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As Murtasim rushed back to the village, a sense of urgency and concern gripped him. News of the emergency issue had reached him, but the details were still unclear.

Arriving at the village, Murtasim's worst fears were confirmed. He learned that two security guards had been killed, their lifeless bodies left in a desolate area of the land. The news sent shockwaves through the community, spreading a wave of grief and fear. Murtasim, filled with a mix of anger and sorrow, couldn't comprehend the brutality of the act. The loss of two lives, the pain inflicted upon their families, and the audacity of the perpetrators left him determined to seek justice.

With a heavy heart, he visited the families of the deceased guards, offering his condolences and assuring them that he would do everything in his power to bring the culprits to justice.

 Rumours and whispers reached his ears, painting a picture of Malik Zubair's involvement in the tragic deaths of the two security guards.As he delved deeper into the investigation, the evidence seemed to point in Malik Zubair's direction. Witnesses claimed to have seen his men  near the scene of the crime, and fabricated testimonies were crafted to further implicate him.

As the village community caught wind of Murtasim's suspicions, divisions emerged, pitting neighbour against neighbour, friend against friend. The once harmonious atmosphere turned into a cauldron of resentment and mistrust, with people taking sides and tensions reaching a breaking point.

Murtasim, consumed by frustration and fueled by his lingering suspicions, made the difficult decision to file a case against Malik Zubair. Convinced of his guilt, Murtasim was determined to see justice served. 

The case sent shockwaves throughout the city. The Malik family found themselves in the midst of a deep turmoil as the weight of the accusations against Malik Zubair lingered heavily. Meerab, devastated by the situation, felt an overwhelming mix of emotions. She knew her brother well enough to understand that while he may not be a perfect person, he was not capable of such a heinous crime that involved taking people's lives.

Anas, a loyal worker and trusted member of the Malik family, expressed his frustration and concern over Murtasim Khan's actions. Understanding the gravity of the situation and the need to protect Malik Zubair, Anas proposed a plan to divert Murtasim Khan's attention and shift the focus away from the Malik family."Malik," Anas began, his voice filled with determination, "Murtasim Khan has truly shown his true colors. He is relentless in his pursuit against us. We cannot allow him to continue tarnishing our reputation and accusing you unjustly. We must find a way to divert his attention elsewhere."

Malik Zubair's voice held a mix of frustration. He was unable to comprehend why he was being held responsible for the murders. "You're absolutely right, Anas," Malik Zubair replied, his voice laced with genuine bewilderment. "I cannot fathom why everyone is pointing fingers at me for these heinous crimes. Yes, I have a deep attachment to that land, but it doesn't mean I am capable of taking someone's life."

Malik Zubair's desperation grew as he grappled with the evidence implicating their men near the land on the day of the crime. His mind raced to find an explanation that could clear their names. Anas, sensing his distress, responded swiftly to provide a plausible explanation.

"Malik," Anas interjected, his voice calm "I believe there may be a misunderstanding. That day, five of our men were indeed dispatched to the nearby land, but it was to collect money owed by a farmer. It is possible that the villagers mistook our men's presence at the scene and wrongly associated them with the crime."

As the legal proceedings unfolded, the courtroom became the stage for a high-stakes battle between the two sides. Murtasim, fueled by his unwavering belief in Malik Zubair's guilt, stood firmly in his conviction, determined to see justice served.Prosecutors presented their case, presenting the evidence they believed implicated Malik Zubair in the murders. They called upon witnesses who testified, their words painting a picture of guilt and malevolence. Murtasim, sitting in the courtroom, watched intently, his anger and determination burning within him.

On the other side, Malik Zubair's defence team meticulously countered the prosecution's arguments. They presented an alternative narrative, one that pointed to the possibility of a set-up and manipulated evidence.

As the legal battle raged on, the tension in the courtroom reached its peak. However, as the trial progressed, cracks began to appear in the prosecution's case. The defense team skillfully dismantled the prosecution's evidence, exposing flaws and inconsistencies that cast doubt on Malik Zubair's guilt.

However, as the trial progressed, cracks began to appear in the defense's case. The prosecution team skillfully dismantled the team's evidence, exposing flaws and inconsistencies that cast doubt on Malik Zubair's guilt.

As Meerab accompanied her brother Zubair to the court hearing, a cloud of despair weighed heavily upon her. Being a law student, she was well aware of the potential outcomes and the implications of her brother's case. The weight of the situation and the uncertainty of the future consumed her, causing her spirits to plummet.In the courtroom, as the proceedings commenced, Meerab couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness. The sight of Murtasim, his smirk evident on his face, only added fuel to the fire of her despair. His words cut deep, mocking her previous confidence and reveling in her current state of distress. 

"The other day in college, you were too proud of yourself, right?" Murtasim taunted, his voice dripping with malicious satisfaction. "Now see where I have brought you. Your brother is a criminal who has allegedly killed two innocent people for that land. I am making sure he pays the price for his crimes, and I won't even let him have that land."

Meerab's voice echoed with unwavering determination as she squarely faced Murtasim. The challenge in her eyes reflected her conviction as she spoke, "The next court hearing may be three months away, Murtasim. But mark my words, I will not rest until I prove my brother's innocence. And if, by the end of it all, I fail to do so, I will accept the all the consequences and bear the brunt of it."

Murtasim's voice dripped with a mix of warning and contempt as he interrupted Meerab's determination. He sneered at her, confident in his superiority and power. "Don't forget this, Meerab," he uttered with a cold, mocking tone.

She locked eyes with Murtasim, her gaze unwavering and determined. "I won't forget, Murtasim," she replied. 

That's all for now guys !

Hope you guys are enjoying the story. The actual twists in the story would take place from the upcoming chapters.

Feedbacks Welcomed !!

What do you guys think did Malik Zubair actually kill those two men or is he innocent ? 

Next update pretty soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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