Chapter 4

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I approached the portal, raising an eyebrow as lightning crackled in my hands and eyes.

"Show yourselves!" I called out, spotting a figure with glowing eyes in the shadows. Wait, I can sense immense power emanating from the portal and it seems to be building up into a charge.

The figure then muttered a few words, "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos." Suddenly, a dark purple blast emerged from the portal, but Diana quickly jumped in front of us, and created a shield out of rocks, surrounded by a soft fiery glow.

Diana's eyes glowed a soft fiery yellow, as she dissipated the shield.

With my eyes blazing white and lightning crackling around me, the being fully emerged from the portal. I looked at her.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice booming with thunder as lightning crackled in the clouds.

A stunning girl with green hair floated through the portal, saying, "We are the Teen Titans." Then, four other people stepped out of the portal.

"Why did you attack us?" Lamaria asked, raising an eyebrow, as her eyes glowed blue with power.

She landed gracefully on the ground, and I looked at the one in the dark blue suit when he answered, "Raven didn't mean to. She was under pressure."

"Why was she?" Sumeria asked, looking at her. She was sitting on the ground, looking frightened, as a brief explosion of purple energy came out of Raven's body, but the others couldn't see it. Only me, but when I looked at Sumeria, she gave me a nod, a silent way of telling me she felt it as well.

And before he could reply, I felt a surge of even more power and had the urge to walk toward Raven, lightning crackling around me.

Sumeria walked up to us, sensing the incredible power within this girl as well.

"It's an incredible amount of power, isn't it, Ororo?" she asked me.

I smiled. "It is indeed." I crouched beside Raven cautiously, the crackling lightning in my hands subsiding as I reached out to touch her shoulder. As my fingertips made contact, a surge of energy coursed through me, and suddenly, I found myself in a vision.

I saw a dark and menacing figure, surrounded by the remnants of shattered pieces of rocks, with glowing red eyes. It was the same figure that Sumeria described, the one responsible for Raven's fear. I could feel the malevolence radiating from them, a palpable darkness that sent chills down my spine.

Startled by the vision, I quickly withdrew my hand from Raven's shoulder. My heart raced as I tried to process what I had just witnessed. Turning to Sumeria, I relayed what I had seen.

"Sumeria, I had a vision. It was the demon you told me about, the source of Raven's fear. He had rocks, the size of buildings floating around him, his eyes were glowing red. I have a feeling that this is getting way out of hand, we need to find a way to stop this."

Sumeria nodded, her expression seemingly filled with concern. "Ororo, it is bad. If he is able to move between universes than his power is growing faster than I thought."

I turned back to Raven, who was still trembling on the ground. Kneeling beside her, I spoke softly, "Raven, you're not alone in this. We saw who attacked you, and we're going to stop him. You're stronger than you think, and together, we'll find a way to defeat him."

Raven looked up at me, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and gratitude. "Thank you, lady. But I'm so scared, he looked inside my head and filled it with nightmares." She cried.

I looked at her, my expression filled with shock, but quickly smiled at her. "I may not know who you are but, the moment you came through that portal, you fell under my protection, Raven. We stick together through thick and thin. We'll figure out a plan to defeat him."

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