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It had been a long day for you, which made you sad because it meant that you had missed most of Namjoon's birthday. He kept telling you he didn't mind, telling you that you could spend the next day together instead. But you were still downcast. You didn't have time to bake a cake either, so on your way back from work, you picked up two of the most sugary muffins for your sweet-toothed boyfriend from a cafe you passed by.

As you had arrived back, the smell of home greeted you. The quietness of the apartment comforted you but had you wondering where your boyfriend was. Your heavy and tired feet padded around, walking past Namjoon's growing collection of bonsai plants, the sight always making you smile– your big friendly and clumsy man was so delicate with his love of plants and nature.

Turns out he was already in bed asleep. The thick duvet tussled around his big body like a cloud looked so inviting, so did Namjoon's bare skin against the cotton sheets, you wanted to snuggle by his side. So you started to strip off your work clothes, looking for a big t-shirt to put on. Your eyes caught Namjoon's bedside table, the lamp was still on and his phone was placed beside it. He was trying to stay up for you, the thought making giggle endearingly. The sound had woken up Namjoon, his head picking up from the pillow, smiling at you with his eyes only half open.

"Hey baby," he said, his voice deep pulling you into a further state of tiredness.

"Hey," you hummed, crawling onto the bed and burying under the quilt.

Now, getting into bed after a long day is amazing, but it's nothing compared to getting into a bed that's already warm.

You let out a long breath of relief as you relaxed into Namjoon's side, your body relishing the warmth of the bedsheets. Namjoon's arm made quick work of cocooning you, as you breathed in the musk of cotton and the subtle smell of your boyfriend's mint body wash. You sighed again, slowly sliding your hand across his toned torso, his skin erupting in goosebumps from your cold palm. The coolness had him holding you a bit tighter.

"How was work?" his soothing timbre broke through the quiet.

"Mm, let's not."

He laughed at your response, placing his lips on your forehead once.

"Oh," you started, picking your head up, "I bought some cakes,  I left them in the kitchen." You had already started to get out of bed.

"No, stay," Namjoon whined, pulling you back to him. Your eyelids were already becoming droopy with an awaiting sleep. "You were just starting to get warm."

"But the cakes," you whined back.

"We'll eat them tomorrow, silly," he quickly interjected, encasing his arms around you and placing one of his legs over you, trapping you...successfully.

You laughed at the persistent grip he had on you, easily persuaded.

Eventually, Namjoon had rolled onto his back, one arm still outstretched and laying under your head. Your gazes were stuck on each other. You wondered how someone could look so cuddly and delicious at the same time, although it was evident from the caramel melanin of his skin, the short fuzz of his manicured body hair, his sandy-coloured hair falling messily over his forehead and beautiful dark dragon eyes, and just generally his strong body. The sight pulled a smile on your face and pulled you closer to him again, such was the irresistible magnetism of Kim Namjoon.

"I love you," you whispered, nuzzling your nose with his button nose–how could you forget the button nose?

"I love you too, baby," he whispered back, kissing you slowly and softly–how could you forget those lips?

"Happy birthday my love," you settled your head on his chest.

"Yeah, one year older."

"Ah," you looked into his eyes again, pointing a finger at him, "one more year of celebrating your amazing existence," you said firmly, raising a challenging brow.

He smirked. You always fought back at any sign of low esteem, he loved it.

"Okay," he laughed lightly.

Settling down again and closing your eyes, you smiled into Namjoon's skin. "Trust me on this, bro."

You felt his chest rumble with laughter again.

"Did you just 'bro' me?"

"Yes I did," you giggled. "Let's sleep," you wrapped yourself closer, "I love you."

He whispered back the same three words, already close to dozing off. It wasn't long until you both fell into a comfortable sleep, easily feeling safe under the duvet and beside the other.

Kim Namjoon Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें