Chapter 14:

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 Melissa posted on her instagram, "where do I even start

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Melissa posted on her instagram, "where do I even start. Our trip was interrupted by the worst accident ever. We were currently on our way to the water park, really excited to just have some fun. We made it to the surf pool, the kids wanted to spend some time in the water together so me and Xavier let them. We had been watching them from our lounging area, Mateo was sleeping. They even made a few friends while playing in the water. At some point Malachi came to me and told me to keep an eye on Olivia, I asked him why. He proceeded to say some child was bothering her, I signed and just told not to worry about it. A few minutes later a lifeguard followed by Malachi came to me, the lifeguard was holding Olivia, and the sight of my youngest daughter was terrible. Her forearm was bent in an unpleasant way, we rushed Olivia to the nearest emergency room. Xavier took the kids back to the hotel to get them changed before meeting back up with me. I am warning you the next picture I am showing you is of her X-ray and it's pretty disturbing to see.

Yep, that's my daughter's X-ray, we are currently still here, waiting for them to put her to sleep so they could wrap up her arm

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Yep, that's my daughter's X-ray, we are currently still here, waiting for them to put her to sleep so they could wrap up her arm. Please keep my baby in your prayers, this is by far the worst experience I've had as a mother".

Melissa was sitting next to the hospital bed, Olivia "I want papi", Melissa "I know baby. He'll be here soon baby", Olivia kept crying because of the pain she was in. A doctor finally joined us, "alright so I saw her X-ray. That's pretty bad. How did that happen", Melissa "we'll we were in the water park", Olivia "I was pushed", "you were pushed. Your being so brave right now kiddo. So can you make any type of movement with your arm, or does it hurt too much to move", Olivia "it hurts too much", she cried. "Okay so we're gonna give her some medicine, and then we are gonna put her to sleep so we could wrap up that arm", Melissa "okay". Xavier and the other kids finally arrived at the hospital. Olivia "papi", Xavier "hi my princess. How are you feeling", Olivia "it hurts", Xavier "what did they say", Melissa "we'll the doctor is gonna come and give her some medicine for the pain and then gonna put her to sleep so they could properly wrap her arm up". Xavier "this sucks so much", Melissa "I know", the doctor came back and gave Olivia 30ml of some pain medicine. "I'm giving her a dose of midazolam. That's gonna put her out". Olivia "papi", Xavier "shh", he said rubbing his hand on her forehead, she instantly fell asleep. Xavier "wow. That was fast", the doctor removed the blanket covering her arm, Malachi "ouch. I didn't know it looked like that", Melissa "yeah. It's pretty disturbing to see", Malachi "no wonder why she's in a lot of pain", Melissa "yeah. She broke two bones in her forearm but it's so bad". Two doctors came to work together to wrap up Olivia's arm in the ace bandage and then covered it with another just a colored ace bandage. Melissa "will we have to stay overnight", "no, just let her wake up and let the medicine dose off. Once it does we will give you her discharge papers. The cast for 8 weeks, we are preparing some medicine for her to help with the pain. And then you should be all set", Melissa "okay. Thank you". Xavier "your phone is ringing", Melissa "I'm gonna go take this", Xavier "okay". Melissa stepped outside of the room. Melissa "hello", Jenna "hey how's it going? I saw your recent post", Melissa "I'm okay. Olivia broke her arm, it's in pretty bad shape", Jenna "I'm so sorry to hear that", Melissa "they were just having so much fun in the pool and then this happens", Jenna "how bad is it", Melissa "I just sent you a picture of her X-ray", Jenna "oh my gosh. That's terrible. But how does that even happen", Melissa "Olivia says someone pushed her, and now that I'm thinking about it, I should have listened to Malachi", Jenna "none of this is your fault sis", Melissa "I know that. But Malachi told me someone was messing with her, and I told him not to worry about it and now look what happened", Jenna "Melissa don't blame yourself. This could have happened to anyone, she's gonna be okay", Melissa "yeah I know. But now she has to adjust to living with a broken arm for the next eight weeks because that's how bad it is. And if it doesn't heal completely within those 8 weeks, we could be looking at emergency surgery. So we have to go back in maybe tomorrow or the day after to find out", Jenna "anyways aside from that. I saw your new Carmen movie. I loved it so much. You portrayed Carmen beautifully and that movie was well done", Melissa "aww thank you so much. My kids loved it too, of course I didn't allow them to watch the inappropriate scene but other than that they loved it a lot", Jenna "guess what", Melissa "what", Jenna "our scream 6 movie is officially out on paramount plus platform", Melissa "that's amazing, now my kids aren't gonna stop watching it or playing it", Jenna "lol. Are you taking your kids to see the little mermaid movie", Melissa "I am not sure yet, I'm sure Avery and Olivia would love to see it. And of course Malachi is gonna wanna watch fast x with his dad. Which i don't mind", Jenna "yeah you could spend the day with the girls and Xavier could spend the day with Malachi", Melissa "yeah", Jenna "I love my nieces and nephews but I gotta ask, was it hard going from just two kids to four kids", Melissa "I mean not really, at first you know it took some getting used to but when Malachi and Olivia called me mom I knew it was right. I just couldn't have Avery separated from them and I'm on cloud nine. I love being a mom, I love hearing mommy and mom when I wake up in the morning. And I love calling them mi Vida, because they are my whole life", Jenna "you make a great mom to them", Melissa "thanks Jenna", Olivia "mommy", Melissa "I'm gonna call you back when we get to our hotel, Olivia just woke up", Jenna "okay, tell them I said hi and I love them", Melissa "I will". Melissa "how do you feeling baby", Olivia "mmm", Olivia was acting a bit funny because of the medicine. Melissa "I just got off the phone with your aunt Jenna, she says hi",

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