Focus On Me

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Virginity. Or losing it more specifically. It was something that was a big deal for some, others not so much. It was also something that you wanted to get rid of recently. But even though you had told yourself that losing it or not wasn't a big deal, you still felt anxious about the whole ordeal.

You and Namjoon had been together for a while now, and whenever the topic of sex came up, when a makeout was on the brink of going further, you had always made it clear that you weren't ready yet. Namjoon, of course, was always so considerate. You knew that he had his share of sexual experience, so you were confident that you would be safe in his hands and - to be straightforward - he would make you feel good. By the heat that pooled generously inside you from the mere feel of his lips and his hands, you already knew that to be true. And now you were so ready to lose your virginity, most importantly to Namjoon, because you knew he was the one.

Of course, you being you, you might have read up about first times and knew not to expect much — it would be unlikely that you'd reach that euphoric climax that you'd see acted out on the silver screen. But you also told yourself to go in without expectations, you would probably be pleasantly surprised. Besides, this was Namjoon, of course you'll be surprised in some way.

However, you had to get over the first hurdle, which was telling him you were ready. Luckily, Namjoon was working from home a lot recently, but even so you didn't want to disturb him — although that could've been your way of stalling.

"Namjoon?" you timidly said after entering his studio.

He spun around in his chair and smiled upon seeing you. You were only in a baggy t-shirt of his with underwear on, the cool air conditioning freezing your legs.

"Hey baby," he replied in his deep and soothing voice which calmed the swarm of butterflies within you.

"Um, I need to tell you something," you said as you stood between his legs, his hands resting at the top of your thighs.

His eyebrows quirked in worry as he observed your nervous state, the way you hesitated to meet his eyes and the fidgeting of your fingers.

"What's wrong?" he said.

"I think I'm ready," you breathed out of relief for finally getting those words out.

"Ready?" he looked at you with a questioning gaze.

Looking him in the eyes for the first time that evening, widening them and tilting your head in hopes that it would help him answer his own question.

With no luck you mustered up some confidence to answer it instead.

"To...have sex," you mumbled out.

Namjoon raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "Well...okay," you noticed the way he smiled ecstatically, "now?" he asked.

"Unless you're busy," you quickly replied.

"No," he said quietly, shaking his head softly and smiling up at you.

"You seem more excited than I am," you giggled quietly, looking down at your fingers again, anything to shrug off the nerves.

"Is there anything you're particularly worried about?"

This is what you love about Namjoon — communication came so easy to him and he always encouraged you to communicate to the best of your abilities.

"That it will hurt," you chuckled, shrugging.

He nodded. "Well, there is something that can help, and I think you know too, don't think I haven't noticed you researching," he smirked.

You blushed before answering. "Foreplay?

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