Her skin had a glowing complexion, and her eyes portrayed confidence.

Murtasim felt a pang of annoyance upon seeing the confidence in Meerab's eyes, as he was used to people being intimidated by him. He couldn't help but feel different about this girl. Bakhtu, his associate, soon realized that Meerab was none other than Malik Zubair's sister and informed Murtasim about it. Surprised by this piece of information, Murtasim taunted Meerab, saying, "So this is how women in the Malik's house behave? Running away from home? It shows your upbringing ."

Meerab replied to Murtasim, "You don't need to worry about my upbringing . It seems like your family didn't teach you the basic rule of letting people mind their own business. No wonder your nose is so big, you keep poking into other people's affairs."

Murtasim sneered, "Not only are you stupid and careless, but you also seem arrogant and overconfident."

Meerab replied, "I don't care what you think, mister." However, Murtasim cut her off, saying, "It's Khan, Murtasim Khan." Meerab sneered and said, "I didn't ask for your name.I can't waste my   time on you." She held Saba's hand and dragged her away. Murtasim was shocked by her way of speaking and already hated her guts.

After walking some distance, Meerab realised that her time was up and felt upset that she couldn't enjoy her outing. She decided to return to the haveli with Saba. Meerab expressed her frustration, saying, "That man wasted my time. I could have finished my chaat and golgappe and returned home by now." Saba admired Meerab's bravery and was proud of her best friend.

As they entered the hall, Meerab sensed a gloomy atmosphere and saw the vehicles they had seen on the road parked at their doorstep. She saw Murtasim and her brother shouting at each other and pulling out their weapons, and guards holding guns pointing at each other. Scared by the sight, she went and held her brother's hand, and asked, "Bhai, what is all this? What is he doing here?" Malik Zubair angrily replied back, "Go inside, Meerab. This does not concern you. Stay with Ammi." Murtasim snarkily replied, looking at Meerab, "Oh, please. You can't even control women in your house, and you want all the lands and become a zamindar." Meerab glared at him and was about to give him a piece of her mind.

Malik Zubair shouted at Meerab to go inside, while Murtasim commented, "Finally, you are proving yourself to be a man. Only if you had shown your manliness by not burning those crops, I would not have had to come here." Meerab was shocked to hear this. Malik Zubair retorted back " I am only taking what belongs to me.I swear Murtasim I will earn it by hook or crook." " I had only come to warn you this time but next time I'll officially end this for once and for all."

"Murtasim, accompanied by his guards and Bakhtu, left the Malik's house," Meerab noticed as he walked away. Suddenly, he turned back and locked eyes with her. She couldn't help but stare back. Murtasim wore sunglasses and walked away with an air of confidence, as if he owned the world.



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Hope you guys are liking the story.(All the characters have grey shades as that's what makes them human)

TERE BIN-MR AND MS KHAN MALIKTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang