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"Dax..." Britt instantly had his attention. As Dax turned towards where her voice came from he could see her moving towards him. He has been in a corner away from the crowds stretching before a tag match he had later on.

"What's going on love?" Their eyes met and he knew exactly what she needed. His arms were around her and she just about instantly melted into him. "I love you." He said quietly knowing there were prying ears around.

"I love you too." She replied softly as her arms wrapped around his neck. His arms carefully tightened around her before she was lifted off her feet. A long sigh escaped her lips as she felt her back completely release. "I fucking love when you do that." He chuckled as his face buried into her neck. It was his first big match with the company and she knew he was nervous. "You know I'll be right there." He chuckled as he nodded.

"I know. Just doesn't make it any less nerve racking." Her lips pressed to his jaw right against the scar he had. A few years back he had a bad accident in the ring that led to him needing his jaw to be reconstructed. Ever since the accident she would kiss that spot when he was nervous about a match. "I love Tony and I understand the hype but fuck.... First main event and it's with Adam against Jericho and Jake." She carefully smoothed out his hair before pulling away her hands gently cupping his face.

"You will be fine Dax. If we're being honest your first match was bigger than this one TK was just dumb to think you were rusty and shouldn't be the finale. So what if this one helps plant the seed that finally ends the AIW stable. It's going to be just like the old days where you and Adam the underdogs take on the top guys while telling stories that you both are amazing at telling." He nodded but she knew she still hadn't convinced him. "What's got you worried?"

"I've just got this gut feeling that somethings going to go wrong. I don't know." Her fingertips ran gently along his cheeks as she laughed.

"Dax.... You're in the ring with three people who you trust and are the safest people we know. Nothings going to happen but a couple of bumps and bruises." He still didn't believe her but he opted to nod. He had this feeling his last bad accident and couldn't help but think something nasty was to come. Her lips gently pressed to his getting him out of his mind for the moment. "I love you."

"I love you too Britt." They could both hear Jamie calling for Britt and his lips gently pressed to her cheek.

"You're going to be fine Dax." He nodded slightly trying to believe her. "I'll be there before and after you know that right." He chuckled as he nodded. No matter what when they were at an event together and one of them had a match they would be there before and after it. They both had to make sure the other was okay and simply reassure the other that the match would be great.

"I'll see you later on Love." She tiptoed for a moment before her lips pressed to his. As she pulled away they heard Jamie yelling once more.

"Either get a bloody room or get the fuck over here Britt!" Britt laughed as she saw Dax show the blonde his middle finger. She made her way towards Jamie before the other woman turned back and looked at Dax. "You're going to smash it later Dax." The brunette had to stop herself from smacking the blonde as she saw her boyfriend completely tense. He despised anyone wishing him good luck before a match. They could both see him nod before Britt was pulled towards gorilla position by Jamie.

"I could kill you and if something happens to him later I will." The blonde gave her a confused look. "Never wish him luck or tell him he's going to kill it before a match. His dumb ass is so superstitious with that shit." Jamie turned red realizing her mistake. Everyone had their own way of going about their day before a match and the last thing she wanted to was mess with someone's mental state. The two women composed themselves before they went out for their segment.

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