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Paranoia. It could not only ruin yourself but also the relationships with the people around you.

Married life with Namjoon had turned bland. Love was no longer present, it felt like you were partnered with a stranger.

A chat with your happily married friends and you had been told that you were insecure and paranoid. Yes, of course you were insecure. Why had Namjoon fallen out of love with you? But paranoid? No. Why would you be paranoid when you knew exactly what he was doing? Or who he was doing?

Several times you had found subtle lipstick stains on his white shirts, and he had quite the collection of hotel cards in his clean, professional blazer, names and room numbers scrawled on them with only dirty intentions. Every night he would say he was going to a meeting and you wouldn’t see him until the next morning.

So, no, you weren’t paranoid. Part of you was desperate to relight the spark. Part of you wanted him to come clean and be over with this unloving relationship..


Namjoon had walked out the bedroom mumbling something about going to work, disinterested in you.

The next morning had rolled around and you had in mind to woo your husband. You were nervous. On one hand it could end well with you both reconciling, but on the other it could determine that he really was done with this relationship and you were slightly afraid of that outcome. You had worn a silky robe, tying it so the curve of your waist was on show.

"Namjoon," you softly called out.

You heard him sigh, disheartening you a little, but your feet still walked up to him. There was no indescribable sparkle in his eyes, no soft, in love, tug on his lips. In fact, you could sense a sour distaste in his expression. With firm determination you grasped his shoulders and pressed your lips on his. 

But it felt foreign. 

This wasn’t the man you knew. It had been so long since you were so close to Namjoon’s body but you didn’t blush like you did before. And when his hands roughly pushed you off him, there was no warmth, you felt cold rejection.

"I’ve got to go," he muttered, rushing out the door.

You bit your tongue, your fingers coming up to touch your lips that felt stained with betrayal.


He still thought you had no idea about his late night fooling around. So you were going to surprise him, incognito, at the hotel he frequently visited - De Proditione was the name that was printed on the several hotel cards that he'd harboured like trophies. 

In the evening, you searched for the most scandalous outfit you had. If Namjoon had remembered the nights you both spent together, hot and intertwined underneath the sheets purely because of this outfit, he probably would have stayed with you instead of indulging in other women. The black lingerie paired with a corset cased your body perfectly and finishing the outfit with stockings and heels had you looking like a seductress, and in a way you were going to be one tonight. For your incognito appearance you placed on a dark red shoulder-length wig that shaped your face in a different way and decorated your face with dark but not heavy makeup — not that he would recognise you anyway. If he felt like a stranger to you, then you were most definitely a stranger to him too. Concealing your provocative clothing with a trench coat, you walked out of your home ready for business.

The hotel was extremely posh, the warm lighting inside made the interior look like it was bathed in gold. Before going in, you made a point of taking off your wedding ring. Although you had no idea if Namjoon himself had spent nights with other married women, or if he bothered to take his ring off at all when he fooled around, you couldn’t risk your disguise. Walking inside, you spotted the man in question sitting at the bar, leisurely sipping his alcohol. His cocky demeanour had you burning with anger. So this is how he picked his play for the night, waiting for women to flock his way. Well, you were going to ruin his fun tonight. You walked up to his side, not too close as you were worried that he might clock onto who you were, and spoke as sultrily as you could.

"Are you alone tonight?"

His head shot to the side, his eyes immediately raking over your figure. Even though the trench coat had hidden most of you, the collar had done no justice in covering your collarbone and most of your chest, the tops of your breasts visible to him. He smirked as he suspected that there was something that you were hiding, and boy, was he right.

"For now," he smiled a tiger’s smile and pulled out the stool next to him. "I’ve never seen you around here," he said as you sat next to him. 

You internally rolled your eyes, how many times had he used that line.

"Is that what you say to all the women you meet?" you replied, raising a brow and facing him completely.

He chuckled a dark, sexy chuckle, one that you hadn’t heard in years, it had you turning away to compose yourself for a second. "In fact yes, and they all reply with what you said, interestingly," he said before taking another sip of his bitter drink, his eyes practically undressing you.

You decided to move it along, almost feeling sick from his eyes that were dripping with pure lust, not for the person, but for the body.

"And how long do you usually speak to them before…the main event," with your foot still on the floor, you stretched your leg out in a way that the whole length of it peaked through the opening of your coat, the thick fabric slipping past the tops of your stockings and straps to your garter belt.

Namjoon licked his bottom lip as his gaze swept over our leg.

"Alright," he muttered, swiftly standing up, leaving a tip by his drink.

You stood up, ready to follow him but his hand guided you by the small of your back instead.


The ride up in the elevator was suffocating as Namjoon stuck right by your side, his hands grasping at your waist. Keeping the facade up was getting difficult especially when he dipped his head to your neck, whispering lewd words. You couldn’t stop the discouraging and soul-crushing thought that he truly didn’t know who you were. But you faked flirty giggles and sighs, playing the part.

And as soon as you were in a hotel room his lips were on yours, feverishly. Yeah, he wanted you now — a stranger to him. You pushed his chest and he pulled away.

“I need you,” he growled in desperate dominance.

You held a finger up, telling him to wait. Taking slow steps back, you unbuttoned your trench coat as he watched, his stare intense, impatient and aroused. Soon the item of clothing dropped to the floor, the sight of your outfit making Namjoon breath deeper and irregularly.

You sighed. “Really Namjoon?”

His breathing halted, a questioning expression. “What?”

“Oh dear, for someone that’s as smart as you, you can be very gullible,” you scoffed, walking towards a mirror in the luxurious room.

Your hand reached your wig taking it off, your other hand going through your slightly tangled locks.

“Recognise me now?” you asked, facing him again, a bizarre feeling of calm anger overcoming you.

“Y/n?” his eyes widened in shock, blinking profusely, it was an amusing sight.

But this revelation was upsetting, he really didn’t know you.

“When were you going to tell me, Namjoon?” you inquired while tilting your head.

He lowered his head. “I’m sorry,” was all he could say, but by the gruff force of his voice, you could tell that he was lying.

“No you’re not,” your voice was firm and venomous. “But what you are is a coward.”

While you spoke, his eyes meandered, scanning everything but you. You picked up your coat, gladly welcoming the coverage now.

You looked up at Namjoon again, your eyes half-lidded with anger. “Goodnight Namjoon,” you bid as you walked past him to the door.

It wasn’t until you spoke again that you felt satisfaction. “The next time you see me will be with my lawyer.”

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