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After returning home from college, Murtasim, Mariam's brother, immediately started scolding Mariam and instructing her to keep her distance from a certain girl. It is unclear why Murtasim wanted Mariam to maintain this distance, but Mariam, being an obedient girl, complied with her brother's request without questioning him.

The following day, when Mariam entered her classroom, she noticed two of her classmates, Saba and Rohail, glaring at her with anger. Mariam was taken aback by their sudden hostile reaction towards her. She was surprised because she had no prior issues or conflicts with Saba and Rohail, and she couldn't understand why they were directing their anger towards her. Mariam may have felt confused and puzzled by their behaviour, wondering if it had something to do with her following her brother's instructions or if there was some other reason behind their anger. 

 Nobody wanted to risk falling into the bad books of Khan Murtasim Khan, Mariam's brother. As a result, everyone maintained their distance from Mariam, including excluding her from group projects and activities due to the fear of her brother's potential retribution. The social exclusion and isolation took a toll on Mariam, and she couldn't bear it any longer. Overwhelmed with sadness, she rushed back home with tears in her eyes.

Meerab, upon witnessing Mariam's emotional state, felt sorry for her. However, Meerab was also constrained by her own familial situation. She couldn't intervene or offer support to Mariam openly, as doing so might incur the wrath of her own brother, Malik Zubair.

On returning home and seeing his little sister in tears, Murtasim was devastated. He couldn't bear to see Mariam in such distress. Without wasting a moment, Murtasim, accompanied by his loyal servant  Bhaktu, immediately rushed to the college to address the situation and find out what had caused Mariam so much pain.

As he entered the classroom, Murtasim's emotions were running high, and his anger was triggered by the sight of Meerab sitting calmly. He believed, albeit mistakenly, that Meerab was responsible for causing Mariam's pain.

Driven by his ego and fueled by his assumptions, Murtasim confronted Meerab with a mix of frustration and anger. He demanded an explanation for the situation, accusing Meerab of being the cause of Mariam's distress. The tension in the classroom escalated as Murtasim's heavy presence, along with his security and their guns, intensified the fear and panic among the students.

Murtasim, consumed by anger and frustration, shouted at Meerab, "How dare you? Didn't I make it clear for you to stay away from my sister? Why do you keep bothering her?"

As tensions escalated between them, Meerab's anger reached its peak. With fiery determination, she  shouted back at Murtasim, her voice resonating with frustration and defiance.

If looks could kill, Murtasim would have been burned to ashes.

 Meerab exclaimed. "How dare you, just because I choose not to engage with you, assume that I am causing trouble for your sister? I have better things to do with my time than to bother her. If anyone should be blamed, it's you! Your intimidating presence has created an environment of fear and nobody wants to be associated with your sister because of it."

Indeed, the students in the classroom were taken aback by Meerab's strong response to Murtasim. The sudden turn of events, with Meerab standing up for herself  and confronting Murtasim, caught everyone by surprise.The shock on their faces was evident as they witnessed the usually calm and jovial Meerab assert herself against Murtasim's authority. It was an unexpected display of courage and defiance, challenging the dominance that Murtasim held over the classroom.

Murtasim, taken aback by Meerab's strong counter and display of defiance, momentarily found himself at a loss for words. The unexpected response from Meerab challenged his sense of authority and control, leaving him momentarily stunned.His initial confidence and anger wavered, replaced with a mixture of surprise and uncertainty.

Just as Murtasim was about to respond, the college authorities swiftly intervened, and the Dean stepped forward to address the escalating situation. "Khan, this is exactly why we had concerns about admitting these girls," the Dean stated firmly, his voice carrying authority. "The college atmosphere is being disrupted due to these conflicts. I recall that it was your own idea to leave personal animosities outside the college premises and foster a healthy learning environment."

Murtasim and Meerab, both caught off guard by the intervention, were now faced with the realization that their actions were negatively impacting not only themselves but also the college community as a whole.

Meerab's snarky response was delivered with a hint of frustration and defiance, directed towards the Dean's comment about the disruption caused by conflicts in the college.

"Sir, with all due respect, the Maliks have upheld their word," Meerab retorted. "Neither my brother nor I are responsible for these fights in the classes. We have kept our promise, unlike others who seem to seize every opportunity to come and cause chaos."

Feeling embarrassed and overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, Murtasim quietly exited the classroom, his gaze briefly meeting Meerab's triumphant expression. As Meerab observed Murtasim's eyes, she couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine. There was a distinct change in Murtasim's demeanor as his eyes turned red, leaving her unable to decipher the intensity of the emotions behind them.

Murtasim's POV

Anger flared within him as he grappled with the audacity of Meerab speaking back to him. In his mind, it was an act of defiance that challenged his authority and undermined his sense of superiority. "How dare that girl speak back to me," Murtasim seethed internally. He had grown accustomed to being in a position of power and having others submit to his commands. The idea that Meerab, someone he perceived as enemy,had the courage to stand up to him shook his ego to its core. Murtasim's ego became wounded as he felt a sense of entitlement being questioned. The mere act of Meerab speaking back to him created a clash of pride and authority, triggering an overpowering surge of anger within him. This conflict of power dynamics left Murtasim reeling, desperate to reestablish his dominance and regain the control he believed was rightfully his.

In that moment, Murtasim's mind raced with thoughts of retribution. He contemplated various ways to put Meerab back in her place, to make her regret ever challenging him. The anger within him drove him to seek control and dominance over Meerab.

Meerab's face lit up with a mixture of surprise and joy as she saw Malik Zubair, her brother, waiting for her at home. His warm smile and words of praise on today's incident instantly brought comfort and a sense of validation to her. "Thank you, bhai," Meerab replied, a hint of pride in her voice. "It was a difficult moment, but I couldn't let his intimidation silence me. I had to stand up for myself and for what I believed was right."

Malik Zubair smiled warmly at Meerab. "That's my sister, always courageous and determined. Keep shining, Meerab, and never let anyone dim your light. Together, we will overcome any challenges that come our way."

Anila, observing the interaction between Meerab and Malik Zubair, couldn't help but feel a pang of dissatisfaction. She had hoped to shield Meerab from the generational conflicts and the burdens that came with it. However, it appeared that her own actions had inadvertently drawn Meerab into the midst of it all.

Little did Meerab know, her journey was about to take an unexpected turn, thrusting her into the heart of a battle she never anticipated. The storm was on its way, and it was only a matter of time before Meerab would be swept into its tumultuous path, challenging her in ways she never imagined.

Sorry for the late update guys ! 

Thank you for patiently waiting.

Hope you are all enjoying the story and the drama(which I am not.)

Next update pretty soon.....

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