Sobering Up

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Britt grabbed Dax's shirt pulling him into her as they waited at the bar. While he had been teetering for nearly an hour she was still holding her alcohol well. His arm draped over her shoulder as he leaned into her.

"I love you." His lips pressed against her cheek before Toni butt in.

"Don't be stealing my woman Dax. She's talking with me!" He laughed at the blondes words.

"She's my woman thank you very much." Toni couldn't help her laugh as she saw Britt turn and give Dax a look. "Well fine.... Let me rephrase, she's my wife so fuck off." Both women couldn't help their laughs as they realized just how drunk Dax was.

"You're so bloody pissed. Don't think I've seen you this pissed since the day we turned eighteen." His eyebrow raised.

"I'm not bloody pissed." Toni simply laughed before Britt moved from under his arm sending him toppling into the blonde.

"What did you just say?" She commented as she straightened him up. His eyes rolled before she pushed on his chest causing him to teeter back into Britt who was laughing.

"Say what you just said again." A huff escaped his lips.

"Yous are dickheads." Britt flicked his ear. His lips sloppily pressed to her cheek before she pushed him away causing him to go toppling into Jamie.

"Bloody hell you're pissed." She said as she straightened him up.

"Am not." He stated.

"Wanna bet?" Just as he went to open his mouth Jamie let him go causing him to go tumbling to the floor right at Saraya's feet. "'Raya what do we think?"

"Oh he's absolutely gone." The two women got him up before they got him back by Britt at the bar.

"Nope you're having water." He groaned at his wife's words as she took the drink from his hands.

"Aren't we supposed to be celebrating?" Britt laughed as she got him to sit on one of the bar stools.

"We are supposed to be and you're supposed to remember it." She said into his ear as her arms wrapped around his neck taking advantage of the fact that for once he was at her height.

"I'll remember it." He said before she laughed and got him a water.

"Sure you will." He chuckled.

"I don't blackout Brittney. You know that." Her eyes rolled.

"Fine.... Then remember what I'm about to say tomorrow...." He nodded as he took a drink of the water. "I'm pregnant." He spit out the liquid causing her to burst into laughter.

"What the fuck did you say?" She laughed as she grabbed the glass she had been drinking out of. "Brittney.... What the fuck did you just say?" They eyes met and she could tell he had all but completely sobered up. "Brittney." He was staring at her.

"Britt, we need you." Anna Jay pulled her away and towards another part of the bar leaving Dax sitting there completely confused.

"Dax.... You good man?" Juice Robinson asked as his arm draped around his friends shoulder.

"I-I-I...." Dax stuttered. "B-B-Britt just...." Juice was staring at him.

"The fucks going on with him?" Jon Moxley questioned.

"I think Britt said something to him or something. I've got no fucking clue." Juice said before Jon smacked Dax on the back of his head snapping him out of his trance.

"What the fuck is up with you?" Jon was taken aback when Dax's eyes met his and there was pure fear in the green pair. "We need to find Britt." Without any hesitation Juice pushed his way through the crowded bar trying to find Britt.

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