~Zone Outs~

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(It's a Friday afternoon at UA dorms and classes had finished early due to teachers having to attend a meeting)

(The whole of class 2-A is at their dorm block and hanging out in the common room)

Kirishima: (is speaking to the Bakusquad in the corner of the common room) Hey, why do you guys think they made classes leave early today?

Mina: (cocks her head to the side) I heard they were discussing something about awards evening coming up next term.

Denki: (scratches the back of his head) Do we have to come to awards evening? I already know I'm not receiving any awards anyway.

Sero: It's compulsory for all students to come Denki (slighty chuckles)

Bakugo: (scoffs) You extras really know how to make so much of noise in under seconds, don't ya!

Jirou: Says the king of noise himself (rolls eyes)


Mina: (starts laughing a loud)

Bakugo: (death glares Mina) What are you laughing at Racoon eyes?!

(Bakugo was a bit too loud and the while common room grew silent as eyes fell on the group)

Iida: All of you really know how to make a ruckus when the rest of the class tries to have decent conversations in the form of whispering

Deku: He-Hey it's okay...

Tsuyu: (whispering to Uraraka) Iida-kun really is tough sometimes, even for a small reason as Bakugo and his group talking a little loud

Uraraka: (whispers back to Tsuyu) He sure does, but he's just being responsible Asui, he is after all our class REP

Tsuyu: What do you think Todoroki-kun?

(Tsuyu and Uraraka turned their heads towards the peppermint-haired boy, his one turquoise eye and muddy gray eye staring of into space not even noticing his friends)

Uraraka: Todoroki-kun? Is something wrong? (places her hand on his shoulder)

(Shoto feels her hand on his shoulder and flinches slightly. He notices the concerned expression on his friend's face. 'Did I zone out again?")

Shoto: (slowly nodd) Sorry about that, I just zoned out for a bit. What were you saying Asui?

Tsuyu: Nevermind you seem to have a lot on your mind *kero*

Shoto: N-No, I just blank out randomly. Nothing serious you need to worry about.

Shoto didn't feel comfortable by lying to his friends, but he didn't really have a choice at this point. Being the son of the no.1 hero sounded like a dream to other people, but it was nightmare for Shoto.

His father physically trained him every single Saturday then academically on Sunday, for him to surpass 'All Might' and become the no.1 hero and come first in his school, and if lucky first in the entire school. He was currently neck in neck with Momo.

Reality was Shoto hated his father with his guts. He was the reason his mother was sent to an asylum in America, after she burnt Shoto's face with boiling water. She had a mental breakdown after recalling all the times his father had laid a hand on her. Same thing happened to Touya. The training had grown way too extreme for him, but this resulted I'm him running away from home, leaving his siblings behind. He realised that Endeavor had become abusive, and it was messing with his mental health.

Shoto didn't blame Touya, if he could he would have done the same, but he had to admit that he deeply missed his elder brother. Touya ran away when Shoto was 6, and after that day, he felt like he had lost his protector from Endeavor's abuse. He still had Natsuo and Fuyumi though, but felt closer to Touya. None of them saw ever saw their elder brother again after he ran away. The theory was he probably died that same day from the cold, because it was snowing. Shoto refused to believe his brother actually died.

Fuyumi and Natsuo moved on, accepting the fact Touya was dead. Fuyumi still lived with her father and Shoto. She's actually the reason Endeavor hasn't killed the boy yet. Natsuo moved out when he started university. He lived in an apartment building up the road from home, and visited on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays to check up on his siblings, but luckily Fuyumi was always home.

Even she missed Touya, and feared for Shoto's life every time she saw him heading towards the training room. She had to him up after he came out, his body covered in cuts, burns and gashes. She was constantly begging her father to let Shoto take a break, but his answer was always the same, 'No'.

She was also growing wary that Shoto was becoming extremely skinny, like he wasn't eating for days or weeks. This scared her a lot, but she never confronted him about his weight loss.

Deku: TODOROKI! (he yelled waving his hand in front of his face)

Shoto: Huh!?

Iida: You're zoning out has become a very concerning Todoroki. Are you certain that you are well, perhaps you can get a checkup from Recovery Girl (hand gestures)

Shoto: (shakes his head) No thank you. I'm completely fine

Uraraka: Maybe you're just tired then, Todoroki-kun. Have you taken a nap today?

Shoto: (shook his head)

Tsuyu: Maybe that's why you keep on zoning out. Your probably drowsy *kero*

Deku: You should get some rest Todoroki-kun. We'll wake you up when dinners ready

Shoto: No need to wake up Midoriya, I'm not really that hungry

Iida: Make sure to get enough rest tonight Todoroki

Shoto made his way upstairs to his dorm room. He wasn't feeling tired so what was the reason for his constant zoning out. He wasn't really in the mood to find out anyway, because he had to go back home tomorrow, were plenty of training was awaiting him.

Word count~ 973

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