Bad Decisions

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"Breathe Brittney. Deep breaths." Dax's quiet words came as he gently rubbed Britt's back. She turned and buried her face into him as she followed his instructions. The day had been rough for her, between her emotions running haywire and her stomach, he knew she was miserable. "You can just stay here Lovely. You don't have to go."

"But I want to Dax. I just need this fucking nausea to quit." She groaned. "We're telling them all tonight. I can't keep hiding this shit and if I don't I'm going to kill either you or Toni." He couldn't help his chuckle earning the hit he got to his side.

"We can tell them all tonight Love. Think Jamie and Toni said something about a movie night with everyone so can just do it then." She nodded as she let out a breath. "Want anything Lovely?"

"This is all I want Dax." He relaxed back into the bed bringing her with him. As he looked at the clock he knew he was running late but also knew that Tony and their other bosses would understand. "You're gonna be late."

"It's fine Britt. I take ten minutes to get ready and don't need to stretch to take a beatdown." She nodded slowly at his words as she relaxed into him. "If you need a nap take one."

"I don't think it'll help." He nodded, his hand gently running along her back. Before she could relax any more there was banging at the door.

"Get up you wankers we need to go!" Jamie yelled through the door causing Britt to groan.

"Of course she's fucking late." She said as she peeled away from Dax. He looked at her and could tell she was still feeling the effects of the morning sickness. "Let's just get this over with Dax." He nodded before they both got out of the bed. "Jamie I swear to fucking god." Britt said as she opened the door. That was when she saw Toni and Jamie in front of her. "You fucking told her didn't you?" The words were directed at the blonde but Britt knew the answer when Jamie smashed into her lifting her up in the air as she squealed.

"Toni you're an ass." Dax commented before Britt was released and he was smashed into and lifted up just like his wife had been. "Put me the fuck down." Jamie hit him.

"You wanker you couldn't fucking tell me but you told her." Their eyes met and she knew what he was thinking. "I would've kept this secret." She stated.

"Sure you would've.... Like you kept my back a secret from him." Britt commented.

"That was different. He needed to know because you were being thick." Her arms crossed at Jamie's words.

"I wouldn't fight her...." Dax started quietly. "Her emotions are fucked." When Britt heard his last words a glare was shot at him. "Oi, Lovely don't glare at me. You were going to tell them all later anyway." Her glare turned to tears and quickly he moved around Jamie before his arms wrapped around her.

"I-I'm sorry." He chuckled.

"For what?" When Britt looked up at him he smiled.

"Lord yous are too cute could you fucking stop." They both chuckled at Toni's words before Britt shook her head. "Alright. Now that we've fucked around enough. Are yous ready or do you need a bit longer Britt?"

"I'm good. Just need my bag." Britt responded as Dax carefully separated from her and went to grab their bags. "I can...." He dodged her hand as she went to grab her bag. "Dax.... I'm not incapable of carrying a bag." She stated before she grabbed it from him. Dax stared at her for a moment before Jamie took it upon herself to take Britt's bag from her.

"We all know you aren't. But that doesn't mean we're going to let you."

Jamie and Britt were stood backstage watching as the show unfolded. Dax who was getting ready for his segment took a quick moment to go and see Britt. His arm wrapped around her pulling her into him as his hand stayed protectively along her stomach.

"Yous alright Lovely?" She nodded before her lips pressed to his jaw. "How much coffee has she had?" Jamie laughed at his question.

"A cup. I took the second one from her. I'll help you help her kill her caffeine addiction." Britt groaned. 

"You both are going to fucking kill me I swear." Dax chuckled as his lips pressed to her cheek.

"No we're not. Have some decaf if you want coffee." She glared at him for a moment. "It all tastes the fucking same. Don't give me that look."

"It fucking does not." His thumb moved along her stomach distracting her for a moment. She leaned back into him allowing him to press his lips to her cheek on more time.

"Don't get too comfortable I'm on next Lovely." A sigh escaped her lips. "Lean into Jamie. It would be the same except she's got tits." He could barely get out the last sentence before he burst into laughter as they both turned and hit him. "Alright, alright I'll see myself out...." Before he walked away, he quickly hugged Britt. "Love yous." Her lips pressed to his jaw.

"Love you too." He pulled away before walking off to where he needed to be.

"He's already using plurals huh?" Jamie quietly questioned with a smile along her lips. Britt chuckled as she nodded. "Bloody hell he's going to be an amazing dad." There was a smile along the other woman's lips as she nodded. "And you're going to be the best mum Britt."

"Jamie if you don't stop...." Jamie's arm gently wrapped around her.

"Sorry Love. I forget." Britt was silently fighting back tears as they went back to watching the show. "They're not writing him off are they?" She shook her head at Jamie's question as they watched Adam and Wardlow continue their assault on Dax.

"They're not suppo-...." Her breath caught in her throat as Dax was picked up by Wardlow and power bombed off the stage. The crowds booing filled backstage as Adam Cole and Wardlow celebrated. As Adam turned to go backstage he stopped though he was trying to stay in character the expression on his face said it all. "J-Jamie...." Toni who had been watching from another screen all but smashed into Britt and Jamie blocking the pregnant woman's view of the screen.

Thankfully their screen had been delayed more than the one that Toni was watching. Just as Jamie looked back at the screen she could see the camera pan to where Adam was looking and for a split second the audience was shown a heavily bloodied Dax who was being attended to by doctors.

"Bloody hell." Jamie couldn't help the words and just when Britt went to look the camera was cut.

"What the fuck happened...?!" Britt got out of both of their grasps and went to look between them. That was when Adam came up behind them.

"Britt...." Her head snapped towards him.

"What the fuck did you two idiots do?" She said as she looked between him and Wardlow who was sheepishly looking at her.

"I-I didn't mean it Britt...." Wardlow began as she glared at him. Toni got an arm around Britt and could feel her entire body shaking. "Everything was going to plan.... But I don't know if someone moved the fucking mat or what but.... He missed the mat and his heads split open Britt." Toni kept her up as her legs gave out.

"Oh you bloody idiot.... You don't tell...." Toni had to stop herself knowing the two men didn't know about Britt. "Is he going to hospital or are they fixing him here?" She quickly changed the topic to distract them.

"Think Doc said they were going to do it here." Jamie and Toni exchanged a glance before they quickly got Britt to the medical room.

"I'm fine Brittney." Dax said the second he saw her walk into the room. As the stapler went off all three women cringed while he was simply looking at Britt ignoring the pain.

"I swear to fucking god Dax." His eyes met hers.

"Look.... I heard power bomb and was okay with it.... I never heard the off the stage part. TK knows how I feel about this type of shit now." The last staple was placed after his last word causing him to silently curse. Once his head was bandaged he stood before carefully moving towards Britt. Dax's arms almost instantly wrapped around her. "I'm sorry Brittney." She looked up at him before instantly responding.

"Don't fucking do it again."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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