Chapter 2

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(Welp, I'm sorry I took so long. Had to rewrite this chapter as well💀 but here we go again, enjoy my faves<3😍)


Ororo woke up feeling confused and disoriented. She couldn't remember anything within the last 24 hours or how she ended up in this castle. Three young women entered the room with a beautiful outfit. Ororo eyed them for a while and they didn't seem threatening so she decided to ask one of them some questions.

"Where am I?" Ororo asked.

"You are in your castle, my lady," one of them named Sumeria replied.

'My castle?' Ororo thought, but she couldn't remember anything about it. "How did I get here?" Ororo asked.

Sumeria looked hesitant to answer, but finally said, "Ellowyn brought you here."

Ororo looked at her,
"Ellowyn? Who is Ellowyn?" Ororo asked, as she tilted her head in confusion.

Sumeria looked at her, also confused. "You don't know who Ellowyn is?" she asked.

Ororo shook her head. "I've never heard of her."

Sumeria looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, "Ellowyn is the being who saved you from someone whom I shall not name and uh, brought you here for well..." She paused, "Reasons," She explained, smiling sheepishly.

Ororo was even more confused now. She didn't understand why Ellowyn would want to see her. "Why would she bring me here?" she asked.

Sumeria hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'm not sure, my lady. But I think it has something to do with your destiny."

"My destiny?" Ororo asked, feeling even more lost.

"Yes, my lady. You are the chosen one, the next ruler of Alturia," Sumeria said.

Ororo couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had no idea what she meant. "I don't understand what you mean. Nor can I remember anything about this 'ellowyn' person or this castle," Ororo said, feeling frustrated.

Sumeria looked at her with sympathy. "I'm sorry, my lady. I only feel how confusing this must be for you. But Ellowyn will explain everything to you soon. She'll help you remember what happened, well in a way" Sumeria said.

Ororo nodded suspiciously, starting to feel a little overwhelmed. She didn't know what to think or how to feel. She just hoped that Ellowyn would be able to help her regain her memory and make sense of everything.
But then something hit her.

"Wait," Ororo says, "What did you mean when you said you can 'only feel' how confusing this is for me?" She asked.

Sumeria looked at Ororo with a small smile. "I am an empath, your highness, one of the most powerful on the planet," she said. Then, she raised her hand, and a stream of water appeared out of nowhere.

Ororo's eyes widened in amazement as she watched Sumeria manipulate the water with her mind. She had never seen anything like it before. except for Queen Mera but that's a story for another day. Wait spoiler 🥲. "You're a hydrokinetic too?" she asked, impressed.

Sumeria nodded, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Yes, your highness. I am the Princess of Kandara, an underwater kingdom. We are gifted with these abilities from birth."

Ororo nodded, still in awe of Sumeria's powers. "You truly are magnificent," she said.

Sumeria smiled, "Thank you," she replied with a huge grin. "I'm pretty sure that's why Ellowyn asked me to prepare you for the meeting."

Ororo smiled at her and decided to focus on getting dressed and preparing herself for when Ellowyn arrived.

As the maids helped her into her outfit, Telekinetically, Ororo couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The outfit was stunning, with intricate designs and symbols that she had never seen before. The cape was heavy and made her feel powerful. She was surprised at how comfortable the outfit was, despite its elaborate design.

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