Chapter 3 {Late night texts}

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As I enter the house, I hear my mom upstairs.

I head out to the backyard and place the bag of food down. Surprisingly enough the movers already installed the patio, with the chairs and everything.

I turn around, and trug through the house then head upstairs. My mom is in her room placing stuff on the wall and smiling at old pictures of us.

"What are you doing?" I say standing at the doorway.

"Honey your home," She says while turning around "Did you get the food?" She asks

"Yep, I thought we could eat outside," I say

"That would be wonderful," She says while getting up and walking past me "I need to talk to you about stuff anyways"

"What stuff?" I question while turning to head downstairs

"Will talk about it at dinner," she says

As we walked outside onto the patio my mom started opening the bag. She put the receipt on the table and I noticed that it had something written on it. I walked over and picked it up.

On the back, it read: Call me- Noah

He gave me his number! I thought to myself Why would he give me his number?!

I grab my phone out of my back pocket and add his contact. My mom turns around and notices the note on the receipt.

"What's this Em?" She questions while garbing the receipt out of my hands.

"Nothing," I say while trying to grab the receipt.

"Whose Noah?" she says with a smile, as a grab the receipt back.

"Nobody," I say shoving the receipt in my pocket.

"That's not nobody, tell me," My mom says.

"He's just some boy I met at the burger place," I say with a smile

"Ok," she says.

We sit down and start eating our burgers.

"So, hon, I was thinking about your school. I enrolled you in John Parks public high school"

I look at her and nod my head while taking a bite out of a French fry.

"I'm thinking it might be best if you start tomorrow," she says.

I go to fight back, but she stops me.

"Before you fight me on this, hear me out. Most people started school 2 weeks ago and they are already settled in" I look at her surprised

"I'll go tomorrow, but I want lunch money," I say while taking a sip of my drink.

"I always give you lunch money"

"I know"

"So, it's settled then, you're going to school tomorrow"

I nod my head.

Later at night, I sat in bed.

"Ugh, why can't I go to sleep?" I said talking to myself.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and found Noah's contact. I entered messages and started typing a message. I looked over to my nightstand to see it was only 10 pm. Who goes to bed at 10 pm? I think to myself. I decide to text Noah.

Emily: Hey, it's Emily

There, is no turning back now. Its sent. I think to myself

Noah: And here I thought you were ignoring me

Emily: Haha, never

Noah: Sureee

Emily: It's not my fault I didn't know what to send, lol

Nick: How about this? Hey it's me, Emily

Emily: I did send that

Noah: Took you long enough

Emily: ...

Noah: I'm only teasing

Emily: I know, but I was wondering what school you go to?

Noah: Why do you want to know?

Emily: Because...

Noah: Well... If you must know, I go to John Parks public high school

Emma: Really?!?

Noah: Yep, why?

Emma: I'm going to that school, I start tomorrow

As soon as I send that message, Noah calls me.

"Hi," I say.

"Hey, so I was thinking since you are joining our school that I could show you around tomorrow?" He said, even though it sounded like a question.

"Yeah! That would be really great" I say. Moving to this new town is not my idea of fun same goes for joining a new school. At least I won't make it super obvious that I'm new.

"So, why did you move to a new school?" Noah asks.

"My mom wanted a fresh start, and how about you? Have you lived here your whole life?" I question.

I might as well leave the story short and simple, there is no reason for me to get into details. I barely know Noah, he seems nice, but still, I don't know him.

"I moved here last year, so grade 9. I guess you could say I'm still kind of new to' Nick says, sounding like he has a smile on his face.

"Hm, so you're a newbie too," I say while laughing.

"I guess you could say that," He says "But at least I was here before you before you" He adds

"Right now, I just imagine you with a smile on your face, and it's very funny"

"So now you are just imagining how hot I am"

"Never Noah! You're not my type"

"Calm down Emily, it's just a joke," Noah says laughing

"Ok, ok. I should probably get some sleep"

"Mhm, yeah I should too. It's going to be a long day of me annoying you tomorrow"

"Your so annoying," I say while laughing

"We already met today and were good friends"

"You keep telling yourself that Noah"

"I will actually"

"Well, I'm going to hit the hay, goodnight, Noah"

He laughs into the phone "What type of saying I that?" He says still laughing "Anyways goodnight" he adds

We hang up the phone and I look at my ceiling, this is good, I think. I've made a friend. As I think about tomorrow, I start to fall asleep

A/N-Hi, so im starting on the 4th chapter. It has lots of things to look forward to, I hope you all check my story regularly. If you have any feedback just add a comment and I'll take it into consideration. I hope you all have a good day or night. Until next time😊


Blinded by Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें