Chapter 11:

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Avery "mommy I'm scared", Melissa "there's nothing wrong with being scared", Melissa "you'll be asleep the whole time baby girl. Mommy and daddy will be waiting for you", Avery "can I have my teddy", Melissa "yeah. Your teddy will be with you the whole time, he's not going anywhere. He's gonna keep you strong", Avery "I love you mommy", Melissa "I love you too mi Vida", Xavier "come here girlie. I love you mi amor". Avery went for her surgery, it made Melissa and Xavier both extremely nervous but knew it had to be done.

(Malachi's room)

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(Malachi's room)

(Malachi's room)

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(Olivia's room)

Melissa "I'm gonna go pick them up", Xavier "okay", Melissa "I'm so nervous. What if they don't like me or us", Xavier "I'm sure that is not gonna happen. You will do good. Good luck. Go get our other kids", Melissa "okay. I love you. Keep me updated on baby girl", Xavier "I will", Melissa left to pick up Olivia and Malachi. Melissa "you must be Malachi", she said to the teen. He immediately hugged her, Malachi "thank you for taking my sister in", Melissa "your welcome kiddo. Are you ready to see our house", Malachi "yeah", Melissa "what about you kiddo", Olivia "yes mommy", Melissa picked up Olivia and put her in her car seat, Malachi got in the front on the other side of Melissa. Malachi "where's Avery, I thought we were gonna see her", Melissa "your sister was sick. We had to take her to the hospital, she threw up blood. I'm telling you this because you are her older brother and you have every right to know. She's currently in the middle of surgery, the doctors found a tumor and they are removing it", Malachi "is she gonna be okay", Melissa "yeah she's gonna be fine. It's gonna help her but she's gonna be okay, once it's removed she'll be ok bed rest but other than that she's gonna be okay", Malachi "okay. Thanks for telling me mom", Melissa "no problem. Let's get you both settled and then we will go to the hospital to see dad and Avery", Malachi "this is such a nice house", Melissa smiled. Malachi "is this my room", Melissa "yeah", Malachi "I love it so much. Thank you so much. This is the nicest thing someone has ever done for me", Melissa "why don't you too go get dressed. We need to get going, daddy just call me, Avery is out of surgery".


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Melissa "our family is finally complete. Malachi, Avery, Olivia, and Mateo. I'm more than thankful to be their mother. I love them so much".

Melissa "do you wanna get anything for your sister", Malachi "can I get something from the gift shop. You could pick out anything you want", after leaving the gift shop they went to her room. Xavier got up from his seat, Xavier "the doctors said she'll wake up soon. She's a bit drowsy from the medication, but the surgery went well, they successfully removed the tumor. You must he Malachi", he said Malachi wrapped his arms around Xavier. And Olivia did the same, hugging him. Avery "mommy", Melissa "hey mi Vida. How are you feeling", Avery "a lot better. Malachi", Malachi hugged his little sister, Melissa "when can we take her home", "in about an hour", Melissa "thank you again for everything you did to help our daughter", "your welcome", Olivia "I'm tired", Melissa "come here baby", Melissa picked up her daughter, wrapping her in a blanket, rocking her until she fell asleep.

An hour later.
They headed back home. Melissa "be careful", Malachi "I need help with my homework", Melissa "alright bud, I'll be right there. Let me get the girls to sleep", Malachi "okay mom", Melissa "come on my littles", Avery "do I have to go to sleep", Melissa "yes mi Vida. Tomorrow we have a fun day planned, but you have to go to sleep", Avery "okay mommy", Melissa kissed Avery and tucked her in, turning off the light as she exited the room and went to Olivia's room. Melissa "in bed princess", Olivia was already tired since she had woke up from her nap after they arrived home from the hospital. Malachi "this is the one that I can't figure out. It's pretty difficult", Melissa "take your time", Malachi "how do I do this", Melissa "see that's it", Malachi "thanks mom", Melissa "you're welcome. Try not stay up too late kiddo", Malachi "I won't mom", Melissa "goodnight", Malachi "goodnight", Xavier "are the kids asleep", Melissa "the younger two are, Malachi is not. He's doing his homework, but he said he won't stay up late", Xavier "okay". Melissa and Xavier went to bed after putting Mateo to sleep.

In the morning.
Melissa "rise and shine my love. Let's go up, you got school", Malachi "ugh mom. Please five more minutes", Melissa "very funny if I give you five more minutes you're most likely not waking back up", Malachi "I don't wanna go to school", Melissa "listen just for like an hour or two and I'll pick you all up early", Malachi finally got out of his bed and went to the bathroom to quickly shower and get ready for school. Melissa went into Olivia's room, Melissa "princess it's time to wake up. Oh my gosh, my baby you're burning up. Babe", Xavier "yes. Can you take Avery and Malachi to school, I can't take them, she has a fever", Xavier "okay. I'll get her some medicine and snacks on the way back home", Melissa "okay", Avery "bye mommy", Malachi "bye mom", Melissa "bye my babies. Have a good day at school", after Xavier took the kids to school, Melissa stood in the room with Olivia, who's fever went over 100 after taking a quick shower. Melissa "are you hungry mi Vida", Olivia "no mommy". Melissa "you have to eat something mi Vida", Olivia "I'm not hungry", Melissa "okay Livy okay. When you are hungry can you let mommy know"? Olivia "okay mommy". Xavier "so our plans changed", Melissa "if she's okay when Avery and Malachi come back from school then we will still go. If not you can take them and I'll stay home", Xavier "nah. If you don't go then we don't go. We are going as a family", Melissa "okay", Livy "Mommy I'm hungry", Melissa "what do you want to eat", Livy "I want waffles mommy", Melissa "okay baby girl", Melissa made Olivia her breakfast, and let her watch tv while she ate. Xavier "do you want me to pick them up now", Melissa "sure can you get them something to eat on your way back", Xavier "sure. Do you want anything", Melissa "my caramel latte", Xavier "medium", Melissa "yeah". Xavier "alright baby I'll be back in a bit", Melissa "okay", Melissa watched scream while Olivia was taking a nap.
An hour later
Melissa "what took you so long to get them and get back home", Xavier "Malachi might have broken a bone", Melissa "let me see bud", Malachi took the ice pack off of his hand, Melissa "oh my gosh. It's so swollen and bruised. How did this happen"? Malachi "baseball practice", Melissa "take it easy or at least try to", Malachi "okay mom". Melissa "in a little while we are going", they just hung out for the meantime.

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