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Dax sat down in the podcast chair with a smile on his face. The one thing he loved about Renee was how comfortable she always made him feel especially when she was interviewing him.

"So before we do this is there anything you absolutely won't talk about?" The blonde could see him bite the inside of his cheek. Both him and Britt had discussed the interview and if they wanted to share little details about their relationship.

"Honestly.... No. At this point both Britt and I are fine with breaking the kayfabe and opening up. Tony as you know is fine with it as well so I'm an open book. Let's talk about whatever." She flashed him a smile before adjusting her drink.

"One more thing...." His eyebrow raised. "How's the jaw?" He chuckled.

"Getting there. Hoping to get back in the ring soon." She nodded her smile growing wider.

"Good I'm glad, time for you and Jon to have some bangers." He laughed as he leaned back in his chair.

"Those I can't wait for. I'm sure you and Brittney won't but it'll be some fun." She could see a genuine smile on his lips and knew that it was time to get into it.

The two went into a long conversation starting with his entry into AEW and then into his injury. As Renee went a bit personal she asked the question.

"So... To us in the business it's not much of a surprise as to who your dating but would you like to let everyone else know who your lovely lady is?" Dax chuckled a smile appearing on his face.

"Lovely? I feel like I'm obligated to say gorgeous. I honestly Renee couldn't tell you how I got lucky enough but that amazing person would be the DMD, Dr. Britt Baker." The smile on the blondes face grew.

"So why have the two of you kept it a secret for so long?" He leaned back in his chair turning towards her slightly.

"To be honest the main reason was just we were both at two completely different places in our career and it was easier..." He could see her nod at his words. "Back when we got together we were both in school, doing two completely different things. With going to two different universities it made it hard for us to be able to attend the same shows every week. We did however have our amazing friend Austin who could. In the beginning he was helping me out by helping her loosen up in the ring because she was absolutely petrified and she's going to kill me for saying this... would cry before every match calling me saying she couldn't do it and just wanted to go to school. So while I kept her in wrestling because I knew deep down she loved it she kept me in school so I could get my degree."

"And that degree is in?" He chuckled.

"Chiropractics." He could see her eyes meet his and he knew she had a devilish question.

"So if it has been since you both were in school... How long have you both been dating and where are the wedding bells?" What Dax didn't know is that Britt had walked in right as Renee had asked the question. The two women exchanged a glance and a smile as he answered.

"Lord I believe it's been seven years but I could be off. I'm so bad with dates I've got reminders a week before anything important so I remember it. The only one I can tell you for a fact though is that we met eight years ago to this day. As for the wedding.... Being honest with you I think we're both in a place where we're just comfortable the way we are. Would I marry her? In an instant. But at the same time it's just a title." The blonde wasn't stopping there.

"So if you could just get married in a backyard without anyone there you would?" He chuckled.

"Renee if she were here and I'd have a ring I'd do it right now but it's not really a priority for either one of us. We're happy as we are." He could feel a hand on his shoulder and as he turned his eyes found Britt's. If he wouldn't have turned away from the camera the whole world would've seen him turn red. However it was only the two women in the room that saw it.

"I'd do it right now without a ring." Renee who was taking a sip of her drink choked on it. Dad however had a confident smile on his face.

"Then let's do it." The blonde composed herself quickly.

"Well Dax it has been a pleasure talking with you. Everyone I am going to see to it that these two get married. Ahhhh I'm so happy." The podcast was cut with that and Renee instantly stood up. "You two are doing this no backing out." Dax looked up at Britt who simply chuckled.

"Wouldn't have said it if I was going to back out." She commented. He however was still blown away by her words. He had grown okay with the idea of being with her forever without a title. But to have that would mean something else. "You good?" She asked Dax who simply nodded before clearing his throat as he stood.

"Yeah I'm good. I just... yeah. I'm good." She looked at him skeptical. "Oh fuck off. I'm just blown away at the change." She moved closer before her lips met his.

"Maybe I'm just done being dumb." Renee giggled at the words before she found the perfect place for them to go.

"Okay anyone you both want to call or am I going to be the one that has to keep the secret." He looked at Britt knowing it would be her call.

"When is this going out?" She asked the blonde.

"Probably next month." Britt knew her answer as a smirk appeared on her lips.

"You're keeping a secret Renee."

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