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Dax awoke the next morning with a thud. His hand instantly went for his face feeling around. Britt hearing his long sigh of relief opened her eyes. As their eyes met he squeezed her hand gently before motioning for something to write on. She could tell he was in pain but couldn't say it. He was quickly handed a notepad and pen before he began writing. She laughed as she saw his handwriting messier than normal due to the anesthesia but she still understood it.

Did I break my jaw?

"Thankfully you didn't. You just dislocated it Dax." His eyes met hers and she could tell that he was trying to read her. "You didn't Dax, I promise. But you did loose three teeth, nine of your teeth are broken in half and you broke your nose." His head fell back and she could hear him sigh. She could tell he wanted to use his words but the pain and the bandage on his face was preventing his jaw from moving. He wrote quickly once more before showing it to her.

No concussion?

"Do you remember what happened?" He nodded with a groan before writing.

Adam kicked me square in the face. I told you something would happen.

"Dax you know shit like this happens..." He chuckled before groaning as he nodded slightly. She could see him scribble quickly before he set the notepad down in front of her gently. His head fell back and his eyes closed. Her eyes peered at his final written words before she called for a nurse.

This fucking hurts Britt.

Britts hand gently took Dax's as they waited. She was grateful of the fact that it was still early. The others had gone home once he was out of surgery and Britt had gone to see him. They all simply needed the confirmation he was okay before they would see him and full confirm it the next day.

The nurse came in and had a quick conversation with Dax who was answering all of her questions on the notepad. By the time she finished and he finally had gotten some medication he turned to Britt and quickly wrote on the pad.

Jamie and Toni?

"They're back at the hotel. Once everyone knew you were alright they went back to go and sleep." His eyes met hers before he wrote again.

Did you sleep?

She looked away and he sighed before shaking his head. His hand took hers in his before he gently tugged on it drawing her attention. When his pleading eyes met hers she knew exactly what he wanted. She had become too good at reading his eyes from the last time he injured his jaw and had it wired shut. Though she wanted to fight him her body couldn't. She was too tired and the relief of him being alright had just begun to wash over her.

Slowly Britt climbed into the hospital bed and carefully curled into Dax. His arm wrapped around her as her head moved to rest along his chest. Her ear pressed against his chest listening to his heartbeat as his fingertips trailed along her spine. Though he was feeling the effects of the pain killers he wouldn't fall asleep without knowing she was sleeping as well.

"I love you Dax." She said quietly before her lips brushed against his chest.

"Iloveyou." His response was said in a hum but she understood it. Her arm draped along his stomach as he saw her eyes close. He knew she would be falling asleep shortly. Dax could feel his eyes getting heavier and just before they shut he could see Jamie and Toni walking into the room. Both women looked just like Britt. Like they hadn't slept a wink last night. He sighed before grabbing the notepad he had written on and showed them the same question he had just asked Britt.

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