Chapter 5 {Friends and shook}

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I walk outside and the cool air hit my face. I took a deep breath and exhaled. I sat on the steps infront of the school and watch the few students that linger around the parking lot. They all look so happy talking with their friends and smiling. I used to have that I think to myself.

I sit up and get my phone out of my back pocket, I search up the closet bakery which just happens to be down the road. I start to walk towards it, when I get inside I notice a few girls that I saw in my class this morning. I start to leave when one of the girls runs up to me.

"Hi, Your new right?" She says smiling.

"Yeah" I say nicely.

"Why don't you come sit with us?" I nod my head and follow them to where there all sitting.

"Im Izzy", says the girl who came up to me. She introduces all the girls one by one and they all are in grade 10.

As the end of break comes closer, we all start packing our stuff. We all head back to school and the girls all chat together. Izzy turns to me, and waves for me to come closer. I jog up to her and she smiles, she comes up to my ear and whispers "are you ok?" I nod my head and she looks at me questionly.

As we walk into school the halls still seems empty. There are a few people scattered here and there but not packed. The bell rings all of a sudden signaling the end of break, and students come flooding the hallways. Where the hell did they come from?! I think to myself. I follow the girls to there lockers, their all talking about their weekends plan together.

"You should come," Izzy says while turning to me.

"Huh" I say a bit confused

"I mean you should come hang out with us," she says, I nod my head.

I look around the hall and realize that its starting to empty out. Where at the front of the school. I turn around when I hear the front doors of the school open, I see "mysterious boy" going through the hall. He's walking down the middle of the hall and he has something in his hand, I can't tell what it is because there is a group of 15 students Infront of him.

"Who's he?" I ask pointing toward "mysterious boy"

"Him?" Izzy friend Jules says while pointing to him.

I nod my head and Jules burst out laughing.

"Oh my God, you mean freak, all you need to know about him is stay away from him," she says while still laughing.

Izzy looks at Jules with disgust she turns to me while looking a bit sad.

"That's Nick, and well... he's... um... well he's blind" Izzy says

I look at her and whisper yell "He's blind?!?"

Izzy comes up to me and she covers my mouth with her hand.

"mysterious boy" who I now know is Nick, is a short distance away. He seems to turn his head slightly in our direction. Izzy grabs my wrist and pulls me away from the group.

"He can hear you know that, right?" Izzy says, and I nod my head.

Izzy looks at me "I'll tell you more about him later before the others tell you shit about him that isn't true"

As I start to make my way to the drama room with Izzy, my phone rings. I take my phone out of my pocket to see my mom has texted me.

Mom: I thought we could take the day off together, im out front

Me: Do I just go to the Office to get signed out?

Mom: Nope just head to the entrance I already told them I was signing you out

"Izzy, my mom is here to sign me out" I say

"Oh, what's your number ill text you what you missed" Izzy says while pulling out her phone.

We exchange numbers and I turn and run to the front of the school.

When I walk outside I see my mom parked in the front entrance talking to someone on the phone, I get into the car and smile. She signals me one finger telling me to give her one minute I nod and she continues talking to someone on the phone.

After she gets off the phone, she brings me to a restaurant downtown.

"So, how was school?" Mom questions while taking a bite of the meal in front of her.

"Fine" I say, while playing with the mac and cheese I ordered.

"How's this school? I know its supposed to be better then your old one, but then again I haven't seen it with my own eyes", she questioned.

"It's good, average, but it's well kept" I said looking up at her.

After we eat and talk for a bit we head home. I head straight to my bedroom and put my backpack on my bed, I take my phone out of my pocket and put it on the nightstand beside my bed. I look around and look at all the boxes.

I look at the clock and see its inly 4pm, that gives me a while before I have to get ready for bed. I walk over to the pile and start to unpack the boxes.

I sit down on my bed and see that its 9pm. It took me 5 hours to empty all the boxes but it was worth it, my room felt clean and like I can finally breath. I walk over to my phone and click the screen and see there is a message from a unknown number. I click it and a message appears.

Maybe Izzy: So for drama we have to make like skits. The teacher partnered me with some random person, sense you weren't there I couldn't choose you, but hopefully you get someone good.

I click the symbol in the corner that says add Izzy and add her to my contacts. I message her back

Me: Aww, that honestly sucks. I wish I could have stayed so we could be partners, but I guess I get to meet new people.

Izzy: That's it! Looking at the positive side.

Me: Sure I am. Lmao.

Me: It's not late, I know. But im going to head to bed. Im super tired

Izzy: Ok, sounds good. See you in the morning.

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