"YAAR" ya "WAR"

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"Keep your gun down Malik, if you think you can blackmail the dean for your sister's seat. Then I too can do the same. For God's sake behave yourself."On hearing this Malik Zubair dropped his gun down and the Dean whose heartbeats got back to normal and thanked Murtasim in his head.

Murtasim ordered him to continue Dean said," This exactly is the problem, Sir. The entire city knows of your rivalry. If both your sisters study in the same college. Clashes like these are bound to happen. Our college can not afford these kinds of distractions to the students and it will create an unhealthy atmosphere in the campus."

Meerab's heart sank as she heard the Dean's words. She couldn't believe that their rivalry could ruin her dream of studying in this college. Murtasim also seemed disappointed, but he quickly gathered his composure and spoke," I understand your concern, Dean. But can't we find a solution that benefits both parties? Maybe we can arrange separate timings for our sisters' classes or assign them to different departments."

Malik Zubair scoffed at Murtasim's suggestion," You think I will agree to anything that benefits you or your sister? No way."

Murtasim turned to Malik Zubair with a stern expression," We have to find a way to resolve this issue peacefully. It's not just about our sisters, but also about the safety and well-being of all the students in this college."

The Dean nodded in agreement with Murtasim and spoke," I appreciate your concern, Mr. Khan. Let me see if we can arrange separate timings for your sisters' classes and make sure they don't clash with each other. I will also speak to the security team to ensure that there are no incidents of violence in the campus."

Meerab and Mariam looked at each other with a glimmer of hope in their eyes. Maybe there was still a chance for them to study in the same college without any trouble. Murtasim and Malik Zubair also seemed to be considering the Dean's suggestion. It looked like there was a possibility for a peaceful resolution to their rivalry after all.

Meerab looked at Khan Murtasim happily .She thought inwardly,"may be this Gaddi ka Janasheen is not that bad at all."

So history was created. The princesses of Khan and Maliks were going to the same college.

As they left the dean's cabin, Malik Zubair looked at Murtasim Khan with a smirk and said, "I hope you can control your sister's actions, Khan Sahab. Otherwise, you know what will happen." Murtasim Khan clenched his jaw in anger but kept his composure. He knew that Malik Zubair was just trying to provoke him.As they walked towards the admission office, Meerab and   Mariam exchanged a smile. They both were excited to start their college journey together. On the other hand, Murtasim Khan and Malik Zubair couldn't be more uneasy about the situation.

As they reached the admission office, a clerk welcomed them and asked for their documents. Meerab and Mariam handed over their documents, and the clerk started processing their applications. Suddenly, Mariam  spoke up, "Excuse me, sir. I have changed my mind. I don't want to study here anymore. Can you please cancel my application?"

Meerab and Murtasim Khan were surprised, and even the clerk was taken aback. Murtasim Khan gave his sister a stern look and said, "What are you saying, Mariam? We came all the way here for your admission. Why did you change your mind?"

Mariam looked at Meerab and then at Murtasim Khan and said, "I don't want to be the reason for any trouble between our families. I would rather study somewhere else." Meerab was touched by Mariam's gesture and said, "Mariam, we both want to study here, and we will make sure that there are no troubles because of us. Please don't let our families' rivalry affect your future."

Murtasim Khan nodded in agreement.

As the news of the princesses' admission in the same college spread, it created a buzz in the city. People were surprised to see that the longstanding rivalry between the Khan and Malik families had finally taken a backseat.

Malik Zubair returned home with his sister and immediately called her to his room. He warned Meerub in a serious tone, "Listen to me carefully, Meerub. I got you admission to that college as per your wish, but you must promise me one thing. You must never do anything that could tarnish our father's name. And one more thing, stay away from that Mariam girl. Mind your own business, do you understand?" His voice was stern, and Meerub could sense his anger. Meerub obediently followed her brother's command and left the room with a sense of relief, eager to give the good news to her mother. Meanwhile, Haya and Mariam were busy with their college preparations, eagerly looking forward to the new academic year.

It was the first day of college for both Mariam and Meerub. Both of them were very excited. Meerub was sitting with Saba and her friend Rohail in the class. Gossiping about the latest fashion trends and the cute guys in the college. Mariam was sitting alone in the corner, looking around nervously. She was always a shy and introverted person, and the new environment was making her even more anxious.

As the class progressed, the teacher announced that they would be forming groups for an upcoming project. Meerub was excited to work with her friends, but Mariam felt a knot in her stomach at the thought of having to approach new people. 

During the break as the entire class was having fun, Meerub saw Mariam sitting alone in a corner and decided to go and talk to her. As she approached her, Mariam looked up and their eyes met. Meerub smiled and said, "Hi. I saw you sitting alone and thought I'd accompany you." Mariam smiled back .They started talking and found out that they had a lot in common. Both of them loved reading books and had a passion for law. They discussed their favorite authors and the books they had read recently. Soon, they were lost in their conversation and didn't realize when the college was over.

 As they were waiting for their drivers, they saw Murtasim Khan  standing at the entrance. Meerub froze at the sight of him and Mariam noticed her discomfort. He said, "Well, let me give you a piece of advice. Stay away from my sister and don't try to act too smart. You don't want to mess with me." With that, he walked away holding his sister's hands.

Meerub sat there feeling hurt and betrayed by Mariam's lack of support when her brother had warned her to stay away from Meerub. She couldn't understand why Mariam didn't speak up for her, after all, they had become friends. To add to her frustration, Murtasim's behavior was confusing her. She couldn't tell if he was trying to protect his sister or just being rude to her. The warning from her brother echoed in her head, and she began to think that maybe he was right. Maybe it was best to stay away from the Khan family to avoid any trouble. Meerub decided to keep a distance from Mariam and Murtasim. She didn't want to risk getting into trouble with her brother.

Murtasim's POV

As I approached the college gate, I saw Mariam standing with Meerub and chatting with her. I was surprised to see her smiling and enjoying Meerub's company. How could she forget the enmity between our families so easily? I quickly walked towards them and spoke in a rough tone, "Listen, let me give you a piece of advice. Stay away from my sister and don't try to act too smart. You don't want to mess with me."

As I spoke those words, I couldn't help but think that Meerub was different from her brother. She seemed genuinely nice and friendly towards Mariam. But despite this, I couldn't fully trust her. After all, she was still a Malik and her loyalty could easily switch back to her family.I walked away, feeling a mix of anger and confusion. I knew I had to keep an eye on Meerub and her interactions with my sister. I couldn't afford to let my guard down and risk putting my family in danger.

That's it guys.

Hope you are all enjoying the story:)

Feedbacks welcomed

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