The Getaway

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Namjoon looked through the rain speckled window of the moving car, the lights that shone in the deep night looking like stars, like driving through a constellation. Although the thought made him feel lonely, his focus drifting between the raindrops on the glass and the monochrome outside—who likes the idea of floating through space alone?

But he wasn’t alone. He looked to the figure beside him, the mottled light caused by the water swimming across the window made you look serene. 

In this intimidating and big world, he was at the top, wanting nothing but to be seen as another regular human. He was a lonely superstar looking for a getaway, and here you were…again, after many other meetings….looking for a private corner to indulge in your forbidden meetings. For you were someone he couldn’t have, married, bonded purely by paper and metal around your finger to someone else. But many times the both of you had temporarily run away for the sake of falling into each other, showing each other something no one will ever know, your love and lust a metaphor for supercavitation. Hot breaths and hushed moans painted colours across his closed eyelids, such was the colour-coded crime you committed in your car and on your street. After spending yourselves completely naked, you often laid on Namjoon’s chest and talked and it was those times that he forgot that you were a lover that another tried. It was those times that you fell in love with each other.

Like always, they sat in the back seat, the windows steamed up and the orange street light just a short distance away creating a discreet golden glow over their bodies. The sheen their skin was once decorated with was quickly overtaken by goosebumps as their body temperatures dropped, thanks to the winter evening. Namjoon was thinking—you had both taken this too far, and he wondered if you thought the same. He heard you hum and felt your palm rub a single circle across his bare chest then pull away to grab your jumper that sat on the front seat. He followed her actions before speaking up.

"Do you still see me as just a getaway?"

That had been eating away at him for days now, and apparently you too as he saw the familiar uncertainty in your eyes.

"Do you?" you asked, your voice a mere whisper. You were never that quiet when you were with him.

His dragon eyes stared at yours, but they held a curve of sincerity that was never really evident when you were writhing under him.

"I'm falling for you," he finally said, the space inside your chest feeling fuller. "Actually I think I fell for you the minute we started all this," he said, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

Even though the corners of your lips tugged upwards, you sighed, and his own smile sunk at that.

"I don't think it would work out," you replied, "it will be hard to maintain with your career."

"Harder than a secret affair," he shot back with a raised eyebrow, a charming habit of his that had your stomach twisting in apprehension.

A bitter and breathy laugh left your mouth. "Touche."

He watched you tuck a haphazard strand of hair back, revealing your jawline, and his eyes followed it down to the curvature of your neck. And it was then he thought that if he couldn't see the exact same image in his bed with the morning sun highlighting your figure rather than the mysterious street light, then he couldn't continue this arrangement you both had.

"Baby," he started, the pet name captivating your attached heart, "I want this to work. I don't think I can live without at least experiencing a relationship with you," he shook his head.

"I'm married," you feebly countered.

"Not here," he said, a smug smirk appearing as he leaned close. "You've never worn your wedding ring inside this car," his voice was deep, and his nose nudged your sensitive earlobe.

He enveloped your waist and chuckled as you shuddered at the intimate action, your cheeks heating up again.

"Do you love him?"

"No," you answered immediately, shaking your head.

He shrugged. "Enough said."

You huffed through your nose, looking at him with pursed lips. "It's not that easy," the thought alone had you collapsing into the familiar warmth of his body, your head leaning on his shoulder.

"Nothing you ever want is easy, but it's worth the hard work, right?"

You smiled. He was always a man of wise words. Lifting your head up, his eyes immediately looking into your own, you made your decision.

"Let's do it."

It was as if he deflated from the relief, a breathtaking smile adorning his smooth features. You secured your promise with a gentle kiss, his lips now slightly cold. He cupped your jaw before you could fully pull away, his glittering irises looking into your own with a more innocent love.

"I'll be with you every step of the way."

You hummed, acknowledging his words that spoke of hardships. But you held onto his own words—it will be worth the hard work.

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