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Act Four: Azaleas

"CAN I draw you?"

The question was odd. Of course, it wasn't typical for a stranger to approach Yoongi and ask for permission to create him.

In fact, Yoongi doubted that most individuals would be approached so hastily and seriously, with their eyes pleading that you respond positively to the suggestion.

Mere seconds ago, the person before him looked as though he were fighting demons—creatures only he could see and ward off. It was a startling experience for Yoongi because the man appeared to be mentally ill.

Yoongi peered down at his dingy Converse and weary jeans, the sagging of the fabric making it obvious that they'd been washed too many times too many.

He played with a piece of his darkened,  messy hair while purposely avoiding eye contact. That is, until the stranger showed his determination.

"I know it sounds—"

"Weird as hell?" Yoongi finished for the male, all while making eye contact.

He couldn't help but notice the exhaustion, making Jungkook's eyes dead, almost. The bags were obvious—incredibly obvious.

For some reason, as a fellow creator, Yoongi understood the sleepless but exhilarating nights. Where one was free to invent til they could no more.


That was the name printed neatly in white across his apron.

Jungkook must have been surprised with the reporter because he had yet to utter another word, let alone move.

He merely stared at Yoongi with such an inquisitiveness that he wanted to walk away from the encounter. However, something compelled him to stay and wait.

"Uh," Jungkook scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to say next.

"I didn't realize it sounded... weird? I don't really know."

Yoongi raised an arched eyebrow.


"Yeah, I'd say that asking random people can you draw them is kinda... up there."

"In the weird catergory, I mean."

Jungkook took a step closer, drinking in Yoongi's every feature.

The reporter noticed that his gaze lingered on his lips, causing him to lick them unconsciously.

Before either could speak again, a boisterous voice interrupted their interaction.

"Jungkook, I swear to the almighty gods if you don't clean that staff lounge,"

Hoseok had yet to notice Yoongi as he was so focused on reprimanding Jungkook.

The florist walked to the counter and ducked his head, standing up straight again while holding a white labeled spray bottle in his palm.

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