The Move (Chapter 1)

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A/N Hi, my name is Emma. I was in 8th grade when I started writing this and now im in 9th, Im very busy with school and alot of other things but I love reading and writing. I'm probably gonna post every 2 weeks or attempt toPlease keep in mind THAT MOST OF THESE CHAPTERS ARE NOT EDITED. Anyways, without further ado here is Blinded by Love.

Chapter 1


I groaned as I picked up a heavy box from my room. I looked around my room and realized this was the last time I would be there. As I turned to the door and walked down the stairs and outside. There I saw my mom trying to shove boxes in the U-Haul we rented, and beside her, I saw my neighbor. Her name was June, I was never close to June or anything. 

We said hi when we saw each other in school, but that's really as far as our interactions go. As I looked at her, she waved, and I smiled back since my hand was full with the box. When I got to my mom, she took the box and put it in the U-Haul. I turned to June "Hey" I said. She looked at me then the house "Hi" she said, still not looking at me. 

The weird thing was that June showed up and not my, so-called best friend. Considering the fact that my friends treated June so poorly, they would call her names and basically what a school bully would do. 

I told them a month ago I was moving and they acted all sad, today when I called the group chat to tell them what time I was l leaving, they all said they were busy.

I didn't know what to think. But surely, they could make time to see their best friend before she moves away. When I asked them all what they were doing, they told me they were hanging out. I told them to come over and then go out after. And they all said that I was stupid for not getting the memo that they didn't want to see me anymore, and I really didn't mean anything to them.

 I felt sad a first, but soon realized I was moving away to a completely different place, so it didn't matter. As I looked back at June, she turned her face to face me "Where are your friends?" June asked. I looked at her, should I tell her what happened with them? I thought to myself No, it doesn't matter.

 "They were busy, but we said our fair wells to each other yesterday" I said while giving a small smile that met nothing to me. All June did was smile back at me.

As I got in the U-Haul, I looked at our house. It wasn't even our house anymore. Someone else bought it. Someone bought the house I grew up in, the house I made all my memories in.

 Someone is going to start a new family, shouldn't that be exciting? No, it wasn't for me. I knew that I would have to forget this place.

 As I turned back to my mom, she gave me a reassuring smile "It's going to be a new beginning Emily, trust me". I smiled at my mom, I should trust her. She was always there for me, and there was nothing left for me in this town, no friends, no family sense were we are moving is were my moms side of the family is, and no love life.

I've never dated anyone here and why should I? My parents just proved to me why I shouldn't ever be in love. But I read a lot of romance novels, and I want that. That feeling when you get all nervous when you see him, and when he accidentally touches you and you turn a bright pink. But I had to be honest with myself. I am a girl. A normal girl. There's nothing really interesting with me. Other then the fact I love sports, but that's not really interesting to someone. Maybe to me but not to someone else. 

I honestly didn't know what to think about moving. At first I was sad. I thought I would be leaving my best friends, and the place were I felt safe. But that stunt they pulled this morning proved so much. They didn't care about me. I thought I had some real friends. But moving to this new place means I can make some new friends, I just have to be myself. 

The U-Haul's engine started and we where off.

I looked out the window as we stopped at a motel. The drive from California to Prince Rupert in British Columbia was going to be long. Even though we have only driven for 8-10 hours, I was tired. 

As I got out of the U-Haul I stretched my legs, it felt amazing. As my mom checked in I walked around the parking lot to look at the city we where in. My mom walked up to me.

"Hey hon, you ready to see our amazing room?" my mom said with a cheeky smile.

I threw her a death glare. I didn't want to stay in a motel room. I told my mom to book a hotel room but she refused, saying it would be pointless if we were only staying for 1 night and it would be fun for us to order food.

"Il take that as a yes" My mom said walking to our assigned room.

When I reached the room, my mom had already entered. I peeked my head through the door, I saw my mom standing there putting her suitcase on a table. As I walked in and looked around, it didn't look as bad as I thought it would. It was fairly cleaned, the beds were made and it smelt good.

"How much did you pay for this?" I asked quickly glancing at my mom.

"Oh, this one was only 35$ a night. A good deal if you ask me, am I right?" My mom said still looking down at her suitcase.

"Yeah, looks fine"

It looks a lot better than fine I thought to myself. I would never tell my mom that, I wanted to prove a point. I had to be right.


Later that night my mom ordered pizza and we watched YouTube on the tv. I looked over at my mom and she was asleep. I grabbed the remote that was on the nightstand between our beds and shut off the tv. I glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand, it read 11:23 pm.

I should probably get to bed, I thought to myself, It's going to be a long ride.

 I grabbed a book off the corner of my bed and started reading, I haven't read this book before I think to myself and with a quick glance at the cover, I could tell it was another romance. 

I read a few pages and I could feel my eyes starting to grow heavy, so I set down my book and turned the lamp off, and with that I fell asleep right away.


I wake up the next morning to my mom not being in the room. I looked at her bed to see that the bed was done and her pj's were laid out. I grabbed my phone from my bed and called my mom, she picked up right away.

"Hey honey, I just went to the restaurant next door to grab some breakfast. Why don't you get dressed and come over?"

"Uh, yeah sure" I mumbled.

"Love you"

I hung up right away and slowly got out of bed.

As I got to my suitcase, I realized that most of my clothes were just thrown in. As I dug around my suitcase, I found an ok outfit. I grabbed the ripped jeans and a baggy shirt and walked over to the bathroom. As I finished changing, I looked in the mirror and realized the outfit wasn't too bad. As soon as I put my hair in a braid I grabbed my phone, wallet, and motel keys, I locked the door behind me and ran over to the restaurant my mom was at.

Sorry for the short chapter, with limited information. I'm pretty busy with school. I will post sometime soon. I've already started the next chapter, so when I get the chance I will post it. As I said before I don't want to be posting all over the place, to the point you can't keep up. That's why I've chosen these dates. There will be times when I post randomly.

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