Chapter 4 {A Mysterious boy}

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I wake up in the morning to my alarm clock blaring through my room. I grab my phone that is on my nightstand and read the time. It's 7 am and school starts at 8 am. I get up and go to the bathroom.

I wash my face and brush my teeth after I walk into my bedroom and look at some of the boxes. I walk to one of the boxes and open it, I dig around until I find what I'm looking for. I grab the big makeup-up bag and walk to my bathroom.

I do have a lot of makeup, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. The small bag I grabbed was only the makeup I use regularly. The other box was filled with colorful makeup, lipsticks, eyeshadow, tattoos and so much more. Hopefully, there is a party soon, so I can show off my good makeup skills.

Really quickly I put on my makeup and run back into my bedroom to find an outfit. I walk over to my vanity and look at the outfits I placed out the night before. I pick a classic outfit including a plain blue crop top and grey sweatpants, I grab a pair of socks and change quickly.

I look at my reflection in the mirror. I have brown hair that some people would consider a more black color. My hair goes up to the middle of my back and I have hazel eyes and light freckles across my nose and cheek. I'm quite petite, but not in a sickly way, I love to play lots of sports.

I grab my backpack and run downstairs, I walk to the fridge and there is a note on it saying my mom left for work and there is money on the counter if I want to go out for lunch or eat in the cafeteria. I grab the money and stuff it in my backpack and grab a muffin. I grab my keys and walk to the door and lock it.

I'm only 15 so I don't have my license yet. I grab my phone out of my pocket and type in my school's location. The GPS starts and I start to walk.

When I finally start to see the school in sight, I jog a bit. I look at the time and it reads 7:40 am. That's got to be record time I think, it usually takes me 1 hour to get ready in the morning. It helps that my school is only a 7-minute walk from where I live.

As I make my way up to the front of the school, I admire how nice it looks, my other school looked crappy compared to this. There was nothing special about this school, it just looks like it's well managed.

The school has a nice red brick and 2 silver doors, it's pretty big, and as I look around the parking lot and I realize a lot of students are here and the school day hasn't even begun.

I walk through the doors and look around. How the hell am I supposed to find the office I think to myself. I start to walk through the halls when I see a teacher. "Excuse me," I say while jogging a bit to catch up to her. She turns around and smiles "Hi," she says "How can I help you?" she questions. "I'm new here and I need to find the office, would you mind showing me where it is?" I ask.

The teacher looks at me and smiles "Of course, just follow me." She leads me down multiple hallways until we reach the office. She walks up to the receptionist and explains how I'm new.

The receptionist looks in my direction, she has light brown hair and looks to be in her late forties. She smiles at me.

"Hi, you must be Emily, right?" she questions.

"Yes, I am, I was wondering if I could get a schedule and all that stuff?" I say while smiling

"Yes, yes, we already have a small package for you. It comes with a map, your schedule, and your locker code," she smiles and hands me the envelope.

I take the envelope and open it, the first paper I pull out is a small slip that says my locker number and the code to unlock it. I look up and smile at the secretary. Before I can ask where exactly my locker is. She beats me to it.

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