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Britt's eyes were on Dax as they both nervously waited. His shaky hand took hers before his lips pressed to the back of it. There was nothing but silence for the longest time. Both of them stopped as a sound began to fill the room.

Tears filled Britt's eyes as Dax's breath caught in his throat. His lips pressed to the top of her head as a screen was turned.

"This right here is your little one." The strong heartbeat of their unborn child still filled the quiet room as the doctor spoke. "We will need to do some more tests, a bit of blood work and get some baseline images but from what I can see right now you've got a happy and healthy little baby in there." Dax wiped the tears from Britt's cheeks as emotions overtook her.

"So we've got two options...." Britt started as she looked at Dax. "You know since your freak out after the bar."

"Look.... You were the one that dropped a bomb then left me at the bar." Her lips met his for a quick moment. "So two options...."

"Well three technically but two main options... First is we open this ourselves...." His head shook. "I kinda feel the same way so the other two options.... We give it to Toni...."

"Her mouth is fucking huge I'm surprised she's kept it in for this long. If you really think she's going to be able to hide two secrets, the baby's already messing with your brain." Britt laughed as she curled into him.

"So then we give it to Renee." He nodded.

"Or.... Adam...." Their eyes met for a moment before they laughed. "Okay sorry bad idea. We just both know he could keep the secret under complete wraps."

"Then let's tell Saraya. She won't tell a soul. Could just be like I need your help hand it to her and walk away." He chuckled.

"I don't think that would work but she would be a good option...." His arm wrapped gently around her. "We've gotta figure out a way to tell them all. Feel bad for keeping it from Jamie."

"I do too but I just wanted to make sure before we told her, plus she would definitely slip." He chuckled as he nodded. "I just.... I want to be surprised about it like I was when I found out...." His lips pressed to the top of her head. "I'm sorry for keeping it from you that day." He chuckled lightly.

"I knew you were acting weird for a reason. I just didn't expect it to be that.... Also.... You want to never drop that bomb when I'm that pissed again. Nearly had a heart attack." Her lips met his jaw.

"I promise I won't. Next one I'm dropping the bomb on tv. That way everyone knows at once." He looked over at her.

"You better fucking not." She laughed before her lips found their way to his.

"I would never. You'll always be the first to know." She said when she pulled away.

"What's changed though Love.... Not trying to be a wanker and ask a silly question but.... You've.... You've never wanted kids." Her arms wrapped around his midsection as she relaxed into him her legs draping over his.

"Dax, I love you and honestly I've thought about it a lot this past year. I've been meaning to have a talk with you about it but never found the time with everything that's gone on. I just.... I'm happy with you and I'd be stupid to not want a family with you. After everything I just.... I can't wait to have little ones running around or sitting front row yelling for you or me." His lips captured hers. When Britt pulled away Dax quietly spoke.

"I fucking love you Brittney and I cannot wait either."

"'Raya...." Saraya's head turned towards Dax as she stopped walked towards the arena.

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