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Act One: Dandelions

THERE was something alluring about the rain to 22-year-old Min Yoongi.

Perhaps it transfixed him because, strangely, on its own, the water soothed him. Without the need for an unhealthy addiction, he felt calm-serene.

He didn't crave a cigarette, nor did he need music blasting into his ears for hours on end. The rain was music; no instruments, no melody, just the relaxing sound of water falling onto the ground in heavy loads.

Unfortunately-although the world was grey- the sky produced no tears today. Forcing the male to feed into his cancer-inducing dependency and blare music until his sockets went numb.

Unable to hear, he didn't even notice the adamant woman speaking animatedly about an opportunity not many were granted.

One he could care less about.

The tapping on his shoulder was the only reason for his undivided attention.

"So, what do you think?" The pale woman across from him questioned, sparing Yoongi a hopeful glance.

Truthfully, he'd no idea what she'd proposed, as his nerves got the best of him.

When the fidgeting began, so did his need for a distraction—music being his choice at the moment.

For some odd reason, Yoongi agreed to meet Bella Rahid- a manager within the well-known company Music Corp.- in the dead of night. She was a stubborn woman; pestering him for weeks with messages about how talented he was despite being an 'un-named' artist, as she called it.

Min Yoongi craved creation; he was an artist, after all. True to the name, the male produced amazing songs, songs that gained recognition from prestigious companies.

All offering the same thing: a large sum of money in exchange for his songs.

In latent terms, selling his life's work for a quick buck.

It's a big fucking no from him.

They sat in a deserted park, maybe 10 minutes away from his apartment complex.

In the dark, the place made to extract laughter and joy, looked dead and depressing-exactly how Yoongi felt all day, every day.

Glancing around the park, noticing its eerie glow, he sighed.

"About what?" He grumbled, tired of sitting in the blistering wind.

Bella drew a deep breath, raking her fingers through her shortened, charcoal colored hair.

Clearly, her exhaustion caught up to her as well.

"About the proposition! I know it's a lot to take in at once; that's understandable. But," She motioned towards the contract papers lying on the colorful wooden bench.

"I think it would be a great opportunity! One that many wouldn't think twice about accepting."

Of fucking course they wouldn't, not with the money being the first thing they see.

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