10: Don't Wanna Know Where You Go When You're All Alone

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They took the blonde's motorcycle and drove until sunrise started. Blondie parked in a good spot and as they ate leftovers from the restaurant, she drew this morning's sunrise.

It was as if the blue in the sky was replaced with shades of purple, and as you looked further away from the sun, the sky would return back to haneul blue as would the light clouds return to white. But closer to the rising sun, the clouds were spread and fluffy, looking like poofy tutus. The base of the clouds was a deep violet, then, like a gradient, it would fade into a light blush as it got closer to the top.

Relays of clouds went down the sky, rising with the sun.

With the few supplies she decided to burn with her, Blondie drew the changing sky from the set of picnic tables they found on the side of the road. They sat on the table rather than the attached bench, eating, talking, Lia watched her draw. Lia always envied those who could draw well.

"What was the worst thing your parents did to you?" Blondie asked, they agreed to not be too shy to ask and answer any questions.

"By themselves, my mom hit me across the head with a glass bottle, I had to get 6 stitches on the back of my head. She would also lock me in our garage when I cried as a child. Sometimes her closet. My step-dad... we have a room for me to practice in our house, he would lock me inside until I perfected all of my numbers. One time, my one day off for ballet, he left me in there from morning to night without food or a bathroom. He just gave me water, and I had to pee in the empty bottles. That and he molested me, my mother didn't care either."

Blondie paused her drawing to listen to her partner, her heart sinking further and further. She understood everything Lia did, and everything she tried doing.

"I think killing them was the right thing to do." Blondie wrapped her arm around Lia, continuing to draw peacefully.

"Thank you... what about your girlfriend?"

Blondie sighed, "We'll call her Buttface. The worst thing she did to me... she threatened me to call in for work for a "family emergency" after she beat me so bad one night. I remember believing I was in my final moments. We owned a house together, so neighbors never heard anything. I couldn't tell you how many times she hit me, kicked me, rammed my head into the wall, threw me into furniture. And then after it, she aided me, we had sex and I went back to thinking she loved me. I was gone from society for two weeks before the wounds looked good enough to blame on a traveling accident.

It was all because I told her that I was worried about how much alcohol she was consuming and it was my birthday and wanted to do something that didn't involve drinking. She was sober when she did it too. She would always abuse me and then pamper me after, as if that made up for any of it."

"Was it really sex?"

"What do you mean?"

"Was it sex, or was it coerced consent?" Lia was well aware of how people like to sugarcoat the horrors they go through. They always wonder how one person can commit so many crimes in one single night, in one single string of events. Blondie went silent in defeat, and Lia nodded in understanding. "It's hard to tell the story, isn't it? Just makes you realize just how many horrible things have happened to you. And even though it happened to you, you still feel bad about listing so many things... I know how you feel."

They both wondered what was hidden under each other's clothes. Blood and bruises. They're two damaged, angry women who wanted justice for themselves. Is that so wrong?

"I couldn't imagine anyone ever wanting to hurt you." Lia whispered, her eyes watering at the fact that the world brought this bright light to a dull place broken, unrepairable light bulbs. She played with Blondie's colorful tips.

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