~Be my Boyfriend?~

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Hello everyone, I'm here with more updates and I have a feeling this will be the lo gest chapter I've ever written, but you are free to skip a few lines if you wish

School had ended for the day, and students were sent back to their dorm blocks. Class 2-A eager to get back to dorms, but half of the class was busy. Bakugo was the first to arrive back at dorms, going straight for Shoto's room. He knocked a few times, no answer.

Bakugo: Hey Icyhot you in there?

Shoto: (soft voice) Yeah, come on

(Bakugo walks inside to see Shoto siting upright on his bed, still half asleep)

Shoto: Hello Bakugo... (cute yawn)
Bakugo: (blushes) Hey. How are you doing?

Shoto: Still a little sleepy from the anesthesia, but other then that, I'm alright

Bakugo: Why did you need a heavy amount? (walks closer and takes a seat by the desk)

Shoto: I was having a nightmare, then that turned into a panic attack in my sleep

Bakugo: Wanna talk about your dream now?

Shoto: No thank you, I'll probably breakdown into tears again

Bakugo: Alright, just came to check on you

Shoto: Thank you, by the way
Bakugo: For what?

Shoto: For bringing me back to dorms instead of leaving me at the hospital

Bakugo: Your welcome you bastard. But I'm was really concerned about your weight Icyhot

Shoto: Hmmm

Bakugo: When I was carrying you, you were really light on my back. Did you eat today?

Shoto: I was able to finish an entire bowl of cornflakes

Bakugo: (smiling) That's good progress

Shoto: Umm Bakugo?

Bakugo: Yeah Icyhot

Shoto: Are you the one who changed my clothes? (slightly blushing)

Bakugo: (smirking) Yes, why you asking?

Shoto: Just wondering? Were you not disgusted by my body? (shaking)

Bakugo: (moves and sits next to Shoto on the bed) Not at all. I'm not gonna lie, you looked cute

Shoto: (covers his face from blushing hard) T-Thank you...

Bakugo: (smirking) No problem Halfie. But can I ask a question?

Shoto: You just did, again
Bakugo: (annoyed) Don't act smart with me, Halfie! But anyways, does your dad beat you up for anymore reasons...

Shoto: (flinches from the question) Y-Yeah, my body, my height are just some of the reasons

Shoto: My father tried taking me to doctors who could give him answers about why I was shorter then my peers, and why I looked more Feminine then masculine

Angry Pomeranian and his IcyHot Where stories live. Discover now