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During his drive back home, Murtasim couldn't shake the image of the feisty girl out of his head. No one had ever talked back to him like that before. Interrupting his thoughts, Bakhtu said, "Khan, I still don't think Malik will change his ways. We need to take action and put an end to this once and for all." Murtasim responded, "What do you suggest, Bakhtu? He's a Malik, he won't change. I need to come up with a plan to end all of this."

Meerab was angry at Murtasim for accusing her brother. She questioned her brother, "Did you actually burn those crops?" When she didn't get any answers, she already knew the truth. "How could you do that, Bhai? You know the amount of hard work those farmers put in harvesting those crops and how could you just burn them?" Malik replied, "Meerab, I think you should not involve yourself in this and mind your own business. By the way, where were you in the evening?" Meerab hesitatingly replied, "I had gone out with Saba and saw Murtasim Khan coming to our house and returned back." Malik shouted at her, "How many times have I told you to not go out alone? It's not safe. What if that rogue Khan had abducted you?"

Meerab replied back haughtily, "You need not worry about me bhai but your intentions does not seem right.Better change them otherwise it could only lead to our damage." and left from there to her room.

Upon arriving at his Haveli, Murtasim was greeted by his cousin Haya, who had been eagerly waiting for him. Just looking at her was enough to make him angry. However, instead of taking it out on her, he quickly went to his room and threw his coat angrily onto his bed. Anwar chacha noticed Murtasim's arrival and rushed to his room to ask about what had happened at the Malik Mansion.

Later, as they all sat down at the dining table, Murtasim broached the topic with his sister Mariam about her studies. Murtasim said to his sister Mariam, "So, what do you want to pursue for your graduation?"

Mariam replied with excitement, "Bhai, I want to pursue law"

Maa Begum spoke seriously, "I don't like this course. Why can't you study a subject that's not related to crime? You could study literature or something like that. This course is not suitable for women. I won't allow you to take it."

Anwar Chacha interjected, "Bhabhi Begum, times have changed. The other day, we received information that Malik Zubair is getting his sister admitted to study law. If she can study law, then why can't our daughter also study ?"

Murtasim was lost in thought about the lawyer girl and her bold words. Mariam noticed her brother's distraction and asked him, "Bhai, where are you lost? Tell Maa that if Malik Zubair's sister can study law and become a lawyer, then Murtasim Khan's sister is no less and can become a successful criminal psychologist."

Murtasim responded, "Maa Begum, times have changed. If we force Mariam to study something she doesn't like, she will never be successful in it. However, Mariam, you should ensure that our honor is not compromised under any circumstances. Make us proud."

"The next day, the two devoted brothers with their beloved sisters went to "Government College University Hyderabad" to get admission.

"Come on, Bhai, let's hurry up. We're getting late," Meerab said excitedly. The Malik siblings took their mother's blessings and left with heavy security. When they reached the college entrance, Meerab could see heavy security personnel lining up outside the college. As she stepped into the college entrance with her brother, she was taken aback by what she saw."

Khan Murtasim Khan was standing in all his glory, holding his sunglasses in one hand conversing with the dean, and his sister was patiently listening to their conversation. She seemed docile and composed. Malik Zubair was watching this scene and could not bear it. He marched towards the dean and asked, "I already told you, Dean, that I would come today to enrol my sister. Why did you call this man here?"

Murtasim Khan retorted, "Didn't I make it clear that I would come here today? Then what is this disgraceful man doing here? Don't you value your life that you called my enemy right in front of me? How dare you?"

The dean, who was about to faint at the sight of the two powerful men almost starting a fight on his campus, tried to defuse the situation as the gunmen pointed at each other. "Gentlemen, before you say anything, I thought you would arrive at different times. Please do not create a scene here. There are many students looking here. Please come inside my cabin, and then we can discuss."

Malik Zubair responded, "There is nothing to discuss. My sister wants to study law here, and I'll pay the fees. But I have a condition. Once my sister is enrolled, you will not admit his sister to the college. I cannot bear to see my enemy's face every day. I hope I have made myself clear."

Murtasim Khan retaliated, "Listen, Mr. Dean. I have not come here to listen to all this. As I had told you earlier, my sister wants to study in this college only. Admit her right now, and I'll pay double the fees." He pointed towards Meerab and added, "But this girl should not join here."

Meerab felt exasperated and thought to herself, "These guys are out of control. Their rivalry is going to ruin everything for that girl and me. Can't they leave it outside the college?"

The dean then invited all four of them into his cabin and spoke nervously, "Gentlemen, I understand that both your sisters have scored well and deserve a seat in our esteemed institution. But the situation here is very tense and I fear that if we admit both of them, it might lead to unnecessary conflicts and disruption in our college."

Malik Zubair's temper was flaring up with every passing second . He was about to take out his gun to intimidate the dean, but Murtasim noticed and pointed his gun towards Malik Zubair, urging him to calm down.

There is a next part coming up pretty soon...

Hope you guys are enjoying it :)

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