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Alturian physiology is a fictional concept in a story. Those who possess this physiology are depicted as having exceptional abilities such as superhuman strength, invulnerability, and the ability to manipulate any type of energy. Alturians are also endowed with a variety of other powers, such as element manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy, and lightning manipulation. Alturians are also depicted as having reflexes that exceed the speed of light and are self-sustaining, meaning they do not need food, water, or air to survive. Storm and other Alturians in the story are examples of people with this unique physiology.

MUTANT PHYSIOLOGY: A mutant is a person or organism that has a genetic mutation, which gives them abilities that are beyond those of normal humans or organisms. For example, mutants are people who are born with extraordinary powers that set them apart from the rest of humanity.

KREE PHYSIOLOGY: Kree physiology is a fictional concept in the Marvel Comics universe. The Kree are an extraterrestrial species that possess a number of unique biological features. For example, they have blue skin and are typically taller and stronger than humans. They also have an advanced immune system that makes them resistant to most diseases. Additionally, some Kree possess the ability to manipulate energy, which they can use for a variety of purposes such as flight, force fields, and energy blasts. Overall, Kree physiology is characterized by its strength, resilience, and energy-manipulating abilities.

ORC PHYSIOLOGY: Orc physiology is a fictional concept in the fantasy genre. Orcs are typically depicted as a humanoid species that are physically larger and stronger than humans. They have thick, tough skin that is usually green or gray in color, and they are often depicted with sharp teeth and claws. Orcs are also known for their exceptional endurance and stamina. In some fantasy settings, orcs are characterized as having a strong sense of smell and excellent night vision. Overall, orc physiology is characterized by its strength, durability, and intimidating appearance.

Elves are a fictional species commonly found in fantasy literature and media. They are typically depicted as humanoid beings with pointed ears, slim builds, and graceful movements. Elves are often described as having a natural affinity for magic, and they are typically characterized as wise, intelligent, and long-lived. In some depictions, elves have an otherworldly beauty and grace, and they are known for their exceptional archery and swordsmanship skills. Overall, elf physiology is characterized by its elegance, wisdom, and magical abilities.
WITCH PHYSIOLOGY: Witches are a fictional concept in the fantasy genre. They are typically depicted as humans, usually female, with exceptional magical abilities. Witches are often characterized as wise, cunning, and independent. They are known for their ability to cast spells, brew potions, and create magical artifacts. Alturian Witches are depicted as. Beautiful Females. All witches wear white coats and red boots, with white cloaks. They live in huge castles, travels via portals, and black cats as companions. Overall, witch physiology is characterized by its mastery of magic and its focus on individuality and independence.

WIZARD PHYSIOLOGY: Wizards are a fictional concept in the fantasy genre. They are typically depicted as humans with exceptional magical abilities. Wizards are often characterized as wise, intelligent, and studious. They are known for their ability to cast spells, brew potions, and create magical artifacts. On Alturia, wizards are depicted as long hair In ponytails, and wearing white or black coats or just suits. Overall, wizard physiology is characterized by its mastery of magic and its focus on knowledge and study.

Transcendent Physiology refers to the physical and biological traits of beings who have transcended the limits of their original form or existence. Transcendent beings are often depicted as possessing god-like powers or abilities, such as the ability to manipulate time and space, control matter and energy, or alter reality itself. They may also have near-omnipotent levels of strength, intelligence, or awareness.

HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY: Human Physiology refers to the study of the functions and processes of the human body. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs, as well as the ways in which they interact with each other to maintain homeostasis. Human Physiology also involves the study of how the body responds to various internal and external stimuli, such as changes in temperature, stress, and disease. Some of the key areas of study within Human Physiology include the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, and endocrine system.

Transcendent Physiology refers to the physical and biological traits of beings who have transcended the limits of their original form or existence. Transcendent beings are often depicted as possessing god-like powers or abilities, such as the ability to manipulate time and space, control matter and energy, or alter reality itself. They may also have near-omnipotent levels of strength, intelligence, or awareness.

METAHUMAN PHYSIOLOGY: Metahuman physiology is a fictional concept in the superhero genre. Metahumans are typically depicted as humans with exceptional abilities beyond that of normal humans. These abilities may be the result of genetic mutations, exposure to radiation, or other supernatural means. Metahumans are often characterized as having superhuman strength, speed, agility, or other physical abilities. They may also have mental abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, or precognition. Overall, metahuman physiology is characterized by its exceptional abilities that allow them to perform feats beyond those of normal humans.

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